
In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

author:Historical reincarnation

Chief of Staff is a very important position in our army, and he is the head of the military command department of the unit at all levels, and assists the military commander of the unit in commanding. To a certain extent, the military commander belongs to strategic planning, so the chief of staff should not only assist in carrying out strategic planning, but also improve the strategy, make the strategy practical, and then implement it accurately.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

"The Art of War" begins with a clear meaning: "Soldiers, the major affairs of the country, the place of death and life, and the way of survival, must not be overlooked", fighting a war is a major event of the country, between the front line of life and death, especially the field army-level military deployment of the Liberation War, usually a decisive battle with millions of people, involving personnel, intelligence, logistics, weapons and equipment, etc., is very complicated, the military commander must grasp the general direction in the military aspect, while the chief of staff must grasp the details, responsible for implementation, which requires the chief of staff's memory ability is very high.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

"Armageddon - Liaoshen Campaign" has a plot that is very classic, which perfectly shows the memory of Liu Yalou, the chief of staff of Dongye. Mr. Lin said to Liu Yalou, chief of staff of Dongye: Remember, I have made the following deployment adjustments:

With the 4th Column, 11th Column and two independent divisions, the Tashan defense line was strengthened.

The 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and 9th columns, plus 6 columns and 17 divisions, attacked Jinzhou, 10 columns and one division blocked Liao Yaoxiang's corps on the front line of Montenegro and Dahushan, 12 columns and 12 independent divisions besieged Changchun, two divisions of the 5th and 6th columns monitored Shenyang, and 1 column served as the general reserve.

Liu Yalou, you repeat it to me!

As a result, Liu Yalou can really repeat it word for word.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

Although this plot is a TV series, it is probably in line with historical facts.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

The divisions of the Higashino marched to any place every day, and they had to write briefings to Noji immediately. After the battle, a briefing was written within six hours, and a detailed report must be written afterwards, including how many long and short guns were captured. In addition, Noji's comments on each division are also very detailed, and the advantages and disadvantages are to the point. Because of the extreme details, Noji naturally commanded each division like an arm.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

The main reason why Dongye was able to do this was that Dongye had a Liu Yalou, a graduate of the Frunze Military Academy, who had a super strong memory, knew the combat capability of each unit and the position it was prescribed well, and established a relatively perfect staff system in the four fields, so that the four fields could smoothly complete the military operations under the direct command of the division.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

The chiefs of staff of the other three field armies also have a very strong memory.

Zhang Wenzhou, chief of staff of Xiye, is very familiar with the northwest region, and he has extraordinary skills that he will never forget, and he can be called a "living map" of the northwest region. Peng Dehuai can report to any place in the northwest at any time as long as Peng Dehuai needs. The same is true of the successor Yan Kuyao, he has an amazing memory, and many difficult data are often said in one mouth, and there is no error.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

Huaye's chief of staff, Zhang Zhen, also has a very good memory. In the Huaihai Campaign, he was Su Yu's greatest assistant, and Zhang Zhen's obituary reads: "He was excellent in both military and political affairs, both civil and military, thoughtful, resourceful and decisive, and good at organizing and implementing large corps operations." In his later years, Zhang Zhen could still remember the names of all his elementary school classmates.

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

Nakano's chief of staff, Li Da, has an excellent memory. When General Li Da was in the military academy, he was often responsible for roll call, and he only needed to take the roll call once according to the list, even after half a month, he could not take the roster for roll call, and no one made a mistake. With his super memory, Li Da has made great contributions to our army's map cause, almost with his memory alone, our army has completed the latest detailed map of North China and China's first map of the situation of Taihang Mountain, no wonder Liu Shuai praised Li Dawei: "This is a living map of China." ”

In our army's operations, the highest requirement for memory ability is the post of chief of staff

Therefore, if you have a bad memory, you really can't be the chief of staff, and the position with the highest requirements for memory in our army is the chief of staff.