
Famous mouth cultivation | The pioneer of education is a propaganda expert, and she has thoroughly explained the "new quality productivity".

author:Shanghai Jiading

Editor's note

In 2024, the Jiading District Grassroots Theory Propaganda "Hundred Famous Mouths" Selection Contest has come to an end, but the preaching road of the "Famous Mouths" is not over. They will join the Jiading District People's Propaganda Group and bring wonderful theoretical lectures to more citizens. As a bridge between the people and theories, they use down-to-earth, warm, and dewdropping preaching language to infect people's hearts and touch their souls, upload and distribute policies, and let theories take root. From June 20th, the Propaganda Department of the Jiading District Party Committee and the Jiading District Financial Media Center launched the "Famous Mouth Cultivation" column, leading everyone to understand the finalists and see how these "famous mouths" are cultivated?

"Do you know what new quality productivity is? What are the advantages of developing new quality productivity in Shanghai......" As soon as Sun Fei, a mathematics teacher and team counselor from Wangxin Primary School, spoke, the "final stage" changed into a "classroom podium" in seconds. She is not only a gardener who teaches and educates, but also a "theoretical magician" who can turn advanced theories into the hearts of the people. Sun Fei said with a smile that she has taught mathematics for half her life, and this cross-professional lecture on "ideology and politics" is a challenge for herself, and it is also an experience.

Famous mouth cultivation | The pioneer of education is a propaganda expert, and she has thoroughly explained the "new quality productivity".

Before stepping onto the stage of "Hundred Names", Sun Fei was already a member of the Jiading District Red Scarf Propaganda Group, and also won the first prize of the Jiading District Young Pioneers Counselor Style Competition. But in the face of new audiences and exploring new fields, she bluntly said that she felt "very different". "In the past, the target of the preaching was all children, but this time it is for the general public, and the content of the preaching is more profound, so there is still a certain amount of pressure. I polished the manuscript for more than a month, and once I used the students in my class as audience members for the competition, thinking that if the children could understand my content, then the audience would be able to do it too. Sun Fei said that the affirmation and encouragement of the students made her feel down-to-earth and warm on the final stage.

Sun Fei's final speech proposition is "injecting new momentum into high-quality development with new quality productivity", "I am relatively unfamiliar with this content, and I spent a lot of effort preparing for the competition, studying books such as "Compilation of Documents of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China", "Special Excerpts of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", "Guidance Reader for the Report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and other books. ”

Sun Fei deeply studied the connotation and extension of the new quality productive forces, and at the same time constantly looked for examples, striving to closely link the party's innovative theories with the daily life of the people. In her speech, she summarized the new quality productivity as a productivity led by scientific and technological innovation through examples of daily life scenarios such as "face recognition access control, intelligent integrated home, driverless cars, and intelligent guide robots", and listed the advantages of Shanghai's development of new quality productivity - "the world's most automated and intelligent automobile factory, an artificial intelligence industry with a scale of more than 380 billion yuan, The industrial robot industry with an output value of 24.902 billion yuan has been successfully delivered, the C919 domestic large aircraft that safely carries passengers, the first domestic large cruise ship that has been delivered and operated, and the Long March-2D carrier rocket that has been successfully launched......"

Famous mouth cultivation | The pioneer of education is a propaganda expert, and she has thoroughly explained the "new quality productivity".

As an educator, Sun Fei knows that preaching is not only a process of delivering information, but also a process of establishing an emotional connection with the audience. At the scene of the competition, her full enthusiasm and sincere emotions infected every audience, explaining with vivid data and pictures, so that everyone deeply felt Shanghai's innovation ability and unique advantages, everyone is a participant, practitioner and creator of the development of new quality productivity.

Although the competition has ended, the preaching continues. Sun Fei said that her educational motto is "Careful sowing will surely lead to success", and the same applies in her preaching path. Sun Fei said that in the future, while adhering to the principle of "being close to reality, close to life, and close to the masses", he will continue to enrich his theoretical knowledge, continue to enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of theoretical preaching, and use "steaming" and "down-to-earth" preaching to let the "flower of theory" bloom in the hearts of the masses.

Written by Liu Ruihan

Editor: Chang Haoyu

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Famous mouth cultivation | The pioneer of education is a propaganda expert, and she has thoroughly explained the "new quality productivity".
Famous mouth cultivation | The pioneer of education is a propaganda expert, and she has thoroughly explained the "new quality productivity".

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