
How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

author:Shanghai Hongkou
How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

This is the daily work of Lei Guoxing, secretary of the general party branch of Anqiu residential area in Jiaxing Road street, and every day, she can receive a lot of such suggestions from residents' WeChat groups. Lei Guoxing carefully recorded every suggestion and replied to it in a timely manner.

In 2022, Lei Guoxing came to Anqiu Residential Area as the secretary of the general party branch, which is the third residential area she has worked in. Different from the residential area where she worked before, Ruihong is characterized by "three highs and three more", that is, high education, high income, high requirements, many foreigners, many young people, and many children. In the face of more than 6,500 people in the two communities, how to satisfy the residents and actively participate in the community construction is a topic placed in front of Lei Guoxing.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

Residents in high-end residential areas are very busy, and there are not many opportunities for cadres of neighborhood committees to enter residents' homes. Since you can't get in, find a way to get the residents out. Soon after taking office, Lei Guoxing joined the WeChat group of the residential building group, and while learning about residents' demands and opinions online, he organized offline activities to shorten the distance between the neighborhood committee and the residents, and between the residents.

Basketball court: a children's playground

Ruihong Mingting originally had a basketball court, although the place is not big, but it is loved by residents, especially children, but due to disrepair, the basketball court looks very dilapidated, and residents want to renovate strongly. "Auntie, let's update the basketball court, we hope to have a beautiful and spacious basketball court." During the visit, many children made requests to Secretary Lei.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

Comparison before and after the renovation of the basketball court

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

Lei Guoxing immediately included this project in the micro-renovation, "Residents are the actual users, and they have to listen to what they change." Lei Guoxing greeted in the WeChat group, who wants to participate in the design of the basketball court plan? Unexpectedly, two or three designers came out at once, and the "Community Micro Renewal Resident Designer Advisory Group" was established.

Resident Chang Qi, a design director at a design company, found time to make suggestions and design drawings for the renovation of the basketball court. "Using my professional expertise to do something for my neighbors is very meaningful and fulfilling." After five or six times of plan discussion and consultation with the owner, the renovation plan of Ruihong Mingting basketball court was finally determined, and a colorful, safe and spacious basketball court was completed.

"On the day of the launch, the children were very happy. Seeing that the residents are satisfied, we have also made it clearer the direction of our future work, and to serve the people, we must fully listen to the opinions of the residents, and use what the residents want for the residents. Lei Guoxing said.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

One-metre living room: A second living room for residents

There was originally a rest space in the lobby on the first floor of the No. 5 and No. 6 conjoined buildings in Mingting Community, but due to disrepair and other reasons, there were problems such as ceiling leakage, dim lighting, lack of practical functions, and low utilization rate of residents.

"It's a pity that such a good place is wasted, why don't you transform it into a living room." The neighborhood resident planner made recommendations. Soon, under the leadership of the General Party Branch of Anqiu Residential Area, the renovation of a 25-square-meter "one-meter meeting room" was completed by the design, planning and layout of the residents (including teenagers), and with the assistance of the business committee, property management, and resident business owners.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

After the residents and the co-construction units provide idle furniture, the "one-meter living room" is equipped with sofas, coffee tables, tables and chairs, lamps, bookcases, etc., so that residents can sit downstairs at any time, rest, work, read, drink coffee, etc. The general party branch also called on the children to take out their idle books and put them in the living room, and a drifting library was built. "Children like to come here to sit, read books, and communicate with children, and this living room is like being at home, feeling very free and not lonely." One parent lamented.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive
How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

The "one-meter meeting room" not only has the function of physical use, but also has the function of spiritual and cultural transmission. The living room shows the "memorabilia" and important activities that have taken place in the residential area in recent years under the concept of practicing the "Anqiu Small Gathering Field Work Method", as well as a large number of residents who actively participate in community governance, dedicate intelligence, resources and dedication skills in the building group, such as Olympic karate referees, well-known landscape designers, e-commerce anchors, community Internet celebrity pet owners and other residents' work and life style; The "Resident Guide Manual for New Residents of Ruihong Mingting" has been posted to further facilitate new residents to learn and understand the community in a timely manner and integrate into the community and building group more quickly. In addition, the general party branch of the residential area also attaches great importance to the ideological and political education of community residents, and the offline immersive community ideological and political course "Anqiu in the New Era" jointly developed by the general party branch of the residential area and the political engineer of the community residents has been taught in the building group.

Minting: A rest stop for residents

Looking out from the one-meter living room, there is a small pavilion on the edge of the lawn, where Hou Songyi, a primary school student, is making coffee for the residents with his sister. "Auntie, would you like a cup of coffee? Gratuitous. ”

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive
How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

The reporter saw that the small pavilion of four or five square meters was fully equipped, with air conditioning, bookshelves, and sunken seats. Designer Chang Qi introduced that the small pavilion should not only meet the needs of the elderly to chat and play cards here, but also meet the needs of young people to rest and drink coffee here, and children can experience the feeling of being a shopkeeper. "It's free for the residents, and the residents are the owners." Chang Qi said.

Smart Waste Chambers: Building a Zero-Carbon Community

With nearly 1,760 households and about 5,000 permanent residents, Ruihong Phase II is a large-scale high-rise residential community. Some young people have proposed to transform the community into a zero-carbon community, and upgrade the temporary garbage site to a smarter and more intelligent garbage box. The people's livelihood follows the voice of the people, and the upgrading and transformation of the garbage compartment in the community is on the agenda. Lei Guoxing led the general party branch of the residential area to give full play to the role of the "wisdom brain" of the residents. Resident volunteers with professional backgrounds were once again invited to participate in the "Anqiu Residential Area Resident Designer Team" to design sketches of garbage compartments, and widely solicited opinions and suggestions in the whole community, with a resident participation rate of 98%. After no less than 7 revisions, the garbage compartment has finally become a reality from the design "blueprint".

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive
How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

Today's Ruihong Phase II Community has become a model of green, intelligent and livable, and garbage classification has been further refined to achieve front-end force. For example, recyclables with a large area and a large amount of input are divided into five subdivisions: waste fabrics, scrap metal, and waste paper products. On the waste plastic delivery window, not only the empty bottle pattern is pasted, but also the indication that "clean plastic lunch boxes are good renewable resources", standardizing the delivery of plastic products and classifying them from the source; During the day, the property arranges cleaning personnel to be on duty in the wing room, and dismantles and flattens the express boxes and styrofoam put by residents in a timely manner to make better use of valuable space; On the side of the smart garbage compartment, a low-carbon leisure area is specially set up, and the seats are made of recycled products to create a low-carbon and environmental protection science popularization position at the doorstep; At the corner of the low-carbon leisure area, the parent-child washbasin of high and low specifications provides residents with timely cleaning functions, so that parents can truly "teach by word and deed", and children can "be exposed to it" from an early age and develop a low-carbon environmental protection awareness.

How to solve problems in the community? Let's take a look at the answer sheet of the secretary of the residential district→ ▏ Chinese modernization progressive

Soon, the garbage box of Ruihong Phase IV complied with the strong desire of residents to renovate and upgrade, and has now entered the construction stage. The garbage compartment is also independently designed by the resident designer team, and is further upgraded on the basis of the successful construction of the second phase of Ruihong intelligent garbage compartment, aiming to do a good job in garbage classification at the same time, and build the garbage compartment into a "micro-landscape" that integrates the community environment and has aesthetic value, adding more low-carbon and environmentally friendly beauty to the lives of residents.

Reporter: Qu Shanshan

Image: Qu Shanshan

Source: Shanghai Hongkou

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