
There is no difference between Biden and Trump? U.S. hegemony is waning day by day, and the Australian and Russian media are singing about the United States at the same time

author:Sister International Newspaper

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The much-anticipated Trump vs. Biden campaign debate has perhaps not been so closely watched in the more than 200 years of the United States' history. The debate covered a wide range of topics, including the economy, illegal immigration, the "Capitol Hill riots," the Ukraine crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and even whether their advanced age affects their ability to perform their duties.

There is no difference between Biden and Trump? U.S. hegemony is waning day by day, and the Australian and Russian media are singing about the United States at the same time

The debate between the two sides began to "heat up," and they did not hide their hostility towards each other at all, and they did not even shake hands politely when they arrived. As the current and former president of the United States, this is somewhat undignified.

During the debate, Biden's performance really "did not disappoint everyone", and as always, he suddenly "dropped the line". Trump bluntly mocked, "He doesn't even know what he's talking about."

According to Biden's past performance in public, it is not ruled out that he may memorize the manuscript in advance, after all, the topics discussed in the debate may be understood in advance, and Biden and his team can be said to be familiar with this kind of "proposition composition".

Trump, on the other hand, was much calmer, did not panic at all, and spoke confidently and forcefully. Although accused by the media of lying in the debate, Trump is clearly superior in aura.

Biden blasted Trump as a "loser", and Trump directly replied that Biden was "the worst president in history". The former president and the current president scolded each other, which is really as exciting as a Korean drama. To put it bluntly, this debate is not for the purpose of publicizing its own means of governing to the people, but is more like the three drums before the confrontation between the two armies, depending on who beats it.

Biden's poor performance hit the morale of the Democrats very hard, triggering a series of negative reactions, and the Democrats panicked at Biden's "shaky performance" in this debate. Then some American media hosts couldn't stand it anymore, and felt their scalps tingle, and then appealed in front of the camera with tears in their eyes, "Hurry up and let Biden withdraw from the race!" Some of the current staff members in the White House are depressed and even reluctant to go to work.

There is no difference between Biden and Trump? U.S. hegemony is waning day by day, and the Australian and Russian media are singing about the United States at the same time

Before the start of the debate between Biden and Trump, the outside world also expressed great concern about this, just waiting to see the joke. After all, Biden's performance since taking office has been seen by the outside world. So before the debate began, the atmosphere was already in place.

After the debate, the media in other Western countries began to express their views, and the Australian website "Pearls and Stimulus" recently published an article titled "The Sun Sets on the American Empire: The Gaza Fiasco".

In the article, the Australian media bluntly criticized the United States, saying that the United States had "failed miserably on the Gaza issue", and also criticized the United States for its self-proclaimed commitment to upholding democratic values as "shameless hypocrisy".

I have to say that the Australian media really didn't save face for the United States this time, and it seems that the mutual criticism between allies is also merciless.

What exploded even more was the article in the Russian media. The RIA Novosti website published an article entitled "The post-American world has arrived: there is no difference between Biden and Trump". What does this mean obviously, right? The United States is going downhill, and the United States is already in recession, and the pace of the recession is getting faster. Trump and Biden can't save anyone, and whoever the Republicans and Democrats push up is in vain!

After this debate, more Western countries fell silent. Compared with Putin's shrewdness and ability, Biden, who often "drops" from time to time, has made more and more people wonder whether his body can support re-election?

Now, however, the somewhat panicked Democrats could still come up with their contingency plan, which is to nominate a replacement candidate according to the 1968 model, which could include Michelle Obama or California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Newsom has been a staunch supporter of Biden before, and at the same time is called a "prominent background" in his political background, he has the support of the Newsom family and the Pelosi family behind him, and has served as the governor of California, and has a clear left-wing stance on hot issues such as abortion and gun control.

Newsom is definitely younger and stronger than Biden, but according to Newsom's current political resume, he may still be inferior to Biden in terms of experience in politics.

At the end of 2023, Newsom visited six Chinese cities during his visit to China, and also made remarks such as "the more successful China is, the better the United States can be" and "does not support the economic decoupling of China and the United States". What are the obstacles to the easing of Sino-US relations and deepening cooperation? It may come down to American politicians.

It is worth noting that after the debate, Trump, who was active in the debate, seized the opportunity to warm up his election, telling the media that if the White House is led by a "sane president", then Russia, China and North Korea will not be enemies of the United States.

Some viewers may think that this speech is Trump promoting his more "safe" political proposition, or it may be a sign of goodwill towards China.

But we still have to be cautious about this issue.

Compared with Newsom, although both of them expressed similar views in their remarks that they do not support the decoupling of China's economy, but the two have different parties and different identities, Newsom is not a popular presidential candidate at present, and Trump's support and identity naturally need not be said, and there is still an essential difference between the two from different perspectives.

Therefore, Trump made such a statement at this time, we still have to be dialectical and refer to it, before he was elected president, what he said may not really be fulfilled after he is elected, so it may also be a trick to win votes.

After all, the Biden administration has a tough attitude towards China, and in order to oppose Biden as a political opponent, Trump needs to "sing the opposite" at the right time and pull some votes.

There is no difference between Biden and Trump? U.S. hegemony is waning day by day, and the Australian and Russian media are singing about the United States at the same time

The Biden administration's diplomatic failure on the Israel issue has become a problem for Biden and his team, and the United States wanted to make good use of Israel to protect its interests in the Middle East, but Israel was disobedient and kept "causing trouble".

After the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the various manifestations of the United States have been widely criticized.

At that time, due to the emergence of many people in solidarity with Palestine in various parts of the United States, the US government saw that things were about to get out of control, and directly introduced the "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act", which clearly stipulated that Jews should not be criticized, no symbols or images should be used to satirize Jews, and no denial of the suffering of the Jewish people during World War II.

You must know that many high-ranking officials in the current political and business circles in the United States are Jewish, and Jewish capital is becoming more and more influential in the United States.

From this point of view, the United States may have lost its ability to control the Israeli issue, and it may be difficult for the United States to come up with a stable solution to the Israeli issue at all.

But even so, the U.S. government, which attaches great importance to the interests of the Middle East and is deeply controlled and influenced by Jewish capital, cannot abandon Israel. Some US politicians have all along been unsparing in their "favoritism" towards Israel. For example, U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a recent statement that the U.S. government supports the ICC's investigation of Russia.

But at the same time, the report also mentioned that the US government opposed the court's investigation of Israeli officials and threatened to sanction ICC officials. Isn't this a typical "only state officials are allowed to set fires"? It seems that some politicians in the United States are not going to be tactful at all now, and they don't want to lose face, and they want to put on this kind of "double-standard behavior" directly.

Over the years, the United States has shown its lack of influence on many issues. With the social rift within the country, the failed policies during the epidemic prevention and control, and the failure of the Sino-US trade war, the United States, which considers itself to be the "world boss", is now showing signs of decay.

And the Russian-Ukrainian war's support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia are even more failures, the money is not spent, but things are not done. Not only has Russia's economy not collapsed, but it has also won victories on the diplomatic front. I thought that Russia would be dragged down by the consumption of the Russian-Ukrainian war, but I didn't expect that Russia was still "alive".

For Trump and Biden, how to solve the mess in Israel may be the first difficult problem after taking office. If neither party can solve this problem, perhaps Israel has every chance of dragging the United States into the "big quagmire" of war in the Middle East.

Because as Israel's behavior becomes more and more bottomless, other countries in the Middle East do not rule out taking practical actions to support Palestine one after another, and then the United States may really be like what the Russian media said: "There is no difference between Biden and Trump".

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