
CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

author:Xiaojin Entertainment


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[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】

CCTV-3's new program "Baby First" ended off broadcasting after only 4 episodes!

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

At 04:25 on June 30, 2024, the Variety Channel of China Central Radio and Television broadcast the latest episode of the "The More Brave the War" program, to the surprise of many TV viewers, the "The More Brave the War" program has changed a lot this time, and "The More Brave the War", which has just been revised not long ago, has been revised again.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

Below, on the occasion of the overhaul of the "More and More Courageous" program, let's take a look at the highlights worth paying attention to:

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

"The Braver Baby First" was revised to "The Brave Partner"

"The More You Fight" was revised to "Good Partner" this time, but the status of this show can be seen from the simple and ordinary three-word program name of "Good Partner". "Good Partner" can be said to be a fine-tuning on the basis of the previous program, the "Good Partner" program has added "Treasure Guarding Group" and "Treasure Guarding Group", which makes the show look better through the competition of 2 teams, and the previous theme of the "The More Brave the War" program was the competition of grandparents and grandchildren.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

The "Good Partner" of "The More Brave the War" was previously the "Baby First" of "The Braver the War". It can be said that "Baby First" comes and goes quickly. The variety channel officially launched the "Art Laughter, Art Shine" revision activity on May 13, and the "Baby First" program will premiere on May 15, 2024.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

Guan Ling continued to be a guest on the "Good Partner" program of "The More Brave the War".

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

"The Braver Baby No. 1" is a representative work of CCTV's three major revisions, which ended in suspension after only 4 episodes

But on the whole, the "Baby First" show was suspended after only 4 episodes of the program, and CCTV 3 immediately urgently revised the program to "Good Partner", which is a bit "fast" from this speed, and this fast shows the shortcomings of CCTV 3 in program planning and design. A new program was broadcast for only 4 episodes, and then immediately changed back to the original model, first showing the lack of confidence and foresight of the program team members.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

In fact, when the "Baby First" program was first broadcast, it was not favored by the majority of TV audiences, because the "Baby First" program was specifically aimed at infants and young children, so it was always a chaotic situation in which the little ones did not listen to the command, and it was precisely because of this situation that many viewers and friends sweated for the host Yang Fan. Now the "Baby First" program has been suspended after 4 episodes, which also shows that the original creative "Baby First" program lacked effective argumentation.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

Now, the "Baby First" program, which has only been broadcast for 4 episodes, has stopped, and the new program "Good Partner" is here again, the question is how long can the new program "Good Partner" last according to the production ideas of CCTV's three sets?

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

Finally, we also expect CCTV-3 to strengthen its brand programs in the future and make new programs long-lasting.

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

Congratulations to you!

CCTV 3 sets: When the channel revision was underway, "Baby First" ended up on the air after only 4 episodes

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Focus on the latest trends of artists and convey the mainstream voices in the circle.

[Xiaojin Entertainment] is exclusively released on the whole network for "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article was originally written by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to grow knowledge together! ] 】