
Help the high school entrance examination Panyu, a model school of the school and the community, send the exam in this way


June 30 is the first day of the Guangzhou high school entrance examination. At 7:18 in the morning, school leaders, teachers, members of the parent committee, and parent representatives of Shawan Xiangda Middle School in Panyu District came to the school gate to prepare in line to welcome the 2024 high school entrance examination candidates into the examination room, so that the candidates can calmly rush to the exam and send them sincere blessings and support.

Help the high school entrance examination Panyu, a model school of the school and the community, send the exam in this way


The examination room of Xiangda Middle School is the place where the dream of more than 900 ninth-grade students from three schools, including Xiangda Middle School, Xiangjun Middle School, and Huayang School, takes off.

On the first day of the high school entrance examination, in the team wearing red shirts, every person who sent the test looked particularly solemn and excited, hoping that each candidate would "become an instant hit". They held signs with encouraging slogans such as "full of confidence" and "wonderful pen flowers", and conveyed the strength and courage of teachers and parents with practical actions. When the slogans of "relax", "come on" and "win" came out of the team, this power seemed to become more heartwarming.

Help the high school entrance examination Panyu, a model school of the school and the community, send the exam in this way
Help the high school entrance examination Panyu, a model school of the school and the community, send the exam in this way
Help the high school entrance examination Panyu, a model school of the school and the community, send the exam in this way

"Beautiful" to send the exam to help the high school entrance examination

Outside the examination room, the eyes of the parents were full of anticipation, the expressions of the teachers revealed confidence, and the children's steps seemed firm. "This is not just a simple examination activity, but a microcosm of Xiangda Middle School as a demonstration school of school-family-community collaborative education in Guangzhou. Every year, the school and parents will jointly organize such an examination event, aiming to show the determination of the school, families and students to work together to meet the high school entrance examination. A parent who sent the test on the spot said.

Jiang Dingnian, director of the moral education department of Xiangda Middle School, said: "The examination delivery activity is a spiritual encouragement to the students. It conveys infinite trust and love to students, and encourages them to take the high school entrance examination to the next level and usher in more wonderful moments in their lives. It is also to tell every student that no matter what kind of challenges they encounter on their growth path, they have strong backing from the school and family. ”

It is reported that as a demonstration school of school-family-community collaborative education in Guangzhou, Shawan Xiangda Middle School organizes home-school joint examination activities every year, which truly reflects the confidence and determination of the school, parents and children to work together and strive to fight the final battle of the junior high school academic proficiency test.

Text/photo: Panyu financial media reporter Zhong Shiwei

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