
The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

author:Shijingshan, Beijing
The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out "Grassroots party organizations are the foundation of the party's ruling edifice and the foundation of the party's entire work and combat effectiveness. In recent years, Shijingshan District has firmly established a clear orientation of grasping the grassroots, taking the opportunity of consolidating the achievements of the construction of the national urban grassroots party building demonstration zone, in-depth implementation of the "quality pioneer" project in the whole region, specific guidance in different categories, and overall promotion of the quality and efficiency of grassroots party building work in different fields, and continuously improve the ability of grassroots party organizations to serve and guarantee regional reform and development, so as to provide a strong organizational guarantee for building a new landmark for the rejuvenation of the capital city in the new era and building the west gate of the capital city at a high level.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

Systematic planning and layout

Aiming at the "Quality Pioneer" Project "Navigation Mark"

Improve the grassroots organization system, and continuously strengthen the political leadership, ideological leadership, organizational coverage, social appeal, development driving force, and self-innovation of grassroots party organizations.

Shijingshan District, which used to be the old industrial base of the capital, is currently in a period of strategic opportunities to integrate into the new pattern of the capital's development, a critical period of transformation and development, and a critical period of urban rejuvenation, with the mission of building a "city of quality" in western Beijing. Zheng Yi, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Shijingshan District Party Committee in charge of daily work, introduced that focusing on the shortcomings of the district's grassroots party building planning, such as insufficient systematization, unbalanced development, and insufficient branding, the "Quality Pioneer" project was launched in the whole region. In December 2021, the implementation of the "Quality Pioneer" project was written into the report of the 13th Party Congress of the district; In July 2022, the opinions on the implementation of the "Quality Pioneer" project were issued.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

Shijingshan District adheres to the improvement of the quality of grass-roots party organization construction as the core task of the implementation of the "quality pioneer" project, clarifies the overall layout of "one body and six forces", improves the grass-roots organization system that runs through the top and bottom and implements strongly, and continuously strengthens the political leadership, ideological leadership, organizational coverage, social appeal, development driving force, and self-innovation of grass-roots party organizations, and refines the specific tasks in all aspects, so that "stressing quality and being a pioneer" has become the consensus of party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members in the region.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

In order to promote the implementation of the "Quality Pioneer" project, Shijingshan District has established and improved the work system of the overall leadership of the district committee, the coordination and promotion of the leading group of the party building work of the district committee, and the implementation of the organization department of the district committee. At the same time, the six areas of neighborhood communities, party and government organs, district state-owned enterprises, primary and secondary schools, public hospitals, and "two new" organizations are respectively formulated implementation plans, and each party (work) committee and party group formulate action plans respectively to form a "1+6+N" institutional system. Establish an assessment and evaluation mechanism, incorporate the implementation effect of the "Quality Pioneer" project into the content of the evaluation and assessment of the grassroots party building in the whole region, and link it with the evaluation of cadres and the selection and appointment of cadres, so as to effectively play an incentive and guiding role to ensure that the "Quality Pioneer" project is implemented effectively and has achieved remarkable results.

Carrier linkage empowerment

Create a "quality pioneer" project "thruster"

With the "Quality Pioneer" project as the core, we will build a diversified party building brand such as the "troika" of buildings, the quality community, and the "first secretary" of the community.

For building "cyclists", although electric bicycles are convenient, charging problems are a headache. In the process of visiting the enterprise, some employees of the North International Building Committee and the building workstation of Lugu Street, Shijingshan District, reflected: In this regard, with the support of the street, the building committee held a coordination meeting to actively coordinate with the urban management committee, municipal administration and other relevant departments to select the site and add centralized charging facilities, so that the employees of the enterprise can say goodbye to the trouble of "grabbing potential", and also help eliminate illegal and unsafe behaviors such as "flying wire charging" and home charging from the source.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

It is difficult to solve the dilemma of a "pile", thanks to the "troika" working mechanism of building governance created by Shijingshan District, that is, a new model of building governance in which building party organizations, building committees, and building workstations are parallel. In 2023, in view of the blind spots in personnel management and insufficient resource integration exposed by commercial buildings in the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic, Shijingshan District will focus on the comprehensive reshaping of the building governance system, governance capacity and governance mode, actively explore the new path of party building leading multi-party forces to participate in building governance, and fully implement the new model of building "troika" in 278 commercial buildings in the district, so as to root the party's leadership in the building and the enterprise, and realize the building office, building discussion, and building management. At present, 73 building party organizations, 84 building committees, 64 building workstations have been established, and 260 full-time building social workers have been equipped, which has effectively improved the service capacity and boosted the healthy growth of the building economy.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

Focusing on building a solid grassroots foundation, Shijingshan District adheres to the principle of community construction and building governance, vigorously promotes the construction of "quality community", takes the satisfaction of residents as the guide, and focuses on the "five qualities" of community operation, service, culture, environment and safety, and conducts four rounds of full-coverage "one-to-one" physical examination for the community every year, and the district has now certified 47 four-star "quality communities" and 30 five-star "quality communities", and solved more than 38,000 problems in front of and behind residents' houses.

Grassroots governance should not only strengthen the foundation, but also gather strength. Shijingshan District continues to innovate systems and mechanisms, strengthens co-construction, co-governance and sharing, strives to implement the three-level party building work coordination committee, formulates the work rules and guidelines of the street (community) party building work coordination committee, and forms a working mechanism of "standardized construction, special committee operation, list system promotion, and project-based implementation", and promotes party member district leaders to serve as directors of the street party building work coordination committee, and street department-level leading cadres to serve as directors of the community party building work coordination committee, linking 989 units in the district, and promoting 744 co-construction projects. Form a vivid situation of joint learning of innovative theories, joint promotion of major tasks, joint answers to governance problems, and sharing of high-quality resources.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

In addition to the platform of the Party Building Work Coordination Committee, Shijingshan District has also innovatively carried out the work of dispatching "first secretaries" to the community. For two consecutive years, outstanding party members and cadres have been selected from the units stationed in the district, social organizations, and district organs, enterprises and institutions to serve as the "first secretary" in the community, so as to achieve full coverage of 154 communities, and effectively bring the party building experience of different units and governance resources in different fields to the community, do practical things for the community, solve problems, and let residents benefit and enjoy convenience.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

At the same time, efforts were made to build the grassroots governance brand of "Shijingshan Old Neighborhood", with more than 167,000 real-name certified "Old Neighborhood" volunteers, more than 1,900 "Old Neighborhood" volunteer service teams and 21,000 volunteer projects, and full coverage of the "Old Neighborhood" meeting hall in 154 communities. For new employment groups, we will vigorously implement the "Gathering Bee Action", create a "Gathering Bee Alliance" discussion and consultation mechanism, build 138 "Warm Bee Stations", sort out the list of 93 resources in 32 categories, and carry out the "Party Flag Calling" action for mobile party members on a regular basis, implement care and care measures, build a strong service guarantee system, stimulate the endogenous power of new formats and new employment groups, and effectively lead the transformation of "governance variables" into "governance increments".

Contribute to regional development

Unleash the "high efficiency" of the "quality pioneer" project

Set up party member vanguard teams and party member responsibility areas in key projects and major projects, and form party member commandos; Improve mechanisms such as "top leaders" entering the community, party members and cadres contacting the masses, and keeping a diary of people's feelings.

"Conscientious, thoughtful service", "do practical things for the people, and warm people's hearts with the old"...... Since the renovation of the old community in Apple Yuan Street has been carried out, 230 pennants have been received from residents. In order to do a good job in the renovation of the old community, which is a people's livelihood project and a popular project, the Party Working Committee of Apple Yuan Street deployed the backbone of the street to set up a front-line command for the comprehensive renovation of the old community, adhered to the principle of "the branch is built on the project", and established a temporary party branch for the comprehensive transformation of the old community in all projects, relying on the work structure of "community party committee-Loumen party branch-party member backbone household", give play to the exemplary and leading role of party members, mobilize more than 100 community workers and party member volunteers to sink to the front line, take the initiative to listen to demands, solve problems, and do a good job in policy publicity and implementation. Coordination of forces and support for support work. Aunt Duan, a resident of the second district of the apple orchard, commented,

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

Driven by the traction of the "Quality Pioneer" project, in various major activities and key tasks, the majority of party members and cadres in Shijingshan District consciously walk in the front and be pioneers. Focusing on the major tasks such as the service guarantee of the Winter Olympics and the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we will continue to deepen the practice activities of the theme of "I am a party member and I am committed", and focus on "building a strong organization and building a fortress, making contributions to the service center, and solving problems for the people".

Adhere to party building to promote regional high-quality development, Shijingshan District focuses on the in-depth implementation of the "two strategies" of urban renewal and industrial transformation, coordinates the "four articles" of city-park integration, industrial integration, landscape and cultural integration, and governance force integration, and extensively carries out the "quality pioneer" action in the whole region, sets up party member vanguard teams and party member responsibility areas in key projects and major projects, sets up party member commandos, and extensively carries out activities such as competitions and special actions, so as to transform the party's organizational advantages into advantages in promoting development. Transform the vitality of party members into a driving force for development. In the Spring Festival of 2024, the party members and cadres in the whole region will stick to their posts, plan and carry out 210 characteristic cultural activities around the theme of "Surprises in Western Beijing, Blessing to Shijingshan", receive more than 1.3 million tourists, achieve double growth in the number of tourists and comprehensive income, and usher in a "good start" in the region's consumer market. In the first quarter of 2024, Shijingshan District's GDP reached 25.31 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.5% at constant prices, 0.5 percentage points higher than that of the whole city. The per capita disposable income of residents reached 23,764 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%.

The original intention does not change, and the struggle continues! Shijingshan "Quality Pioneer" Project Activates the "Red Engine" of Regional High-quality Development

Persist in grasping party building to promote service for the people, Shijingshan District promotes party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members to enhance their awareness of serving the masses, improve mechanisms such as "top leaders" entering the community, party members and cadres contacting the masses, and diaries, and carry out activities such as style tempering and post meritorious service in window units and service departments, so as to solve the problems of residents. Vigorously promote the reform and innovation of party building to lead the handling of complaints, formulate a three-year action plan for the "hotline + grid" work, improve the five major classes and the "top ten" working mechanism, explore online 12345, one-code "old neighborhood" hotline workstations and other models, promote the transformation from handling complaints immediately to handling before litigation and active governance, and continuously improve the people's sense of gain and satisfaction.

To grasp party building is to grasp development, and to grasp development, we must grasp party building. With the in-depth implementation of the "Quality Pioneer" project as the traction, the integration into the center and the overall service as the main line, and the deepening of party building to lead grassroots governance as the path, Shijingshan District has further enhanced the political and organizational functions of the grassroots party organizations in the region, and the road of leading services to ensure the high-quality development of the region with high-quality party building is getting wider and wider.

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