
I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

author:Affection and dew

My name is Li Fang, I am 58 years old and I am a retired teacher. Looking back, my life is like a movie with ups and downs, with laughter, tears, and touching family affection.

I remember 20 years ago, on a rainy morning, my husband passed away due to illness. At that time, my daughter Xiaoyu was only 5 years old and my son Xiaoxuan was 8 years old.

I stood in the corridor of the hospital, looking at the ignorant eyes of the two children, and my heart was like a knife. I don't know how to explain this cruel truth to them, and I don't know how to live my life in the future.

"Mom, when will Daddy wake up?" Xiaoyu asked innocently, her big eyes full of anticipation.

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

Holding back my tears, I crouched down and hugged her, and whispered, "Dad went far away, and I won't be able to see it again." But He will always protect us in heaven. ”

Xiao Xuan stood aside and silently held my hand. At that moment, I saw in his eyes a maturity beyond his years.

When I got home, the burden of life instantly fell on my shoulders. I have to work and take care of two young children at the same time. However, to my surprise, Xiao Xuan began to take the initiative to take on family responsibilities.

Every day after school, he would pick up his sister and help with the housework. Once, when I came back from overtime to correct the test papers, I saw Xiao Xuan teaching Xiao Yu to write homework, and there was dinner for the two of them on the table - simple egg fried rice.

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

"Mom, we left you some food, go and heat it up." Xiao Xuan said, and turned to his sister again, "Xiaoyu, this question should be done like this......"

Watching this scene, I was both distressed and moved. My son, who is only 8 years old, has already learned to take care of his sister and take care of the housework.

However, life's hardships are much more than that. As children grow older, the cost of education becomes a heavy burden. My salary was barely enough to make ends meet, but I couldn't afford to pay for my two children.

Just when I was worried about this, Xiao Xuan came to me and said something that I will never forget: "Mom, I want to drop out of school and go to work." I can study on my own while working, so I can save money on tuition and let Xiaoyu continue to go to school. ”

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

I looked at him in surprise and said, "Xiao Xuan, you're only 15 years old!" How can you drop out of school? ”

He replied firmly, "Mom, I've figured it out." Xiaoyu is smarter than me, and she needs a good education more. I can learn in other ways and get ahead in the future. ”

I burst into tears and hugged this sensible son tightly. Eventually, at his insistence, I agreed with his decision.

Since then, Xiao Xuan has started a part-time career. He worked first as a small laborer on a construction site and later as an apprentice in a factory. Although it was hard, he never complained. Every month he received his salary, he would take the initiative to give it to me for the family and his sister's tuition.

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

Xiaoyu also lived up to my brother's and my expectations. She concentrated on her studies and was eventually admitted to university with excellent grades. After graduating, she joined a well-known company and her career flourished. A few years later, she married her husband, who also had a successful career.

Although Xiao Xuan does not have a high education, with his diligence and wisdom, he has also won the appreciation of his boss at work, and he has risen step by step. He also started a family, married a virtuous wife, and had a lovely child.

What touched me was that the relationship between the brother and sister became deeper and deeper. Xiaoyu is busy with work and often has no time to take care of her children. Xiao Xuan didn't say a word, and took the initiative to take care of his nephew.

Once, I went to Xiao Xuan's house and saw him patiently teaching his nephew to write. The little boy tilted his head, imitating his uncle's gestures earnestly. Xiao Xuan said softly: "Come, write it again, my uncle will teach you a little trick......"

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

At that moment, I seemed to see the scene where Xiao Xuan taught Xiaoyu many years ago, and a warm current surged in my heart. My son is not only a good brother, but also a good uncle.

Watching the growth of my children makes me feel a lot of emotion. Although life was difficult, our family supported each other and finally survived the most difficult days.

Now that my children are married, I am enjoying my old age. Looking back, all the bitterness has turned into sweet memories, and all the efforts have borne happy fruits.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have reached the age of retirement. On a sunny weekend, my daughter Xiaoyu and son-in-law Xiao Zhang invited me to their house for dinner. At the dinner table, Xiao Zhang suddenly made a suggestion that surprised me.

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

"Mom," Xiao Zhang put down his chopsticks and said with a serious expression, "I have discussed with Xiaoyu, why don't you move in with us after you retire." It's close to the city center, and life is more convenient. ”

I was a little surprised, and subconsciously looked at Xiaoyu. She smiled and nodded, "yes, Mom." We have a lot of rooms in our house, and you can just move in. Usually we are busy with work, you can also help take care of Xiao Yong. ”

My heart warmed, but I hesitated: "Won't this be too troublesome for you?" ”

Xiao Zhang waved his hand: "Mom, don't say that." You take care of us as it should be. ”

While I was still thinking about it, Xiao Zhang put forward another idea: "Mom, there is one more thing we want to discuss with you. I know that the eldest brother has been helping to take care of Xiao Yong, and it has really helped us a lot. I'm thinking, can your pension after retirement be given to the eldest brother, which can be regarded as a little compensation for him to take care of the children? ”

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

I was really taken aback by this proposition. I know I have a pension of $5,000 a month, which is a lot of money for me. But on second thought, living in my daughter's house can indeed save a lot of expenses.

Moreover, Xiao Xuan has paid too much for this family, and it is also appropriate to give him some financial compensation.

After much deliberation, I nodded in agreement with the arrangement: "Okay, I think it's a good idea. Xiao Xuan did pay a lot, and it was right to give him some compensation. ”

And just like that, I moved into my daughter's house. Xiaoyu and Xiao Zhang prepared a spacious and bright room for me, with a small green garden outside the window. Every morning, I wake up to the chirping of birds and feel the warmth of the sun shining on my face through the curtains.

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

Living here is very comfortable, Xiaoyu and Xiao Zhang are very filial, and the little grandson is also very sensible, and often chats with me to relieve boredom. But for some reason, there was always a trace of mixed emotions lingering in my heart.

Maybe it's because I feel like I've become a burden to my daughter's family? Or maybe it's because I can't let go of the habit of living independently for most of my life? I do not know. All I know is that in the dead of night, I always look out the window at the moon and have a lot of thoughts.

However, what I didn't expect was that when I told Xiao Xuan about the pension arrangement, he politely refused.

That day, I specially asked Xiaoxuan out for dinner. In a quiet little restaurant, I told him about this decision.

"Mom, what's going to work?" Xiao Xuan put down his chopsticks and looked serious, "I should take care of Xiao Yong, how can I collect your money?" Besides, you are living in Xiaoyu's house now, and you need this money even more. ”

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

I explained: "This is what Xiao Zhang meant, he thinks that you have paid too much for this family and should be compensated for something." ”

Xiao Xuan shook his head: "No, Mom." I'm afraid that this will affect my relationship with Xiaoyu and Xiaozhang. They might think I'm taking advantage. ”

Looking at my son's resolute appearance, I felt both relieved and distressed. My son, who has been sensible since he was a child, is now more considerate of others everywhere.

"Son," I said, taking his hand, "don't be a mental burden. This is really something that Xiao Zhang took the initiative to propose. He is grateful for the dedication you have always given to this family. If you accept this money, not only will it not affect your relationship, but it will make everyone closer. ”

I am 58, live in my daughter's house for the elderly, and 5000 pensions for my son to subsidize the family, which is what my son-in-law means

I continued to persuade: "Moreover, you now have your own family to support. This money can give you some financial stress and allow you to take better care of your wife and children. ”

Xiao Xuan was silent for a while, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. I know he's weighing the pros and cons.

"Mom," he finally spoke, "if that's the case, then I'll think about it again." But I still don't think I'm embarrassed. ”

I clapped his hand: "Good boy, you don't have to be psychologically burdened. It's a decision made by our whole family and a little reward for your years of dedication. You can accept it with peace of mind. ”

Looking at my son's thoughtful appearance, my heart was mixed. I am proud of my son's sensibility and kindness, and at the same time, I feel sorry for his dedication over the years. I hope this decision will make up for the years he sacrificed for this family a little.

Back at my daughter's house, I sat in front of the window, looking at the lights in the distance, and I had a lot of thoughts. I think of those difficult years, the growth of my children, and every bump and every warmth that this family has experienced. I know that no matter how life changes, our feelings as a family will never change.

One weekend shortly after I moved into my daughter's house, Xiaoyu and Zhang invited Xiaoxuan's family to a dinner party. We sat in the spacious and bright living room and enjoyed a rare family time. Xiao Yong and his cousin were playing on the side, and laughter filled the room.

After the meal, Xiao Zhang took the initiative to pull Xiao Xuan to the balcony. I sat in the living room, but I could hear them talking.

"Brother," Xiao Zhang's voice was sincere and gentle, "Xiaoyu and I have always wanted to have a good talk with you. First of all, I really appreciate you for taking care of Xiao Yong over the years. Without your help, it would be really difficult for us to juggle our work. ”

Xiao Xuan waved his hand a little embarrassedly: "Don't say that, Xiao Zhang." Xiao Yong is also my nephew, and it is my duty to take care of him. ”

Xiao Zhang continued: "No, it's really important. I know that you sacrificed a lot to take care of Xiao Yong. Xiaoyu and I both keep this love in mind. So, when it comes to mom's pension, we've thought it through. I hope you can accept it, as if it is a little bit of our heart for you. ”

I saw Xiao Xuan hesitate for a moment, and was about to speak, when Xiao Yu came over and joined their conversation.

"Brother," Xiao Yu's voice choked up a little, "Actually, it's not just to take care of Xiao Yong. I've always wanted to find a chance to thank you. Do you still remember when you took the initiative to drop out of school to work in order to let me go to college? I will never forget that kindness in my life. ”

Xiao Xuan seemed a little surprised, and he whispered, "Xiaoyu, that's all in the past." I'm glad to see how you're doing now. ”

Xiaoyu shook her head, tears in her eyes: "No, brother." It is because of your sacrifice that I am where I am today. All these years, I've been thinking about how I can repay you. Now that our family is in good condition, I hope to do something for you. Please accept this arrangement. ”

As I sat in the living room, listening to the heartfelt conversation coming from the balcony, a warm current welled up in my heart. Seeing the children understanding each other and thinking about each other made me feel extremely relieved and moved.

Finally, Xiao Xuan nodded: "Okay, since you all said so, I will accept this arrangement." But I will continue to take care of Xiao Yong, which is what I should do as an uncle. ”

Xiao Yu and Xiao Zhang showed a relieved smile on their faces, and the three of them looked at each other and smiled, as if the estrangement of many years had completely melted away at this moment.

When they came back from the balcony, I pretended to be watching TV, but my heart was fluctuating. It was very gratifying to see my children living in harmony. At this moment, I deeply realized the importance of family relationships and the value of mutual support.

In the evening, after everyone had left, I sat in front of the window and thought about what had happened today. I can't help but reflect: Isn't this how families should care for each other and support each other? What could be more precious in this world than the sincere affection between loved ones?

I remembered those difficult years, Xiao Xuan's decision to sacrifice his studies for his sister, and Xiao Yu's gratitude to his brother after returning from school. Our family has gone through so many ups and downs, but we have never lost our love for each other.

Looking to the future, I look forward to it. I believe that as long as we continue to maintain this attitude of mutual understanding and support, our family will become more and more harmonious and happy.

I closed my eyes, and my mind came to mind what Xiao Xuan and Xiao Yu looked like when they were children, and then thought of their current achievements. The corners of my mouth unconsciously raised, and my heart was full of happiness and pride.

Yes, there will inevitably be ups and downs and setbacks in life, but as long as we are united as a family, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome. I'm looking forward to seeing Yong grow up and witnessing more happy times for this family.

On this warm night, I am grateful for everything life has given me, and even more grateful that I have such a loving family. I know that no matter what the future holds, we will continue to support each other and face it together. This is the meaning of home, and it is also the greatest happiness in my life.