
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

author:Midong imprint

In the past few days, Midong District has carried out a wide range of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" with rich content and various forms, encouraging party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to carry forward the great spirit of party building, continue the red blood, make contributions to the new era, and forge ahead on a new journey.

The Party School of the Midong District Party Committee held the 2024 Spring Red Drama Exhibition for the Young and Middle-aged Cadres, which was adapted by the students of the training class for young and middle-aged cadres based on history, and directed and performed by themselves, focusing on the noble qualities and value pursuit of outstanding Communist Party members in different historical periods in the face of hardships and hardships, firm ideals and beliefs, insisting on the supremacy of the people, practicing the original mission, and unremitting struggle.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

from the spiritual awakening in "May Fourth Movement" to the sparks on the boat in Nanhu in "The First Heart"; From the ordinary and great of "I Remember You, You Are Alive", to the tenacious will of the soldiers and the selfless dedication between comrades-in-arms in "An Apple". The red repertoire is an affectionate celebration of the revolutionary spirit, and it is also an "immersive" party class with a novel form.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Student Yang Di said: "History is the best textbook, the life of a great man, and the original intention of determined struggle, we will more consciously strive to be a tireless fighter who has the courage to take responsibility, be determined to reform and innovate, and bravely take on the heavy responsibilities of the times." ”

Ma Jiao, vice president of the Party School of the Midong District Party Committee, said: "The situational teaching of red drama is an important exploration of the innovative teaching mode of the Party School of the District Party Committee in recent years. Through participating in the drama, the students further tempered their party spirit, which is conducive to deep study, careful understanding, and practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and achieve a high degree of unity of knowledge, belief and action. ”

The community organizations in the market town, the enterprises under the jurisdiction and the resident party members visited the history museum to carry out patriotic theme education activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Party member Zhao Zongwei said: "Through the activities, I have a deeper understanding that the development of the enterprise is inseparable from the correct leadership of the party, and we must give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in the future work, and contribute more to the development of the enterprise and the progress of society." ”

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

He Li, secretary of the general party branch of the Jizhen community, said that the activity allowed the enterprises and residents in the jurisdiction to stimulate patriotic enthusiasm, enhance exchanges and cooperation between each other, and jointly inject strong spiritual power into the development of the community.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Dongshan community carried out the "Welcome July 1st, Praise the Party's Grace" theatrical performance activities. The high-pitched singing and vivid interpretation presented an artistic audio-visual feast for the residents.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

The People's Zhuangzi Village organized party members and cadres to collectively swear under the solemn party flag, review the oath of joining the party, and vow to always keep the original intention and forge ahead. After taking the oath, the party members and cadres visited the red base of "six museums and one heart".

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Changshanzi Town carried out the "Honest and Honest Heart, Casting the Soul and Undertaking the Mission" literary and artistic performance. The event also commended outstanding party members, outstanding party workers and advanced collectives, and encouraged and spurred all party members and cadres to continue to carry forward the fine tradition and strive to be a pioneer model in the new era.

The Anhe Community of Shihua Street held a theme activity of "Promoting Family Virtues and Advocating Civilized Family Style".

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Chen Shuqin and He Yongshou, an elderly couple, have set a good example of model couples for residents in their lives, and have been awarded the "Most Beautiful Family" by the community.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Mu Yuqin, director of Anhe Community, said: "We must learn and carry forward the spirit of Jiao Yulu, take the moral model and the most beautiful family around us as an example, inherit the good family style, cultivate a clean and healthy atmosphere, and better guide the majority of party members and cadres to continuously build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and promote clean government, and play a good vanguard and exemplary role." ”

A number of enterprises in the Hongguangshan Community of Kaziwan Street jointly carried out the activities of observing and observing clean government education to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Founding Day.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

In the Midong District Party Style and Clean Government Education Base, under the guidance of the commentator, everyone learned the laws and regulations of anti-corruption and clean government in an all-round and immersive way by listening to explanations, watching materials, watching videos, etc., and comprehended the culture of honest politics, and gave a comprehensive and vivid political education lesson for all party members.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Dong Fang, secretary of the general party branch of Hongguangshan community, said: "The community will continue to strengthen the awareness of party discipline among party members, strictly and practically grasp the construction of party discipline, and lay a solid foundation for creating a clean and upright party atmosphere." ”

Xinyuan Community, Xilu Street, together with Daoxiang Branch of Xinjiang Bank, held the "July 1st" Party Founding Day Art Show with the theme of "Cohesion and Strength to Follow the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey" on the big stage of Mikuri Western Regions Aqua City.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Xinjiang Radio, Film and Television Translation Center entered Baiyanghe Township to carry out theatrical performances to celebrate "July 1st", so that the masses can enjoy the "literary and artistic feast" at their doorstep.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

"The villagers like to sing, dance, and watch performances on weekdays, and this time the shows are more exciting than the other." Saiwulesi Hasai, a staff member of the Baiyanghe Township Government, said, "I will continue to study, improve my ability to serve the people, and shine in my ordinary post." ”

Zhao Bin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Baiyanghe Township, expressed the hope that this event can encourage all party members to continue to play a vanguard and exemplary role and contribute to the sustainable development of Baiyanghe Township.

Weighbridge Street carried out activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and sang the main theme of feeling the party's kindness, praising the party's feelings, and following the party through various forms of learning and education such as melodramas, stage plays, and singing patriotic songs. Further inspire party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, and continue to struggle.

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day
Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Jin Huiling, deputy director of Dongsheng Community, said: "I often go into the house, go into the masses, understand their difficult demands, and solve the problems they encounter in their lives and work in a timely manner." ”

Jia Zhenqi, a cadre of Dongshan Community, said: "As a grassroots Communist Party member, I will continue to learn and carry forward the deeds of outstanding Communist Party members, work in a down-to-earth manner, and do more practical and good deeds. ”

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Patigul Abulahaz, a community cadre on Dongrui North Road, said: "The hard-won life now stems from the blood of the older generation of revolutionaries, and we will pass on the red spirit forever and inspire generation after generation to keep moving forward." ”

Midong District: Rich theme activities to celebrate the "July 1st" Party Day

Liu Zhiping, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Weighbridge Street, said that through this activity, the party members accepted a spiritual baptism and ideological sublimation, guided the majority of party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party building, and truly transformed the learning results into a powerful driving force for entrepreneurship, and promoted the work of the community (village) to a higher level.

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