
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

author:Love Guangrao

On July 1, we ushered in the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and all walks of life in our county carefully planned and held various forms of celebrations to celebrate the party's birthday with full enthusiasm and high respect, and express deep love and blessings for the party.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On the evening of June 28, Guangrao Street held a theme theatrical performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. With the theme of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party, Forge Ahead with the Banner", the performance presented to the party's birthday by reciting red classics, singing red songs, and reproducing red stories!

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On June 28, the party branch of the students of the second in-service training course of "innovation and hard work and striving for first-class" for civil servants in the county and the party branch of the party school of the Guangrao County Party Committee jointly held the art party class of "Celebrating July 1st, Feeling the Party's Grace, Celebrating the Party's Feelings, and Strict Party Discipline". Through chorus, poetry recitation, melodrama and other forms, the activity will run through the party spirit education and lead everyone to relive the glorious history of the party.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On June 28, Li Quezhen held the 2024 "50 Years of Glory in the Party" Medal Awarding Ceremony and the "Concentric Ode to the Party and Forge Ahead in the New Era" to celebrate the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance. During the event, 8 representatives of old party members were awarded commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the party".

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On June 27, Daozhuang Town held the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal awarding and celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, "Always follow the party and build a new journey of dreams" chorus performance, expressing the incomparable love for the party, the motherland and the hometown with the most beautiful singing.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The County Market Supervision Bureau held a cultural performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the Guangrao County Market Supervision Bureau's "Don't forget the original intention to follow the party and write a new chapter of the city supervision", showing the demeanor and spiritual outlook of the market regulator through a variety of programs.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On June 28, Guangrao Economic Development Zone and Le'an Street held a chorus of red songs to celebrate "July 1st". The party kicked off with the chorus "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", and nine teams from Guangrao Economic Development Zone and Le'an Street took turns to sing songs such as "Defending the Yellow River", "China in the Lights", and "Singing the Motherland", which further stimulated the love of the party and community residents of the majority of party members and cadres and community residents.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"
Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

On July 1, the Guangrao County Public Security Bureau held a grand flag-raising ceremony. Subsequently, all party members and police officers faced the party flag, solemnly swore an oath, and made a solemn oath of loyalty to the party, the country, the people, and the law with a high-spirited and high-pitched voice. During the event, the "two excellent and one first" party members and police officers were also commended, and they were encouraged to strengthen their ideals and beliefs under the leadership of the party, always maintain their original mission, continue to actively participate in their work, and make greater contributions to the construction of a safe city.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

The Fuqian Community of Guangrao Street held a celebration of July 1st with the theme of "Glorious History, Reflecting the Original Heart, Working Together to Create Glory", showing the deep feelings and patriotic enthusiasm of community party members and residents for the party.

Guangrao: Colorful activities to celebrate "July 1st"

Guangrao County Experimental Kindergarten carried out the theme activity of "Party and Caucus Join Hands to Sing Red Songs and Praise the Party's Grace" to celebrate July 1st. All party members and teachers faced the party flag, reviewed the oath of joining the party, poetry recitation, song performances and other programs were staged in turn, with sonorous voices, loud singing, and affectionate performances, expressing their infinite love for the party and the motherland.

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