
Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

author:Hanjiang News
Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency
Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

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Digital empowerment

The community is aware of the "cloud" on all matters, and the problem can be directly reported with one click, so that the people and enterprises can be served with one "hand...... Relying on the digital empowerment of "one map for the whole city", Hanjiang District of Putian City uses digital means to promote the reduction of burden and efficiency at the grassroots level, promote the reduction of reports, time and personnel, increase data accuracy, increase work efficiency, increase the sense of gain of the masses, and activate a pool of spring water for grassroots governance.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency


Collaborative co-governance "between the fingers" to reduce the burden

"The manhole cover next to Huyuan Road, Hanxi Street, is damaged, and there are potential safety hazards...... On June 27, Zeng Yanhong, a member of the Canglin Community Grid of Hanxi Street, found this situation during her daily inspection and immediately reported the incident to the community through the "One Map of the City" big data dispatching and command platform. Immediately, personnel from relevant departments immediately went to the scene to deal with it and eliminate potential safety hazards in a timely manner.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

Open the Canglin "Comprehensive Governance +" community governance platform, which displays real-time module information such as basic community data, concerned groups, safety joint creation, and public security joint defense. Through the "cloud" system, it not only allows the circulation of data to horizontally open up the public security, civil affairs, family planning, social security, housing and other departments, but also reduces the burden on grassroots governance.

"Through the digital grassroots governance system, our community has built 40 grids, connecting more than 30,000 people, and realizing the digitization of community personnel data. One system can replace countless forms, and it also greatly reduces the workload of our grassroots staff. Xu Lizhen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Canglin Community, said.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

Relying on the platform of "one map for the whole city", Hanjiang District combines social governance with "digitalization", greatly improving work efficiency and reducing the "fingertip burden" of grassroots cadres.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

▲The social governance grid center of Hanjiang District integrates resources to achieve "multi-heart integration", "one-window" acceptance and "package" handling, and solves the "last mile" problem of contacting and serving the masses.

Up to now, 31 departments in the district have been connected to the "One Map of the City" platform, collecting a total of 166,300 events of major application modules, and 166,000 have been completed and disposed of, with a completion rate of 99.81%, forming a new pattern of collaborative governance of "timely discovery, rapid disposal, closed-loop management, and mass participation", and opening up the "last mile" of grassroots governance to serve the masses.


Innovative application "cloud" empowerment

Without leaving home, villagers can submit applications for the renovation of new homesteads, old houses, and dilapidated houses through the mini program...... Referring to the convenience brought by the "handheld office" of the "digital Hagilu" applet for building approval, Guo Jinhuo, a villager of Nanxia Village, Hagilu Town, praised it from the bottom of his heart.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

How to make digitalization better serve people's livelihood? While deeply integrating into the construction of "one map for the whole city and digitalization for the whole region" to reduce the burden on the grassroots, the district also deeply excavates the enabling role of "one network" in grassroots social governance, so that the masses can share the "digital dividend".

With the "social governance big data cloud platform" as the carrier, Hagilu Town took the lead in developing a "digital Hagilu" multi-integrated rural governance and construction cooperation platform that integrates declaration, approval, publicity, acceptance, supervision, law enforcement, service and other functions in the whole district, effectively solving the problems of difficult approval, slow approval and difficult supervision of the masses' housing construction.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

Through process reengineering, item integration, and data sharing, the platform applet has changed the "offline office" to "online office" for building approval, and changed the "decentralized review" to "parallel approval", reducing the required materials from 18 to 10, and shortening the processing time to less than 2 months, realizing one-network processing, and installing a "booster" for the approval of building buildings, which has benefited the masses.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency
Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

▲Handong Street innovatively uses 3D global real-world model technology to improve the efficiency of grassroots governance

Data "whistleblows" to make grassroots governance more refined. Handong Street innovatively applies the "digital unit length" model, skillfully uses drones to carry out aerial forensics and law enforcement, and combines the analysis and judgment of the 3D global map of the street to accurately locate the two violations and rectify them. Guohuan Town innovated the fire safety working mechanism, digitally managed the safety of electric vehicle charging, and installed a total of 3,877 housing charging devices, etc., effectively solving the hidden danger of electric vehicle charging fire in summer.


Convenient for the people and beneficial to enterprises, "e-government affairs" increase intelligence

"The land issue of capital increase and production expansion has been replied to so quickly, and I praise you for your work intensity and sense of responsibility." Benefiting from the efficient service of the "government, taxation and enterprise" service development platform in Hanjiang District, the person in charge of the enterprise who settled in the platform thanked him again and again.

It turned out that some enterprises had previously reported on the "government, taxation and enterprise" platform that the existing plant conditions could no longer meet the production needs of large orders, and it was urgent to solve the problem of land use approval in order to expand the scale of production. In this regard, the District Taxation Bureau responded positively, took the lead in organizing enterprises to further understand the situation, and joined forces with other departments to promote the solution of enterprise land problems.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

"The platform is integrated into the 'one map of the whole city', and the suggestions of enterprise needs are collected and entered into the procedures through the WeChat applet of government, taxation and enterprises, and targeted policies, precise efforts, and a 'through train' between government and enterprises." Fu Yudong, a staff member of the Hanjiang Tax Service Unit, said that at present, the platform has settled in 1,404 enterprises, covering six functional sectors, such as enterprise development needs, enterprise demand transfer, and preferential policies to find enterprises.

Digital empowerment reduces the burden on the grassroots丨Hanjiang: Take the "cloud" to reduce the burden and improve the efficiency

▲The "e-government" self-service terminal extends government services to the "doorstep" of the masses. (Photo courtesy of the District Administrative Service Center)

"Borrowing wisdom" from the cloud also makes the people's convenient life more "digital". In the Dingpu community of Handong Street, the "e-government" self-service terminal configured in the 24-hour self-service government service area integrates 80 city-wide and 136 convenient services from 12 departments such as public security, medical insurance, human resources and social security, provident fund, real estate, etc., to provide residents with full-time self-service inquiry and business handling services, which is very convenient for the masses. (Zhu Xiuhua, Lin Yixia, Zheng Jie)

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