
What is the story of Ji Grab in history?

author:The Man in the Iron Mask interprets historical figures

Ji grabbed the old man, Yangcheng is a famous "stove" who has mastered the comprehensive smelting and casting skills, and the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage "Yangcheng pig iron smelting and casting skills".

On a temporary platform more than two meters high, it takes at least eight people to work together to lift the six or seven hundred pounds of upper section furnace body to the lower section furnace. Today, 73-year-old Yangcheng pig iron smelting and casting skills inheritor Ji Grasp and his sons Ji Dahong and Ji Erhong are leading more than a dozen workers to rekindle the furnace fire and reproduce the whole process of plough mirror smelting and casting. Tonight, the opening of the furnace in 10 hours will be the final step in casting the plough mirror. This piece of iron bending plate of different shapes is the most representative product of Yangcheng pig iron smelting and casting technology, Yangcheng plough mirror, and farmers also call it plough surface. According to the different topography and soil quality of the country, at least 265 different varieties have been produced. In the past, it is indispensable for farmers to plough the land, put it behind the iron plowshare, when turning the ground, the soil can be turned wider and deeper, and has the advantage of not sticking to the mud, in the process of turning the soil again and again, the plow surface is polished smooth and bright, no less than the bronze mirror used in ancient times, so it has a louder name: plow mirror. The eldest son said, "It has its advantages, if you don't use a plough mirror, it will be very strenuous, like saying that such a wide field can be ploughed five times with a plow mirror; If you don't use the plough mirror, you will have to make seven or eight laps, which is almost half of the effort. Hua Jue said: "After it ploughs the mirror, the soil will be turned over automatically, and it will become a ridge, which is of course very convenient for his farming, so it is a farming technique, and the plough mirror has been widely used in the Han Dynasty, which has played a great role in improving agricultural production in the Han Dynasty." Jia Haishe said: "In the past, their old people said that when they came to Anhui, they would have to have two plough mirrors in the family to marry a daughter-in-law. "The first step in making a plough mirror is to mine the stone, and the mining village more than a dozen kilometers away from Fansanggou is named for its abundance of high-quality iron-rich ore, and the Wozi mine here has a high iron content and is easy to mine. The color is black and the iron content is high, and the red is low in iron. In the prosperous years of the last century, people from a radius of dozens of miles would come here and carry iron ore to the nearby plough furnaces. The firewood and charcoal are built into a firewood pile about 2 meters long and about 1 meter high, and the crushed iron ore is evenly spread on the surface of the firewood shop, and after the firewood pile is ignited, the smoke is fumigated, and the impurities in the iron ore are volatilized, and this process is called desulfurization. Iron ore generally contains sulfur, but Wozi ore has low sulfur and phosphorus content, which is its advantage, but it still needs to be desulfurized, with high sulfur content, it is hot and brittle, and high phosphorus content is cold brittle, that is, when it is cold, it is relatively brittle, so these two impurities are hoped to be as low as possible. Shanxi Yangcheng is close to the Taihang Mountains, contains high-quality coal and iron ore resources, since ancient times is the Chinese history of the iron riding town, the furnace fire has been burning here for thousands of years, now, perhaps only in the remote mountain village such as Fansanggou can also be found in the figure of the plough mirror, complex mountain terrain, can not use large machinery to plough the land, decades ago preserved the plough mirror has become the only remaining baby pimple for the farmers. This is used at home, this plough mirror is specially made on the stove, this is called Fang Zun, this plow mirror has cloud patterns, this is the cloud pattern, you look at this one by one, this is the cloud, the smooth surface of this goods, you must pay attention to the cloud pattern. Since the furnace was closed in the eighties of the last century, there has been no furnace for more than 30 years. Of course, I have confidence, I have a backer, I have a bottom in my heart, and I have a backer. More than forty years ago, when Yoshishi took on the responsibility of the stove for the first time, his feelings were much more complicated than today's. Furnace repair is the core technology on the plough furnace, and the person who masters this technology is called the stove head. In 1976, Ji grabbed 30 years old, this year, he officially came to the Sanglin Township Plough Furnace Club began to follow his uncle Zhang Suoming to learn the craft, Zhang Suoming is the head of the Sanglin Township Plough Furnace Society, at that time the Plough Furnace Society was very popular, dozens of workers on a furnace, and many locals rely on burning charcoal for the Plough Furnace Society, carrying ore for a living, to be able to work on the plough furnace, is Ji to seize the dream of things. At that time, he was only responsible for miscellaneous work, digging pulp, scooping pulp, what worked, he was diligent, you were diligent, you were satisfied, he did it in the front, he did it in the back, people wiped it again, let you do it, he was also strict at that time, the size of the furnace was basically mastered, especially the technology of mixing, you have to master. Use dry white clay and quartz sand, this is to make the bottom of the gold basin furnace, after this is made, it has to be burned dry, and tomorrow you can hoard the soil, and hoard it into a gold basin, which is a place to store molten iron. The brothers are leading the workers to build the furnace with red clay and wheat straw, and it will take five people a whole day to make the upper and lower sections of the furnace, and Da Hong and the blacksmith are reinforcing the furnace with iron hoops. Based on the center line of the furnace, Dahong will expand the space in the furnace to a size that can be trimmed. After that, the long repair work can begin, and the process of repairing the furnace is the real secret of the furnace mastery. The first step is to thickly smear the inside of the oven with red clay and quartz sand, and then wipe the oven and bake every day. Add firewood and burn it all night, and when we have time, we have to keep burning the fire until the stove is dry from the inside out. The second step is to make a gold basin, taking advantage of the residual heat behind the oven, quickly spread and compact the pre-mixed materials on the bottom of the oven. This trench is the place where the molten iron will be used in the future, and only at the most critical moment of repairing the furnace, the stove head will take out this mysterious ruler that has been passed down from generation to generation. The eldest son said, "Just the iron ruler that my father used, the air inlet pipe, and the size of the golden basin at the bottom of the furnace, all of which are measured by his ruler, and my father told himself that the master is the master at any time, and the master must wear a hat in the furnace to prevent peeking." "After the gold basin is ready, seal the furnace mouth at both ends, leaving only a small air inlet and tap hole. The position of the air duct must be accurate, and any error will directly affect the amount of fire in the furnace when the furnace is opened. The wind is separated by a line, and they are not allowed to meet, which is a little higher and a lower problem, and the upper three points are hard, and the bottom is three points, if it is hit, the molten iron cannot be used, it is hard and the temperature is low; Hit down, the temperature of the water is high, this is to see the fire, is to see the wind, this is the most serious. In just half a year on the furnace, Ji grasped all the skills of making furnaces and repairing furnaces. In 1977, the second year that Ji grabbed the plough furnace club, his uncle Zhang Shouming was seriously ill and bedridden. With the data and products of the plough mirror produced three days before the opening of the furnace, Ji grabbed and came to his uncle's bed. After I went, my uncle said, how many goods did the first shift get, how many goods did the second shift get, how much did he say, and his uncle told him, no one can snatch it, you completed this task, and if you didn't speak, his uncle died. Erhong fills the entire furnace with pre-fired charcoal and uses it as fuel to preheat the furnace, and the seemingly inconspicuous charcoal is actually very important, and only this charcoal fired from Jiangmu can be qualified as fuel for plough furnace ironmaking. The temperature inside the charcoal kiln was as high as seventy or eighty degrees, and a worker only dared to stay in it for a minute or two. After the charcoal is out of the kiln, it needs to be fired quickly to the next kiln. Jiangmu, scientific name Quercus chinensis, is a kind of wood widely distributed in the Taihang Mountains, its texture is very hard, so Jiangmu charcoal burns longer than other charcoal, and it is also very particular when making charcoal. You see, for example, this belongs to stubble, this is charcoal upwards, this stubble is hard, it has a large gap in the furnace, the flame can go up, there is a gap, there is a natural combustion force to eat a little wind, if you just make some charcoal, the fire is blocked, the fire is not big. When the fire is burned, the charcoal is broken and the raw wood stubble is placed in the lower part of the stove to help the air circulate in the furnace and increase the firepower. When the charcoal is placed on the wooden stubble, the fire can burn more vigorously, and this process follows the oldest form of plough furnace ironmaking. In the 80s of the last century, with the improvement of the level of agricultural mechanization, many of the places where the original orders were gradually changed to machine ploughing, in addition, plough furnace smelting must use a large amount of Jiangmu charcoal, with the country's emphasis on environmental protection, a large number of cutting wood is also prohibited. In 1985, the Sanglin Plough Furnace Society was officially closed, and Ji grabbed it and returned home, working like ordinary farmers, bidding farewell to the glorious years of the Plough Furnace Society. At that time, Ji grabbed it and would not have imagined that more than 20 years later, he would become the only national-level inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage project of Yangcheng pig iron smelting and casting technology. With only five hours left before the evening furnace was opened, the floor where the plough was placed suddenly collapsed, and the entire furnace tilted to one side. The plough mirror is an unusually hard iron product, and Da Hong padded the fragments of the plough mirror under the tripod on the collapsed side, and the plow furnace finally stabilized, and a crisis was temporarily resolved. However, Erhong's worries have not been eliminated. Ji Erhong said: "I'm afraid that if there is a crack under the golden basin, because yesterday I took a crowbar and pried it on the bottom of the golden basin, in case there is a crack The molten iron flows away in it, and it is in vain, and all the previous efforts are wasted." The 73-year-old was very tired from the hard work, and he had just been discharged from the hospital a month ago. Everything is ready, but the brothers don't dare to light the fire easily, they have to wait for the arrival of a person, more than six o'clock in the evening, a master came to the stove, Zhang Zhangshe, Zeng Shiji grabbed the fire master on the stove, in the past, on the stove, a stove with three fire masters, is the basic configuration of the stove. Originally, he was a master on the stove, and he was in charge of repairing this furnace, and there were many of them, and there were several masters, I had three masters on one furnace, three masters on one furnace, and now there is only one left, so let him come but my heart is at peace. With this experienced master at the helm, the certainty of success tonight is even greater. The stove head and the fire master should determine the number of materials, how much charcoal, how much ore to add, how much bluestone to add each time, and how often to add it, there are relatively strict requirements, and everyone's division of labor is very important. The night is getting darker, and tonight's furnace has just begun. In order to increase the temperature of the furnace and bake the furnace more dry, Erhong insisted on running more than seven times. At 10 o'clock in the night, more than 2 hours after the furnace was opened, Ji grabbed at home and came to the scene to check. At 11:30 p.m., more than 3 hours after the furnace was opened, the eighth feeding, the most important raw material for plough furnace ironmaking, finally appeared. The most important thing is to judge the situation in the furnace and the temperature of the molten iron by looking at the color of the flame, and whether it has reached the level of casting, which is called the color of the fire. Although Da Hong had made several stoves with his father, he had almost no experience in opening furnaces, so he had to seize the opportunity to learn the skills of furnace control from Master Zhang.

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