
What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

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Since its launch in March 2023, the national pilot project for rural collective management construction land has achieved phased results, and 35 pilot areas have been selected as typical demonstration cases. Among them, there are 13 categories of standardized and smooth market entry procedures, 12 categories of scientific and sustainable income distribution, and 10 categories of effective guidance of land use subjects.

Since the launch of the pilot, all localities have further promoted the consolidation of rural collective land, revitalized the idle stock of construction land, and prioritized it to support rural revitalization and the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas. In this process, we have explored and established a trading rules and service supervision system for the collective management construction land market, formed a series of institutional achievements in the management of market entry and income distribution, promoted the construction of a unified urban and rural construction land market, enhanced the ability to guarantee land for rural industrial development, and increased the property income of rural collective economic organizations and farmers. It is of great practical significance to summarize and promote the typical experience of 35 pilot areas to further deepen the work of bringing rural collective management construction land into the market.

Keywords: #农村集体经营性建设用地入市# #试点经验#

What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

Number of words: 5600 words

Reading time: about 14 minutes

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the unbalanced and uncoordinated development of urban and rural areas is a prominent contradiction in China's economic and social development, and a major problem that must be solved to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and accelerate socialist modernization." "The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further emphasized the need to promote the integration of factors and the reform of the rural land system, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization. As an important starting point for the construction of urban-rural integrated development system, the entry of rural collective management construction land into the market has always been placed in a key position in the reform. Adhere to the priority development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integrated development of urban and rural areas, and smooth the flow of urban and rural factors. In September 2022, the 27th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and adopted the "Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Pilot Work of Rural Collective Operational Construction Land Entering the Market", emphasizing that under the premise of complying with planning, use control and lawful acquisition, rural collective operational construction land and state-owned construction land should be promoted to enter the market on the same basis, with the same rights and the same price. To this end, the Ministry of Natural Resources issued the "Pilot Work Plan for Deepening the Entry of Rural Collective Management Construction Land into the Market" to deploy specific pilot work into the market. Since the launch of the pilot work, a total of 719 cases of rural collective management construction land have been completed in the pilot areas across the country, with a land area of 13,138.76 mu, a transaction amount of 18.52 billion yuan, and a value-added income adjustment fund of 2.298 billion yuan. From a practical point of view, the entry of rural collective management construction land into the market is not only conducive to strengthening rural collective economic organizations and enlivening rural resource elements, but also provides land support for the development of rural industries and returning to their hometowns for entrepreneurship and innovation, and also provides a supplement to the land security for urban construction projects and alleviates the relatively tight situation of some urban land.

Improve the system and standardize the procedures for entering the market

"Planning first, clear ownership, democratic decision-making, diversified market entry methods, and reasonable distribution of income", the pilot areas continue to explore, improve the institutional system, standardize the market entry procedures, and lay a solid foundation for the rural collective management construction land to enter the market.

Wei County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, adheres to the principle of promoting procedural norms through system construction, and establishes a "1+6" supporting system system, that is, one pilot management method and five interim regulatory documents and opinions on the disposal of historical issues, such as "transfer of use rights", "adjustment of land value-added income", "income distribution", "development and utilization supervision" and "mortgage of use rights", to ensure the institutionalization and standardization of the pilot project.

Through the pilot work, Xi'an District, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, has explored the transaction mechanism of the whole process and all factors of entering the market, taking into account the distribution mechanism of land value-added income of the state, collectives and individuals, and achieved the goal of breaking the bottleneck of project land, increasing the premium and appreciation of village collective assets, increasing the income of local governments, increasing the tax revenue of the tax department, and worry-free and full development of enterprises, stimulating the investment enthusiasm of foreign enterprises, promoting the accelerated development of the rural economy, and establishing the same rights and the same price in order to accelerate the establishment of a unified urban and rural construction land market, smooth circulation, revenue sharing of the market mode to contribute.

Entering the market for rural collective management construction land is also an effective way to revitalize the stock of land. In order to promote the revitalization of this land, the Shouxian Town Government included the parcel in the village planning plan after considering factors such as land use, industrial development and ecological protection, and adjusted the land use from public management and public service land to industrial land according to the work requirements of "multi-plan integration". After the entry of rural collective construction land into the market, Feng County established a practical trading rules and service supervision system for rural collective management construction land, completed the listing and transfer of the industrial land, and realized the "double certificate" of the first batch of rural collective management construction land into the market.

What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

Renderings of the planning and design scheme of the proposed project of rural collective management construction land in Feng County, Jiangsu Province.

Courtesy of Feng County Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

It is worth mentioning that in order to realize the different uses of rural collective management construction land to enter the market, Feng County is guided by the effective connection between rural industrial integration and land spatial planning, combined with the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries and the requirements of rural collective management construction land into the market, and conducts full investigation and research on the corn collection and storage primary processing project (industrial land) in Shouxian Town, as well as the Erba Wetland Tourism Service Supporting Facilities Project (commercial land) in Dashahe Town. The first batch of two transactions of rural collective management construction land for different purposes were organized.

The entry into the market of the first two rural collective management construction land in Feng County has opened up a new path for activating rural land resource elements, improving village collective economic income, and increasing villagers' jobs. At the same time, on the premise of ensuring that village collectives enjoy full independent choice, we should promote the transformation of rural "sleeping resources" into "high-quality assets", and promote the stock of collective management construction land to give priority to supporting the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

In order to ensure that villagers and grassroots cadres can understand, the main body of the market is easy to operate, and the trading platform can be implemented, Gulin County, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province has established 10 procedures for entering the market, such as "submitting an application for entering the market, issuing planning conditions, preparing a plan for entering the market, carrying out democratic decision-making, checking the market, organizing the transaction of entering the market, confirming the transaction transaction, signing a written contract, paying the transfer price, and handling the registration of real estate", so as to promote the institutionalization, standardization and process of the entry procedure.

In the pilot work of entering the market, Gulin County has improved the market entry transaction system, and created a fair and just market entry environment by improving the system of market entry application, program preparation, and democratic decision-making; Construct a unified land price system, trading platform, trading rules, and intermediary market with state-owned construction land, and promote the construction of a unified urban and rural construction land market; By standardizing and clarifying the process of land transactions, the standardization and institutionalization of market transactions are realized; Establish a four-party supervision system for market entities, land-using enterprises, county governments, and townships (streets) to promote the efficient use of land by land-using entities.

Explore innovation, scientific and sustainable income distribution

It is necessary to closely follow the main line of the development of the village collective economy and the increase of peasants' income, improve the internal distribution mechanism of the income of peasant collectives into the market, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of rural collective economic organizations and their members. Huadian City, Jilin City, Jilin Province, took the pilot project as an opportunity to explore a new model of land guarantee for the integration of three industries in modern agriculture, which met the development needs of enterprises for production outside the village, local processing and marketing in the village. After 1 commercial land in Xinzheng Village, Huadian City entered the market, it mainly built an e-commerce sales base for agricultural products. Relying on the cooperation between Jilin Xiaojiaotou Ginseng Planting Professional Cooperative and the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Jilin University of Agricultural Science and Technology, the village has established an industry-university-research technical cooperation base to carry out in-depth development and processing of Changbai Mountain's characteristic products, and use the existing mature online sales channels and experience to expand market share and increase the market value of products. Huadian City makes good use of value-added income and explores three ways of income distribution for sustainable growth. Properly handle the relationship between the near and the long-term, explore the construction of the "capital pool" operation model, strengthen the economic capacity building of rural collective economic organizations, use no less than 30% of the collective part of the value-added income for the establishment of a rolling growth of the "capital pool", actively coordinate the agricultural and rural areas, financial departments to study the withdrawal, use and distribution of public welfare funds, collective economic organizations from the net income to retain a certain proportion of funds, in the form of purchase of circulation land, investment, shares, etc., to reinvest, to obtain long-term stable income, for the development of production, Strengthen the village collective economy. At the same time, Huadian City properly handles the relationship between the state and the collective, and sets aside a certain proportion of funds to make up for the loss risk of the "capital pool" of the village collective economic organization to expand reproduction in terms of the scope and use of the land value-added income adjustment fund. Properly handle the relationship between the collective and the individual, continue to invest the part of the residual income outside the "capital pool" into the collective economy in the form of "converted shares", transform it into a share of operating assets, and distribute it to the collective economic organization in the form of share capital, and distribute the year-end income according to the share held. Since the launch of the pilot work, Luotian County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, has always taken safeguarding the interests of farmers as the starting point, so that the people can share the fruits of development. From the point of view of immediate income, most of the income from entering the market is directly distributed to farmers and village collectives, and the cash money is recorded in the accounts, which strengthens the economic foundation for rural and agricultural development. From the perspective of sustainable development, the market entry adjustment fund will be used for urban and rural infrastructure construction and environmental remediation, etc., to feed back to rural areas; After the completion of the project, it will bring employment and entrepreneurial opportunities to the local people, and farmers and village collectives will have money, which will effectively promote rural construction and industrial development.

What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

Luotian County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province, Rural Collective Management Construction Land Sanlijia Town Rural Revitalization Animal Husbandry Breeding Base Project. In the process of promoting the work of entering the city, Luotian County took "the same price in the same place, the same power and the same responsibility" as the starting point, compared the cost and income of rural collective operating construction land, and combined with the market situation of collective land in Luotian County, determined the collection of adjustment funds according to categories, and differentiated the implementation of the distribution of income from entering the market within the collective. In order to ensure that the proportion of land value-added income sharing between farmers and collectives in the market and land expropriation is roughly the same, and that the income of collective economic organizations and their members from land entry into the market for different purposes is basically balanced, Beiliu City, Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has explored and formulated a differentiated collection system for land value-added income adjustment funds, formulated a income distribution method that takes into account the state, collectives and individuals, and pioneered the "readjustment fund" and "comprehensive supporting cost area price", improved the land value-added income distribution mechanism, and realized the farmers, The collective's income from market entry and land expropriation is roughly the same. Longxi County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, in accordance with the reality that the collective economic organizations in Longxi County are still in "one poor and two white", when clarifying the internal distribution of collectives, the retained profits shall not be less than 60% of the profits. In the process of entering the pilot market, Longxi County in accordance with the idea of "the state appropriately takes enough adjustment funds, the collective reasonably takes enough income, and the farmers appropriately share the dividends" and "the distribution system between national collectives and the principle of distribution between collectives and individuals", guided by the theory of land rent and location, gives priority to protecting the rights and interests of the original land use right holders, distinguishes land location and different uses, and forms a "one proportion, three regions, two uses" land value-added income adjustment fund collection standard.

Adapt measures to local conditions and effectively guide the main body of land use

The entry into the market of rural collective management construction land involves the interests of farmers, collectives, enterprises and other aspects, and whether it can effectively guide all parties to participate in the entry of agricultural land into the market is the key to the smooth progress of the pilot work of entering the market.

In order to steadily and solidly promote the pilot work of entering the market, Wengniute Banner of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, strengthened the early intervention and guidance, made full use of the festival nodes, publicized the policy of entering the market for rural collective operating construction land, and carried out publicity and mobilization in the villages to which it belongs, focusing on the main body of the market, the way to enter the market, the procedures for entering the market, the way to enter the market, and the management of income, so as to dispel the concerns of the villagers, and realize the transformation from the passive promotion of the government to the active door-to-door of farmers, and the transformation from worrying about land loss to supporting the implementation of projects. Stimulate the endogenous motivation of village collectives and farmers.

At the same time, the Natural Resources Bureau of Wengniute Banner and the local government took the initiative to connect with enterprises and help enterprises to select project sites according to factors such as village planning, enterprise appeals, capital investment, and transportation convenience. The bureau will explain to enterprises the land value, real estate registration and issuance, and mortgage transfer in the later stage, so that enterprises have no worries and guide enterprises to use rural collective construction land.

Qingyuan County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, takes the optimization of the business environment as the starting point, and gathers the power of the development of the pilot work with the excellence of the business environment. In order to enhance investor confidence and guide social capital to invest in rural areas, Qingyuan County combined the pilot site with the micro-reform of optimizing the business environment, and tried the micro-reform of "issuing a certificate when acquiring the land" and "granting credit when the certificate is delivered" for the first plot, so that investors can quickly carry out financing, reduce the financial pressure of project construction, and effectively guarantee the landing of the industry.

What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

Qingyuan County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, the first rural collective management construction land "land delivery that is credit" certificate awarding site. Photo by Chen Yan

Qingyuan County focuses on the "pilot project of service entering the market", coordinates the resources and strength of government services, investment enterprises, banks and village collectives, and forms a four-party linkage pattern of "government, enterprise, bank and agriculture". The government's examination department and the township (street) of the land plot to be entered into the city will send service commissioners to provide housekeeper services for the whole process of follow-up, from the start of the pilot to the successful implementation of the pilot, seamlessly connect with the village collectives and investors, follow up the whole process, take the initiative to provide services, and promote the implementation of rural investment projects "worry-free".

At the same time, Qingyuan County has established a mechanism of "parallel review + tolerance and deficiency handling", involving departments from "relay running" to "running side by side", combining land use planning and land use approval, and pre-setting the cadastral survey of real estate registration to the period of land listing, through the whole chain and whole process reengineering, to achieve "zero time difference" in land delivery and certification, and greatly reduce the time, manpower and capital costs invested by enterprises. At the same time, through the "government-bank cooperation", the county has created a "green channel" for enterprise credit, and advanced the overall time limit for bank credit by more than 90 days.

In order to effectively promote the pilot work, Banan District of Chongqing Municipality has played a set of "combination punches" of thorough screening, system improvement, policy publicity, investment promotion and service guarantee.

The annual tourist reception capacity of Yinglong Gorge Scenic Area in Banan District reaches 5 million, and the huge number of tourists makes the area have the problem of insufficient reception capacity, and it is urgent to deploy relevant industrial land to ensure market demand. To this end, Banan District carried out a thorough survey of the stock of rural collective construction land in the whole district and established a database of stock land. After screening, the rural revitalization project of Yinglong Village, Nanquan Street, meets the requirements of the first batch of projects to enter the market.

Banan District has strengthened the construction of the system, successively issued a series of institutional documents such as the implementation plan for entering the market, the preparation of practical village planning, the collection and use of adjustment funds, and the distribution of income from entering the market, and organized all towns, streets, and villages in the district to carry out training on entering the market, preaching the policy of entering the market to enterprises, and interpreting the relevant provisions of the pilot project for entering the market. Through policy interpretation, the main body of land use should realize that the rural collective management construction land obtained in accordance with the law enjoys the same legal protection as the state-owned construction land, so that enterprises can dispel their concerns. Banan District has strengthened investment promotion and fully manifested the value of land, and the land-using entities realized that the market-going land in Yinglong Village had good industrial development prospects and expected benefits, and at the same time attracted and driven other land-using entities to actively pay attention to and participate in the entry of rural collective management construction land.

In addition, in order to reduce the burden on enterprises and reduce the need for enterprises to run away, the Banan District Planning and Natural Resources Bureau compressed the two links of "planning and design requirements - rural construction planning permission" into one link of "rural construction planning permission", cancelled the preliminary examination of the town (township) government, adjusted the "relevant planning content of the construction drawings" in the application materials to "planning and design scheme", optimized the departmental review working mechanism to joint review, and promoted the "land acquisition and certification" of projects entering the market.

Eshan Yi Autonomous County, Yuxi City, Yunnan Province, has carried out "two-way" guidance for village collectives and land-using enterprises to promote "two-way" travel. Asan County has always adhered to the general tone of prudent and steady progress, and on the basis of a comprehensive survey, scientific layout, and perfect system, it has carefully screened eligible land plots to enter the market and guided enterprises to choose stock land. After surveying, a plot of land in the Chahe villager group of Asan County has completed the preliminary work of entering the market, such as the approval of the practical village planning of "multi-plan integration", the registration and issuance of certificates for the confirmation of collective land ownership and collective land use rights, the discussion of the villagers' representative meeting, the evaluation of land price, and the review of the market entry plan, which is the most mature case in the county that meets the conditions for entering the market. At the same time, the Asan County Government found that the original site is located in a company in Hongta District, Yuxi City, due to the need for transformation and upgrading, coupled with the high cost of production and operation of the original site, the company has a relocation plan, after many comparisons, fully considering the needs of the enterprise in terms of transportation, scale, use, etc., the Asan County Government took the initiative to communicate with the enterprise to guide it to choose the land to enter the market, and finally the company reached a transaction with the collective economic organization of the Chahe Group.

After the successful entry into the market, Asan County shortened the approval time to the greatest extent through the reform of the approval mode such as active service, pre-examination of tolerance and deficiency, and parallel approval, and completed the joint issuance of the "three certificates" of the real estate property right certificate, rural construction planning permit and construction project construction permit of the land entering the market, so as to realize the seamless connection between "land delivery" and "construction".

By guiding enterprises to choose rural stock collective management construction land, Asan County actively revitalizes 18.25 acres of idle land in Chahe Township, which also provides land support and guarantee for industrial development. Winning the company's annual output of 3.5 million pieces of clothing intelligent processing and production project will greatly promote the development of the industrial economy in Chahe Township and change the history of no industrial enterprises in Chahe Township. After the implementation of the project, it will drive farmers to find employment nearby, solve the problem of labor outflow in Chahe Township, promote rural construction and sustainable development, and help rural revitalization.

Since the launch of the pilot work, the pilot areas have actively explored and practiced in strengthening the regulation and supervision of the construction land market, effectively protecting the legitimate status of farmers, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of business entities, and achieving phased results. However, the pilot areas still need to continuously improve the supporting pilot policies, especially the need to further improve the value-added income distribution mechanism and mortgage loan and other service supporting systems.

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Source: China Natural Resources News

Author: Fang Zhengfei

Text Editor: Chen Chen

New Media Editor: Liu Chuan

What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?
What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?
What does the "entry of farmland into the market" bring to the countryside?

iNatural omnimedia

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