
Investigated and handled more than 30 criminal cases He has become an expert in handling cases from a young white policeman

author:Han News

Three years ago, Li Xiaotian joined the police camp with enthusiasm, but when he mediated the dispute for the first time, he was overwhelmed by thorny problems. Now, he has not only successfully investigated more than 30 criminal cases, transferred more than 40 criminal suspects to be successfully arrested, but also caught 4 "fish that slipped through the net" within half a year.

Investigated and handled more than 30 criminal cases He has become an expert in handling cases from a young white policeman

(Li Xiaotian, police officer of Shamao Street Police Station, Wuhan Economic Development Zone Public Security Bureau)

"Arrest, he must be arrested." Because his grandson pushed and shoved his playmate, an old man in his 60s actually demanded that the 7-year-old child who "caused the accident" be arrested and detained.

This rather dramatic scene happened at the scene of Li Xiaotian's first police dispatch three years ago.

"I was so confused that I didn't know what to do." On June 28, Li Xiaotian, a police officer from the Shamao Street Police Station of the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Hannan District) Branch of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, told reporters.

The embarrassment encountered by the police for the first time was like a basin of cold water, splashed on Li Xiaotian's head, washing away his impetuousness of "doing big things and solving big cases", making him calm down and think about how to deal with the masses.

"Moss, that's what you're doing." Born in Jingzhou, Hubei Province, Li Xiaotian, who grew up in Mandarin novels, has since consulted colleagues whenever he has time, learned the local dialect and learned about local customs.

Investigated and handled more than 30 criminal cases He has become an expert in handling cases from a young white policeman

(Li Xiaotian talks to the masses in the police)

Half a year later, Li Xiaotian has been able to speak some more commonly used local dialects. When mediating mass disputes, he no longer mechanically reasoned and laid out the law, but first eased the antagonistic emotions of the two sides by taking the initiative to greet and make family routines. He said: "To resolve contradictions and disputes, it is better to explain the law first, than to sort out the 'qi' first. ”

Thinking diligently and summarizing well, Li Xiaotian gradually became handy in the post of receiving the police.

In the early hours of the morning in August 2021, an elderly man in his 80s sat on a remote roadside on Hannam Avenue, confused and unable to communicate normally.

After the police arrived, Li Xiaotian bought food and water for the old man, and visited several alleys nearby, and finally found her home on the second floor.

Li Xiaotian drove the old man downstairs in a police car, and then bent down to carry her home, and did not leave with confidence until the family came.

After working as a police officer for two years, in January 2023, Li Xiaotian entered the case handling team of the Shamao Street Police Station and became a criminal police officer as he wished.

However, this also means that everything has to be learned from scratch.

The predecessors of the case-handling team and the past case file materials are all regarded by Li Xiaotian as treasures for gaining experience.

"Prosecutor Li, do you have time today?" When encountering some more complicated drug cases, Li Xiaotian will also take the initiative to contact the prosecutor, ask about the conditions for approving arrest, and complete the evidence in the case.

It is precisely with this good habit of diligent study and inquisitiveness that Li Xiaotian has successfully handled a number of "three no" drug cases with "no transaction scenes, no drug objects, and no confessions from suspects", and has become a recognized expert in handling cases at the Shamao Street Police Station.

However, behind being known as an expert in handling cases, there are unexpected encounters with danger again and again.

In early November 2023, two drug-related suspects were preparing to leave on an electric vehicle after completing a transaction in a parking lot near the zoo in Hanyang District. Li Xiaotian and his colleagues surrounded and stepped forward to arrest him.

Who knows, the two drug-related suspects actually screwed the accelerator full and accelerated towards Li Xiaotian.

At the critical moment, Li Xiaotian dodged sideways and kicked on the electric car, and the two fell to the ground in response. Li Xiaotian stepped forward, pulled his wrist and arm, and subdued one of the suspects to the ground. The other suspect just wanted to escape, but before he could get up, he was also arrested by the police.

Li Xiaotian, who graduated from Hubei Police College, has dreamed of chivalry since he was a child. In addition to handling cases, he regarded the capture of fugitives as a hobby of "pastime", and was obsessed with hunting fugitives with yarn hats.

Investigated and handled more than 30 criminal cases He has become an expert in handling cases from a young white policeman

(Li Xiaotian captures a fugitive while eating fried rice on the side of the road)

"That person seems to have escaped from the net." At about 20 o'clock on May 22, Li Xiaotian and his colleagues missed a meal due to handling a case, and while eating fried rice on the side of the road, they accidentally caught a glimpse of a man wearing a mask, dressed and shaped very similar to a fugitive he had been tracking recently.

Li Xiaotian and his colleagues quickly followed up and observed. After the suspect man turned into an alley, Li Xiaotian wittily shouted out the name of the net, and the man turned back.

With the arrest of this man, Li Xiaotian has arrested 4 fugitives in the past six months.

Financial Media Reporter: Deng Yinxue

Correspondent: Cui Junyang Xie Wei

Editor: Wang Wenjie and Lv Yanli

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