
Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

author:Pinghu Wanzhou

Since the launch of a series of special actions such as "Kunlun",

Wanzhou public security organs on food and drugs,

Infringement and counterfeiting, ecological environment and forest resources

and other crimes.


The forest detachment of the district public security bureau for almost two years

Some of the items involved in the case were seized

Centralized destruction or handover.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

It is understood that among the items involved in this batch of cases are not only fake and shoddy products such as fake Moutai liquor and fake milk powder, but also the dead bodies of wild animals such as wild boars, crowned deer, king snakes, and civets, as well as transformers, electric traps, steel wire mesh, bird traps and other illegal hunting tools, as well as chainsaws, knives and other tools for illegal logging, with a total of 1,982 cases. Therefore, this centralized destruction activity is also the largest and most influential in the region in recent years.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

The reporter saw at the scene,

All kinds of fake Moutai liquor and fake milk powder

Heaped into a hill,

Illegal logging, hunting and other tools

also placed in the booth one by one,

There are many types of products.

"Don't believe that you can buy Moutai through special channels, you can distinguish it through channels, prices, and categories on a daily basis. Chen Wei, a police officer of the forest detachment, introduced to the onlookers how to identify fake Moutai liquor, and reminded everyone not to be deceived by greed for cheapness.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

Subsequently, Liu Yang, a police officer of the forest detachment, introduced the types of wild animals and plants involved in the case and hunting tools to the masses in easy-to-understand language, popularized the "Wildlife Protection Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, and explained the legal responsibility for illegal hunting and destruction of wildlife resources.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

At the end of the popular science session, several police officers picked up hammers and other demolition tools, and started to use some hunting tools that can be destroyed on the spot, such as animal traps and transformers, while the rest of the seized dead wild animals, hunting tools, fake wine, etc., were handed over to a third-party company with relevant qualifications for disposal and destruction, so as to ensure that all the property involved in the case was harmless.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

According to reports,

Since 2022,

The forest detachment carefully organized and carried out a series of special operations such as "Kunlun",

Joint District Market Supervision Bureau,

The District Forestry Bureau and other departments cracked down severely

Food and drug safety,

environmental forest resources and other illegal and criminal activities,

Adhere to the "whole link, all elements, all chain" crackdown.

For two years,

A total of 165 criminal cases involving "food and medicine rings" have been cracked.

276 persons transferred for prosecution,

37 people were administratively punished.

Among them, 4 cases of the Ministry of Public Security were successfully detected.

3 congratulatory telegrams from the Ministry of Public Security,

A total of more than 2,200 items involved in the case were seized

(Partially disposed of).

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

"The purpose of this concentrated destruction of the confiscated items involved in the case is to show the whole society the police's firm position and clear attitude of resolutely cracking down on criminal activities involving 'food and medicine rings', protecting the safety of the people's tongues, and guarding the bottom line of the safety of a beautiful China." The person in charge of the forest detachment said that in the future, the detachment will continue to further promote a series of special actions such as "Kunlun 2024", severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities involving "food and medicine rings" with a zero-tolerance attitude, and escort beautiful China, ensure people's livelihood and safety, and serve the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region with actual achievements in public security work.

Wanzhou centralized destruction! Involving fake wine, fake milk powder......

Police remind

If consumers accidentally buy counterfeit products, please keep the shopping invoice, go to the local market supervision department to complain and report, and if the circumstances are serious, please keep the evidence and report to the public security organ for help. At the same time, please consciously resist the consumption of wild animals, and do not take risks for the sake of appetite.

Reporter|Cheng Lei, Correspondent|Chen Xiaojun

Edited by Zhang Rong

Editor|Zhou Qilin, Luo Yun

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