
How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

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How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

#长文创作激励计划#6月25日, President Boluarte of the Republic of Peru took a direct flight from Peru to Shenzhen, China, to begin a five-day state visit to China.

Following Putin's visits to North Korea and Vietnam, which caused the United States to jump on its feet, many countries that originally had close relations with the United States shook hands with China one after another, but the United States could not stop it.

In fact, in addition to Peru, Germany, Poland and other countries have recently reached cooperation with the mainland in various fields, setting off a wave of "visiting China".

This boom is the inevitable result of the decoupling of China and the United States.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Cooperation between Germany, Poland and Peru during their visits to China

In fact, more than two months ago, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz paid a visit to China.

More than two months later, German Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Habeck also paid a state visit to China.

After leaving Beijing on the 22nd, Habeck went to the BMW Group's Shanghai R&D Center on the west bank of Shanghai to conduct an exchange seminar on topics such as intelligent networked vehicles and sustainable development.

The purpose of Habeck's visit to China was simple: to find space for cooperation with China.

For some German SMEs, this is an opportunity to get to know the Chinese market well and learn from the experience of other German companies in the Chinese market.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Similarly, Polish President Andrzej Duda and his wife arrived in Beijing on the 22nd, and this time they are scheduled to pay a five-day state visit to China.

For China, Poland has a deep cultural heritage and established diplomatic relations with China at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Over the past 75 years, the two sides have carried out close alliances and cooperation in many fields, and achieved fruitful results.

However, in recent years, Poland has been deeply bound by the "bundling strategy" of the United States and has been suppressed.

Recently, however, the strategic layout of the United States has been seriously challenged, and the situation of the United States has begun to become "embattled."

In this context, Poland is also gradually looking for cooperation with China.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Before his departure, Duda delivered a speech, emphasizing that the focus of his visit to China would be on "economic, trade and security issues," and that he hoped that Polish products would open up the Chinese market and that China would increase its investment in Poland.

Immediately afterwards, a delegation of five ministers and 12 other members led by Peruvian President Boluarte flew directly to Shenzhen, China, and also began a five-day state visit.

In addition to Shenzhen, Boluarte will also travel to Shanghai, Beijing and other cities to participate in important political and business meetings.

According to the itinerary, Boluarte will hold talks with senior executives of Huawei, BYD and COSCO Shipping Group to promote the upgrading of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Without exception, the purpose of Boruarte's visit is to get China to invest more in it and expand its exports to China.

Peruvian Agriculture Minister Manero has boldly estimated in an interview that beef exports to China will contribute $3 billion to $4 billion to the Peruvian economy, and that Peru's agricultural sector is ready to meet the Chinese market.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

History of exchanges between China and Peru

Boluarte's visit began with a cultural exhibition at the Nanshan Museum, where 168 treasures from 14 museums in Peru were exhibited, "Children of the Sun – Land of the Incas and the Empire".

Boluarte participated in this important exhibition and not only spoke highly of the cultural relics on display, but also said that it is a symbol of friendship between the two countries.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Peru is located on the Pacific coast, is the world's ancient civilization, the birthplace of the Inca civilization, China is also the birthplace of the ancient civilization of the Chinese civilization, the two countries have a long history of cultural exchanges.

Cultural exchanges between China and Peru began in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, when the two countries began to interact closely through the Maritime Silk Road and the Manila Galleon.

Chinese silk, porcelain, and tea were continuously transported to Peru and other Latin American countries, and gold and silver produced in Latin American countries also flowed into China.

During the Ming Dynasty, this ancient trade route laid a solid foundation for the later development of relations between China and Latin American countries such as Peru.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

In the late Qing Dynasty, Chinese people began to travel to Peru, and the cultures of the two countries began to blend.

In the early days, Chinese workers and overseas Chinese brought the fine traditional customs and other cultures of the Chinese nation to Peru, and taught the Peruvian people production skills.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in November 1971 promoted the development of the two countries in the political, economic and trade fields, and promoted the friendship between the two countries.

Until now, Peruvian President Boluarte has led a delegation to visit China, which has demonstrated the important position of the mainland in international relations.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Some possible reasons for China's diplomatic boom

When the Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out on October 7 last year, the Biden administration has sent a large number of weapons and ammunition to Israel, causing serious harm to the Palestinian people.

If Israel is the devil, then the United States is an accomplice to the devil's help.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

However, under the influence of international public opinion, the United States adopted a relevant resolution on the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip through a vote of the Security Council.

This draft does not fundamentally address the root causes of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

This illustrates the Biden administration's long-standing inconsistency in words and deeds, and its bias toward Israel.

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, which has lasted for more than two years, the United States is not only the initiator of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but also caused nearly 5 million refugees in Ukraine.

Another example is the trilateral summit held by the United States, Japan and the Philippines, which is inseparable from China, attacking China on the South China Sea issue and trying to use the hand of hegemony to disrupt the South China Sea.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

On the 21st of last month, the United States released a 165-page draft restricting US entities from investing in China in three high-tech fields: semiconductors and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence.

This is obviously naked technological bullying! The Chinese Foreign Ministry lodged a strong protest with the United States and lodged solemn representations with the United States.

However, it is likely that this kind of curbing by the neck will not develop in the direction that the United States wants, and will not only stimulate US allies to increase investment in China, but also further stimulate and strengthen China's internal motivation to rely on its own strength to carry out scientific and technological innovation.

Therefore, the United States has not only regarded its vicious acts as an "enemy" that the United States regards as a thorn in its side, but even its allies and many Western countries have clearly seen the ugly face of the United States and want to find new partners in the international community.

So, in a respite, they began to pay a state visit to China and seek cooperation with China in various fields.

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another


Global Times: In response to China, the United States released a 165-page draft

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Reference news: Foreign media: Peruvian President looks forward to strengthening relations between the two countries during his visit to China

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

Peruvian President Boluarte: "Shenzhen Enterprises Bring Opportunities to the World"

How serious are the consequences of China-US decoupling? The United States could not stop it, and many countries came to China one after another

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