
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

author:Lao Feng looked at Shanxi

Shanxi Zhendong Group: Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and boost the enterprise into the "fast lane" of high-quality development

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that the private economy is a new force for promoting Chinese-style modernization and an important foundation for high-quality development. On July 19, 2023, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" was released, pointing out that it is necessary to adhere to and strengthen the party's leadership over the private economy, guide private enterprises to continuously improve the quality of development, and promote the private economy to become bigger and stronger.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution and ......" On June 23, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of Shanxi Zhendong Health Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as Shanxi Zhendong Group) organized party member representatives to go to the Hongqiqu Red Education Base to carry out party member forum activities and accept the baptism of revolutionary spirit. The representatives of the party members solemnly clenched their right fists, reviewed the oath of joining the party, remembered the original intention of joining the party and the mission of party members, and expressed their unlimited loyalty to the party and their firm determination to serve the people with a solemn oath.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

Founded in 1993, Shanxi Zhendong Group is a health industry group covering four major sectors: Chinese and Western pharmaceuticals, health functional foods, health care products, and Chinese herbal medicine planting, and is one of the top 100 pharmaceutical enterprises in China. As early as 1996, Zhendong Group set up a party branch, in 1997 the establishment of the general party branch, in 2005 the establishment of the party committee, now has jurisdiction over 2 grassroots party committees, 1 general party branch, 21 party branches, the party organization from the group headquarters to branches, subsidiaries to achieve full coverage, the number of party members from the initial 5 people to the current 596 people, the scale has expanded more than 100 times. Combined with the characteristics of the enterprise itself, Zhendong Group has explored the "three belts, four pipes, and five ones" working method featuring "party committee leading, branch driving, and party members taking the lead", deeply integrating party building and business, and striving to lead the high-quality development of the enterprise with high-quality party building. In 2021, the Party Committee of Zhendong Group was rated as a "National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization" by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and its party building work has become a banner of non-public party building across the country.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

Forge the soul and shape the building of a solid ideological foundation

The flag guides the direction, and the thought leads the journey. Adhering to the guidance of party building and giving full play to the political leading role of party organizations in promoting development and uniting people's hearts is the key to the strong combat effectiveness, cohesion and appeal of private enterprises, and it is the soul casting project of high-quality development of enterprises. Advanced party building culture is the ideological guidance of corporate culture construction. The Party Committee of Shanxi Zhendong Group organically combines party building and corporate culture, takes the construction of corporate culture as the first priority of the party organization, and is committed to shaping a positive energy culture of patriotism, love for family, love for enterprises and love for people, so that culture can take root at the grassroots level and let culture form habits.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

"Zhendong is first of all the country, followed by the employees, and finally the shareholders", Chairman Li Anping believes that the family is the cell of the society, the enterprise is the support of the national economy, and the core connotation of the enterprise is to create good economic and social benefits, and contribute to the strength of the enterprise for the prosperity of the country and the strength of the nation. In practice, the Party Committee of Shanxi Zhendong Group has refined the core values of "being rich with the people, prospering with the family, and being strong with the country" and the five cultures of "sunshine, simplicity, affinity, integrity, and responsibility", and implemented this positive energy culture into the development of the enterprise. Over the years, the Party Committee of Zhendong Group has embarked on a unique road of party building work in private enterprises, adhering to the principle of "Party Committee Leading, Branch Driving, Party Member Leading", and "Party Shaping Culture, Party Management of Personnel, Party Promoting Poverty Alleviation, and Party Discipline", gathering a strong spiritual force to promote the development of the enterprise, and leading the direction of high-quality development of the enterprise.

Improve efficiency and empower to stimulate industrial vitality

A branch is a fortress, and a party member is a banner. For enterprises, party members play a good vanguard and leading role, which is not only the basic premise for continuing to promote the deep integration of party and enterprise work and stimulating the core advantages of party organization politics, but also the urgent need to optimize enterprise management, enhance corporate image, and promote the healthy development of enterprises. The flag is flying high, and the flag is the direction. There is a "party member responsibility area" in the front line of the project, a "party member pioneer post" in the production workshop, and a "party member commando" in the scientific research center, the party committee of Zhendong Group encourages party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role, carry forward the spirit of "five dares", so that everyone dares to think, high-level dare to take responsibility, middle-level dare to break through, grassroots dare to do, and dare to innovate up and down, and make a series of achievements in industrial development.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

"The evaluation standards of the national enterprise technology center are high, the links are strict, our center does the work in the day-to-day, the management party members take the lead and are responsible, the middle-level party members grasp the progress and quality, and the grassroots party members strictly implement it, drive the business backbone, mobilize all employees, and accumulate day by day, so that we have today's achievements." In 2023, Zhendong Pharmaceutical Technology Center will become the only "National Enterprise Technology Center" recognized in Shanxi Province every year, and Zhang Hongqiang, member of the Party Branch Organization Committee of the Science and Technology Center, feels that the honor is not easy to come by.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

"At present, more than 200 Chinese herbal medicine bases have been established in Zhendong across the country, with a planting area of 1.168 million mu." Wang Yulong said. Wang Yulong is an old party member of the party branch of Zhendong Chinese herbal medicine company, he has been rooted in the medicine field all the year round, mingled with medicine farmers and technicians, and carried out innovative research in the fields of national standards for Chinese herbal medicines, new variety breeding, and ecological planting. In order to ensure the authenticity of Chinese herbal medicines from the root and ensure the medicinal properties and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine raw materials, Zhendong Chinese herbal medicines continue to optimize the operation mechanism and expand the scale of the base, which is inseparable from many party members and pioneers like Wang Yulong who adhere to the cause of Chinese herbal medicines.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

If the party building work is done well, it is productivity, if it is done well, it is cohesion, and if it is meticulous, it is competitiveness. Over the past 20 years, the Party Committee of Zhendong Group has cultivated and recommended more than 890 talents above the supervisor, including 289 professional scientific research personnel in biology, chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, etc., providing a solid talent guarantee for "creating a century-old enterprise and building a century-old brand".

Gather strength to help rural revitalization

Over the years, the Party Committee of Shanxi Zhendong Group has taken social responsibility as an important commitment to contribute to the society, established a leading group for industrial revitalization, formulated a help plan, and helped the people get rich and increase income. Pingshun County, deep in the old Taihang area, was once a national-level poverty-stricken county, with the largest incidence of poverty, the widest range of poverty, and the deepest poverty. After careful investigation, calculation and evaluation, the Party Committee of Shanxi Zhendong Group decided to vigorously develop the Chinese herbal medicine planting industry in Pingshun County according to the characteristics of rich authentic and local resources of medicinal materials, boost poverty alleviation, and build Pingshun County into "the first county of Chinese herbal medicines".

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

In order to make the revitalization of the Chinese herbal medicine industry more refined, practical and detailed, Zhendong operates and manages in the mode of "government + enterprise + agricultural cooperatives + farmers", and carries out precise docking and comprehensive coverage in the mode of "senior party member package, central management party member package village, and employee party member package household", absorbs employment nearby, carries out technical guidance, and opens up the whole industrial chain of planting, primary processing, deep processing, decoction piece production, warehousing, logistics, procurement and sales. Through years of hard work, the Chinese herbal medicine industry has become the pillar industry of Pingshun County and the main channel for the poor people to get rid of poverty and increase income, and Pingshun County will also be successfully lifted out of poverty in 2020. With Pingshun as the center, the scope of Zhendong Group's Chinese herbal medicine industry assistance has been expanding, and it has now covered 16 provinces across the country, with a planting base of 1.168 million mu, driving 300,000 farmers to steadily increase their income, with an average of 3,000-5,000 yuan per capita. In May 2017, the National Poverty Alleviation On-site Meeting was held in Pingshun, and the poverty alleviation model of Zhendong Chinese herbal medicine industry was selected as one of the "Top Ten Cases of National Poverty Alleviation"; In 2019, Li Anping, chairman of Zhendong Group, won the "National Poverty Alleviation Award Dedication Award"; On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party in 2021, Zhendong Group was commended by the Party Central Committee and the State Council as the "National Advanced Collective for Poverty Alleviation".

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

Shanxi Zhendong Group continues to promote the high-quality development of the Chinese herbal medicine industry through scientific and technological empowerment, strengthening the whole industrial chain, innovating the operation model, promoting management upgrading and cultivating new quality productivity, and contributing to the revitalization of the countryside.

The future is promising, and the future is here. Shanxi Zhendong Group continues to practice the core value concept of "getting rich with the people, prospering with the family, and strengthening with the country", adheres to the guidance of party building, continuously injects "red kinetic energy" into the development of the enterprise, provides a "red engine", deeply integrates the party building work into the operation of the enterprise, and writes a new chapter in the high-quality development of the big health industry.

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development


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Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

Thirty and stand, starting from a new start. In the new decade, the Zhendong people of Shanxi Zhendong Group will, as always, practice the core values of "getting rich with the people, prospering with the family, and being strong with the country", and focus on "new strategies, new concepts, new methods, new products, and new visions", riveting full of energy, cohesion, firm beliefs, and forging ahead, so that the "new decade" will become the fastest and healthiest decade in Zhendong! Work hard to achieve the grand blueprint!

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

△ Li Anping, chairman of Shanxi Zhendong Group


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△ Video: Shanxi Zhendong Group "Song of Zhendong"

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development


△Please click on the video to watch (the content released by "Lao Feng Looks at Shanxi" in 2023 has been on the hot list of today's headlines 103 times)

Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development
Firmly grasp the "red steering wheel" of party building and promote enterprises to enter the "fast lane" of high-quality development

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