
Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

author:China Agricultural Reclamation Magazine

The people take food as the sky, and food is the first thing. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that "efforts should be made to improve total factor productivity, focus on improving the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains", and "ensure the security of food, energy resources, and important industrial and supply chains". Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Green Food Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Green Food Group") thoroughly implements the important instructions and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping on food safety work, adheres to the strategic goal of Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Group") to build a national first-class food enterprise with high quality, resolutely fights the battle of strengthening the chain and supplementing the chain, and takes the construction of Guangxi food supply chain sharing platform as a breakthrough point, and comprehensively integrates the resources of the food industry chain by grasping the source, gathering terminals, and building a platform. Provide consumers with safe and healthy food and high-quality services, build a safe and efficient development ecosystem for the food industry from the field to the table, and promote the upward movement of high-quality agricultural products and the high-quality development of the food industry.

At present, the Guangxi food supply chain sharing platform has basically built a sustainable, stable, intelligent and efficient food supply chain service system that can meet the daily consumption of key foods. The operation management and service capabilities of the system have been significantly improved, and the role of promoting food production and circulation to reduce costs and increase efficiency, match supply and demand and industrial upgrading has been significantly enhanced. According to statistics, the cumulative sales of food ingredients exceeded 1.5 billion yuan, serving more than 100 units inside and outside Guangxi.

Grasp the source and ensure the safety of food supply

Since its launch in June 2021, the Guangxi Food Supply Chain Sharing Platform has taken Nanning, the capital of the autonomous region, as a breakthrough, innovatively introduced the sharing platform thinking, gathered small and medium-sized distribution enterprises around Jinqiao, shared the advantageous food supply channels of Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation and the standardized facilities in the warehouse, and strived to integrate the relatively scattered and independent resources of the current food distribution industry, and promote the transformation of the industry to formalization and standardization.

At the source, the platform covers a number of high-quality agricultural products such as grain and oil, selenium-rich fragrant rice, pork, black goat, Hehua fish, dragon fruit, screw pepper and other high-quality agricultural products belonging to Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Group, vigorously integrates farm resources, focuses on the development of order agriculture, and goes deep into the front line of rural farmers through rural revitalization and consumption poverty alleviation, expands the categories of agricultural products, and helps farmers increase their income. It has deeply connected with Shanglin, Mashan, Dahua, Longlin and other counties in Guangxi, gathered the characteristic product resources of each county and district, optimized 975 product categories, and sold them through online and offline platforms, making positive contributions to helping rural revitalization, promoting county economic development, and increasing the income of rural households. Efforts should be made to solve the pain points of the industry such as the difficulty of upstream enterprises to sell vegetables, the expensive purchase of vegetables by distribution enterprises, and the difficulty of food safety supervision, so as to create a safe food supply chain platform that can be controlled throughout the whole process, so that people can buy and eat with peace of mind, and create greater social value.

Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

Shared warehouse grain and oil display area

In order to smooth the supply channels of safe and high-quality ingredients, the shared warehouse is equipped with various functional rooms such as high and low temperature cold storage, testing room, meat processing workshop, vegetable processing workshop, etc., integrating resources such as suppliers, buyers, and distributors, implementing platform management, reducing costs and increasing efficiency of food circulation, and empowering settled enterprises. In order to strictly implement the main responsibility of food safety, the platform strictly controls the quality control and access system, and regularly carries out special food safety inspections and comprehensive safety inspections for all production enterprises, trading enterprises and warehouses. Focus on real-time nuclear inspection of incoming and outgoing ingredients, timely and accurately issue inspection and testing data of food samples, and strictly control the quality of ingredients. Cleaning and disinfection of warehousing and distribution sites, facilities, and vehicles are carried out every day to ensure the safe and stable supply of fresh ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and fruits, so that people can consume and eat with peace of mind.

Gather terminals to achieve a win-win situation

The platform consolidates the infrastructure and works hard to promote the food distribution business. From 2021 to 2023, we will deeply cultivate the markets around Nanning Market, and the food service delivery objects include primary and secondary schools in cities, counties and districts in Guangxi, government institutions, state-owned enterprises directly under the district, and trade union welfare procurement units. In 2024, efforts will also be made to promote the food supply business of service objects such as Guigang Gangnan District, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Medical University and Guangxi Electromechanical Bidding Center, and start the food distribution project of Shunda in Guiping City and the food distribution project of Shenzhen Airlines Nanning Branch. At present, more than 100 units in the region have been served through the platform, laying a solid foundation for deepening and strengthening the service platform. At the same time, the platform vigorously improves the guarantee of product system elements, and on the basis of benefiting all kinds of vegetables and fruits from the source farm, new high-quality standard products such as durian frozen meat, snail flour, and sea duck eggs are added to the main online products, enriching product categories, and better serving the market and service platform merchants.

In terms of internal management, the platform has been continuously improved with the development of the environment and market changes, and the service quality has been improved. We will continue to implement the reform of various systems and rules, continue to optimize and improve decision-making procedures, do a good job in compliance control of business processes, and effectively achieve "strong internal control, heavy compliance, and risk prevention". Formulated and optimized trade business management measures, inventory management systems, customer credit evaluation management methods, procurement management methods, etc., sorted out various processes, and improved the ability to control all processes of the entire business. The platform continues to carry out personnel education and training, job rotation training, cross-filling, etc., timely tracking and follow-up customer trends, taking corresponding measures to protect the rights and interests of customers, training the personnel team, and laying the foundation for building an excellent talent training base in the field of food distribution.

Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

Shared warehouse to help product display area

Especially during the epidemic period, the platform gave full play to the advantages of centralized procurement and distribution, and actively cooperated with Beihai City, Qinzhou City and other cities to do a good job in the supply of daily necessities. Preferential selection of meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits and other ingredients produced by the farm to ensure the stable supply of the "vegetable basket" of Beihai residents. From July to October 2022, the "Guiken Fresh" group buying platform mini program was launched in Beihai to distribute daily necessities to the communities under control, effectively ensure the stable supply and price of daily necessities such as vegetables and pork, and minimize the impact of the epidemic on the daily life of residents in the closed and controlled areas. During the epidemic period, more than 20,000 orders were delivered to various communities in Beihai area, covering a total of 4,714 households in Haicheng District, Jiangnan District, Qingxiu District and Yinhai District of Beihai City, with a cumulative order amount of nearly 1 million yuan.

Build a platform to realize the sharing of information resources

At present, the increase in labor costs, the lack of kitchen space and the non-standard cutting of ingredients have greatly limited the development of the catering industry. How to effectively reduce costs and better serve end customers has become the primary issue in the minds of every catering practitioner. The platform cooperated with a third party to build a central kitchen project and officially put it into operation, and introduced food processing workshops such as vegetable processing production lines and prefabricated food R&D centers to benchmark first-class enterprises in the industry. The standardized cutting and packaging of ingredients in the vegetable processing workshop can effectively reduce the dependence of the kitchen on the kitchen staff, release the original storage space and greatly shorten the cooking time, and reduce the kitchen cost by up to 15%. Through the scientific matching of dishes and the safe and hygienic fresh-keeping packaging design, the prefabricated food R&D center solves the problems of unstable food quality, unreasonable dish collocation, and incomplete menu selection in the canteen, and has planned and developed more than 600 kinds of four-season menus, which greatly improves the service capacity of the canteen.

Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

Guangxi Food Supply Chain Sharing Platform 2024 Group Meal Distribution Business Fair

At the same time, the platform relies on the live broadcast project in cooperation with the professional team to jointly build an e-commerce operation system, and has successively participated in the live broadcast of Longlin local goods out of the mountain, the live broadcast room of the China Mango Industry Conference, the live broadcast of the "Youth Heart to the Party" of Nanning Department Store and other activities, as well as the promotion and marketing of talents, and actively expand the brand influence of Guiken through the live broadcast effect. Organize the supply of famous, high-quality, special and new commodities, and promote the introduction of special agricultural products into government agencies, state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, community schools and other units in the district through welfare group purchase, community group purchase, unit canteen, supermarket cooperation and other ways.

Ensuring food safety is the original mission of the platform, and the platform continuously deepens the service content by strengthening its own construction, and realizes the visualization and disclosure of all information of food ingredients through means such as scientific and technological empowerment and strengthening information construction. As the main body of the platform, it cooperates with settled enterprises and terminal sales channels to develop distribution applets, which can realize the traceability of the industrial chain, establish a whole-process control and circulation traceability system from the source of food production, food material certification and ticket claim, inspection and testing, warehousing orders, sorting and packaging, logistics and transportation, delivery, etc., to ensure the safety and quality of food ingredients and cold chain transportation, and win-win cooperation with settled enterprises.

Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

Guangxi food supply chain shared warehouse fresh fruit and vegetable sorting

Protecting food safety never ends. In the next step, the Guangxi food supply chain service platform will not forget its original mission, work hard to strengthen management, excellent service, improve quality, and promote development, take advantage of the east wind of Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Group's high-quality construction of a national first-class food enterprise, work together to build an efficient food industry ecosystem, jointly serve the high-quality development of the food industry, make people's lives healthier and better, and make greater contributions to the construction of a magnificent Guangxi with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

Source: China Agricultural Reclamation, Issue 5, 2024

Author: Yang Meiling Xie Yi

Author Affilications:Guangxi Agricultural Reclamation Green Food Group

Strengthen the construction of a sharing platform for the food supply chain and smooth the "micro-circulation" of food circulation

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