
Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

author:Shanghai Fengxian

There is a photographer in Haishu Community, a bay tourist area, who used his lens to freeze the moment for the old party members with more than 50 years of party experience on the occasion of the "July 1st" party founding day. Accompanied by party members and volunteers from the Haishu community, photographer Zhang Jijun braved the heavy rain, brought a camera and full of enthusiasm into their homes and carried out a public welfare photography action on the eve of July 1st.

On June 25th, Zhang Jijun, a cadre of the Haishu Community Neighborhood Committee and a volunteer of community party members and a photographer in the Haishu Community Neighborhood Committee of the Bay Tourism Area, knocked on the doors of old party members and came to their homes to carry out a public welfare photography action called "Paying Tribute to the Years and Remembering the Original Heart".

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Tian Ye Party age 64 years photo by Zhang Jijun

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Qi Jinghai has a party age of 65 years and is photographed by Zhang Jijun

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Hua Renshou has a party age of 63 years and is photographed by Zhang Jijun

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Chen Aizhen, Yiyoulong and his wife, with a party age of 52 years, Zhang Jijun photographed

The veteran party members were dressed plainly but neatly, and they looked in good spirits when they wore medals. Photographers captured their expressions and stories with their faces, smiles of satisfaction and pride on their faces, and a determined glint in their eyes that will become eternal memories.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Photo by Tian Ye and his wife Sun Changming and Zhang Jijun

The 91-year-old Tian Ye has been carefully cared for by his wife, Sun Changming, because of an eye injury when he was in the army, but they have not been photographed together for so many years.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Photo by Shen Rongkui and Zhang Jijun

The oldest was 95-year-old Shen Rongkui, who participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea from 1951 to 1954. "I have shed blood and contributed to my country in those years, and I am proud and proud of that," he said. But Grandpa Shen couldn't even take a photo of his life.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Zhang Jijun's Humanistic Photography Works (Partial)

Zhang Jijun, 65, is a member of the Chinese Photographers Association and has been engaged in public welfare photography since 2010. Over the years, he has crossed mountains and mountains, entered villages and households, and traveled all over the country, recording more than tens of thousands of smiling faces with his camera, and also freezing more than tens of thousands of happy moments. Many of the first photos of rural elderly and children were taken by him. After retiring, he returned to his hometown of Fengxian and resumed his hobby of photography, focusing his lens on the elderly in the community, and has now taken free photos for more than 300 veterans.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

As one of the initiators of this public welfare photography activity, Zhang Jijun said that most of the elderly groups in the community are out of touch with the current Internet age, they do not have cameras, computers, smartphones, etc., and even have no telephones......

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Zhang Jijun, who is also a party member himself, heard the old party members excitedly say: "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, and without New China, we would not have the happy life we have today." Zhang Jijun deeply felt that the words of the old party members deeply touched and inspired the younger generation, and he also hoped that through such photos, the younger generation could be inspired to cherish the current peace and tranquility more.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Today, these old party members are basically living a poor and ordinary life, and the traces of time have not erased the firmness and persistence in his heart. In front of the photographer's lens, they found that glory again.

Paying tribute to the years, Fengxian, a 65-year-old community photographer, turned his lens on the → of these old party members

Photographer Zhang Jijun (right)

Chen Wei, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Haishu Community, said that public welfare photography is a very meaningful thing, and the follow-up community will further deepen and refine public welfare activities to benefit more elderly people. "We hope that through this charity photography action, the old party members can feel the care and respect of the community, and also let the younger generation have a deeper understanding of history, inherit their spiritual strength, and inspire us to continue to move forward in the new era!"

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