
Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality

author:Tooth stone fusion media

A few days ago, the No. 5 Primary School of Yakeshi City, together with the Daxinganling Forest Fire Detachment of Inner Mongolia, carried out the "Welcome July 1st" art exhibition and the ideological and political course activity of eliminating school collaborative education, effectively promoting the integration of ideological and political education into normalized classroom teaching, and laying the foundation for students to establish a scientific outlook on life, world view and form a correct political and ideological attitude.

Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality

During the activity, the students walked into the camp of the Daxinganling Forest Fire Detachment in Inner Mongolia, experienced the daily life and training of the forest fire commanders and fighters at close range, and presented the calligraphy and painting works created by themselves to the hard-working forest fire commanders and fighters, expressing their heartfelt thanks and deep respect to them.

Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality

In the art show, the fire commanders and fighters performed their own song and dance "Walking Against the Fire", showing their lofty professionalism and confidence and determination to protect and defend the green forest at all times, which deeply infected every teacher and student.

Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality
Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality

The students of the city's No. 5 Primary School sang songs such as "Red Star Follows Me to Fight", "The Motherland Has Me", "China, My Love" and "Beautiful China" with full enthusiasm, expressing their incomparable love for the party and the motherland. The students also performed situational dance, recitation, instrumental ensemble and other programs, demonstrating the fruitful achievements of the school in quality education.

Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality
Enlighten wisdom with beauty and establish morality

Lu Ying, principal of the No. 5 Primary School in Yakeshi City, said that active exploration is an important measure of the school in ideological and political education, and this exhibition is also a display of the excellent aesthetic education achievements of the No. 5 Primary School, so that the children can feel the edification and enjoyment of beauty in the performance, and implement the fundamental task of "cultivating people with virtue".

Reporter: Yang Qi and Li Pengzhi

Editor: Zhang Lu and Wu Zhongyan

Editor: Zhao Zongjie and Zhang Ge

Final review: Li Enguang and Lei Jianjun

Director: Zhao Huiru