
Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field

author:Han News

The 41-year-old Chen Jian is the director of the Yangtze River Characteristic Fish Resources and Breeding Research Office of the Fisheries Research Institute of the Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and has insisted on going deep into the grassroots line for 13 years, from the field pondside to the breeding workshop, and has always devoted himself to the aquatic industry, especially in the collection and preservation of germplasm resources of famous and high-quality fish such as squids, mandarin fish and catfish, the breeding and propagation of improved varieties, and the research of new technologies and new models of aquaculture, and has played an exemplary and leading role as a party member.

Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field
Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field
Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field

In 2011, Chen Jian graduated from university and joined the Yangtze River Characteristic Fish Research Laboratory of the Fisheries Research Institute of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences to carry out research on the breeding of mackerel. At that time, there were very few units in the country that carried out the breeding of new fish varieties in local institutes, and the number of new freshwater varieties was only a handful, and the breeding of most new fish varieties was still in the stage of relying on manual selection. Chen Jian, who has just arrived, is faced with the dilemma of lack of new technologies and new means to assist fish breeding. In order to speed up the process of fish breeding, Chen Jian came to the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences with enthusiasm to return to the furnace for further study, plunged into the laboratory, re-gnawed on the books, and learned new technologies from scratch.

Chen Jian, director of the Yangtze River Characteristic Fish Resources and Breeding Research Office of the Fisheries Research Institute of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said: "At that time, we lacked a molecular marker technology platform, I received the project research task arranged by the unit, and then studied at the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for 2 years The successful selection and breeding provided technical support. "

According to reports, the new variety of "Pioneer No. 1", which is mainly responsible for Chen Jian, passed the national examination and approval in 2012, and based on this variety, it won the Hubei Patent Gold Award and the China Patent Excellence Award in 2017. On the basis of these achievements, with the progress of the times and the development of fish breeding technology, Chen Jian's future research on mackerel has gone farther and wider. The ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River puts forward the goal of "improving quality and efficiency, reducing quantity and increasing income, green development, and enriching fishermen" for aquatic product development. How to ensure that "citizens eat good fish and fishermen raise good fish", Chen Jian combined with the current situation of local fishery development in Wuhan City, and successively undertook the "Yangtze River Famous and High-quality Economic Fish Breeding Experiment and Demonstration Promotion" of Wuhan Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and carried out the research and demonstration work of the Yangtze River's indigenous fish such as long-nosed catfish, yellow catfish, and Ussuri catfish.

Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field
Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field

Chen Jian, director of the Yangtze River Characteristic Fish Resources and Breeding Research Office of the Fisheries Research Institute of Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, introduced, "In 2018, I was the main completer of the national new aquatic variety 'Pioneer No. 2', which passed the approval, and in recent years, with the support of the innovation project of the Municipal Academy of Agricultural Sciences, I collected 5 more characteristic varieties, and finally chose to carry out gender control breeding on the Yangtze River's precious fish long-snouted bass, yellow catfish, and Ussuri catfish, and carried out in-depth cooperation with the Institute of Aquatic Biology and Huanong, and approved the yellow catfish in 2022 At the same time, the all-male long-snouted bass and the all-male Ussuri catfish are also under active research and development. ”

Through more than 10 years of painstaking research, Chen Jian has participated in more than 20 major aquatic seed industry projects, published more than 20 papers, presided over and formulated 5 standards, and actively promoted a new situation in the Yangtze River characteristic fish resources and breeding.

While making great progress in his specialization, Chen Jian never forgot to improve his political literacy and political level, and unremittingly armed his mind with the party's innovative theoretical achievements, guided practice, and promoted work. His words and deeds deeply infected the colleagues around him.

Chen Jian, a pioneer in the research of famous and high-quality fish in the Yangtze River: let scientific research take root in the field

Wei Huijie, deputy director of the Fisheries Research Institute of the Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and secretary of the branch of the Yangtze River Characteristic Fish Resources and Breeding Research Office, said: "I have worked with Chen Jian for 13 years, and he has high political quality, strong professional ability and hard work style. He often took the lead in participating in the front-line breeding work, worked hard, took the lead, put on a water jacket to pick up fish, stayed up late to induce fish to induce infusion during the induced labor season, squeezed eggs and inseminated in the early morning, and mingled with the same line of workers, played a leading role, gathered combat effectiveness, and let the branch give full play to the role of a fighting fortress, and truly planned, deployed and promoted the party building work and business work together, and promoted the high-quality development of aquatic scientific research with honesty and dedication. ”

As an agricultural scientist, Chen Jian has always taken fish breeding as his main research direction, and has been constantly pioneering and innovating in the breeding of new varieties, forming a variety of large-scale and efficient breeding technologies, and the overall research has reached the international leading level. Because of its excellent economic characteristics, it is widely praised by farmers, and the current national breeding demonstration and promotion area reaches more than 2 million acres.

Reporter: Yu Jun, Zhang Yahui Correspondent: Gong Li

Editor: Dong Ruihan and Lv Yanli

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