
The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community carried out a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st

author:Zhaowuda South Road Street Release

  In order to welcome the birthday of the party, cultivate the sense of responsibility and mission of minors, and provide a platform for parents and children to create and enhance their feelings together, the New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community and the Hohhot Youth Torch Public Welfare Service Center launched a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st.

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community carried out a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st
The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community carried out a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st

  In the activity, volunteers first let the children understand the origin of the Party Founding Day and the relevant knowledge of the Party emblem and flag through storytelling, and then conveyed the good wishes to the Party and the motherland through the activity of coloring the picture scroll.

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community carried out a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st

  Accompanied by their parents, the children held paintbrushes with their expressions of concentration, and used their immature hands to sway their imagination and creativity on the blank scroll. Some children painted bright five-star red flags, some painted majestic Tiananmen Square, and some painted scenes of cute children growing up happily under the party flag......

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Mingdu Community carried out a parent-child activity with the theme of "Children's Heart to the Party, Flowers to the Sun" to welcome July 1st

  The "childlike heart to the party, flowers to the sun" to welcome the July 1st theme parent-child activity is an important practice of patriotism education, the seeds of patriotism have taken root in the hearts of the children, I believe that under the care of the party, these flowers of the motherland will thrive, become idealistic, responsible successors of the new era, and contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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