
He was the deputy head of the United Front Work Department recommended by Deng Gong, saved many people, and died at the age of 95!

author:Biographical stories will be

can be recommended by Deng Gong personally, what is the difference between Ping Jiesan?

He was the deputy head of the United Front Work Department recommended by Deng Gong, saved many people, and died at the age of 95!

We are going to stand up for our land

Ping Jiesan was born in 1906, a native of Huang County, Henan Province, in his early years, he studied in the Daimyo Seventh Normal School and other schools, but also with the increase in reading, Ping Jiesan began to care about the future and destiny of the country, and began to explore the way to save the country and save the people.

In the rural fields of Puyang County, Ping Jiesan's figure is particularly prominent, he wears a simple cloth coat, pedal cloth shoes, holds a shabby copy of the "Communist Manifesto", shuttles through the fields, and talks with the working farmers, although his voice is not high, but every word is full of strength and enthusiasm, so that the listener is moved.

"Folks, we can't go on like this! We have to stand up, for our land, for our families, for our country! Ping Jiesan's words were full of passion, and he told the peasants the truth of the revolution and explained the aims and objectives of the Communist Party of China.

In order to secretly recruit party members, Ping Jiesan spent his nights in the ruined temple at the head of the village or in his own thatched hut to have in-depth conversations with some like-minded young people, who sat around the dim oil lamps and discussed the future of the country and the road of revolution. With his sincerity and wisdom, Ping Jiesan has won the trust and support of these young people.

He was the deputy head of the United Front Work Department recommended by Deng Gong, saved many people, and died at the age of 95!

In this way, under the leadership of Ping Jiesan, the revolutionary organization in Puyang County gradually grew, and they secretly accumulated strength, waiting for the time to come, and Ping Jiesan, a young Communist Party member, gradually grew into a staunch revolutionary fighter in the process.

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the beacon fire in southern Hebei was in full swing, and Ping Jiesan's figure frequently shuttled through this land, his eyes were firm and profound, like the Big Dipper in the night sky, guiding the direction for the disoriented anti-Japanese forces.

He is well aware that in this special period, the importance of the united front is self-evident. Ping Jiesan not only adhered to our party's independent anti-Japanese war line, but also actively communicated with various forces and worked hard to expand the scope of the anti-Japanese national united front. He went deep among the masses, explained the party's policies in easy-to-understand language, and touched the hearts of the people with sincere feelings, so that more and more people joined the ranks of resistance against Japan.

Become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield

In 1938, Ping Jiesan was sent to Ding Shuben's team to engage in united front work, and in the face of a complex political environment and a tense military situation, he showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. He knew very well that in order for Ding Shuben's troops to become a solid force against Japan, it was necessary to carry out a thorough reform from within.

As a result, Ping Jiesan established and implemented a complete set of political work systems for the Eighth Route Army in Ding Shuben's troops. He personally organized political study so that every soldier could understand the importance and urgency of resisting Japan and saving the country.

Under the guidance of Ping Jiesan, Ding Shuben's troops fought fierce battles with the Japanese army many times. They made use of the political work system of the Eighth Route Army to fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the soldiers, and greatly increased their combat effectiveness. In the battle to recover the lost territories of Puyang, Dongming, and Huaxian, they showed tenacious fighting spirit and excellent tactical quality, and won a series of victories in succession, dealing a heavy blow to the arrogance of the Japanese puppet army.

In these battles, Ping Jiesan always fought side by side with the soldiers, and used his practical actions to boost everyone's morale. Under his leadership, their troops became a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield of resistance against Japan.

He was the deputy head of the United Front Work Department recommended by Deng Gong, saved many people, and died at the age of 95!

During the War of Liberation, Ping Jiesan, with his unique charm and profound wisdom, made extensive friends with progressives from all walks of life in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area. He not only resonated with them in thought, but also gave them unwavering support in action. He often had long talks with them to discuss how to better carry out united front work, how to unite the masses more effectively, and how to jointly resist the offensive of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

Thanks to his efforts, more and more progressives have joined the ranks of the united front. They were either literati and writers, workers and peasants, or democrats, all of whom were infected by Ping Jiesan's enthusiasm and perseverance, and were willing to contribute their strength to the cause of liberation. Through them, Ping Jiesan transmitted the party's voice to a wider range of the masses and laid a solid mass foundation for the liberation of North China.

After the establishment of the North China Bureau, Ping Jiesan was appointed as Deputy Secretary-General and Secretary-General, and participated in leading the land reform movement in North China. He was well aware of the importance of the agrarian reform movement to the Liberation War, so he devoted himself wholeheartedly to this work, actively promoting the implementation of the agrarian reform policy, ensuring that the peasants could truly obtain land, so as to stimulate their enthusiasm for production and revolutionary enthusiasm.

Under the leadership of Ping Jiesan, the land reform movement in North China has achieved remarkable results. The peasants have been given land one after another, and their production enthusiasm is high, providing a large amount of material support to the front. At the same time, the land reform movement also promoted the establishment and development of grassroots political power in the rural areas, and laid a solid political foundation for the final victory of the Liberation War.

"Pingjie three can be housekeepers"

In 1950, the United Front Work Department of the North China Bureau was established, and Ping Jiesan served as the minister, during which he presided over the United Front Work Conference of the North China Bureau four times and gave important instructions to the United Front Work of the North China Bureau.

In 1954, with the adjustment of the national administrative system, the major regions were abolished one after another, and the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee also ushered in new development opportunities and challenges. At this critical moment, the United Front Work Department urgently needs a cadre who is familiar with united front work and has outstanding leadership skills to lead the department's work. With his keen insight and deep understanding of talents, Deng Gong recommended Ping Jiesan to Li Weihan, who was then the head of the United Front Work Department, and spoke highly of him: "Ping Jiesan can be a housekeeper." ”

After receiving the order, Ping Jiesan did not hesitate to devote himself to the work of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee. At the beginning of his tenure, Ping Jiesan set about establishing various rules and regulations, so that the work of the United Front Work Department gradually embarked on the track of institutionalization and standardization. He profoundly studied the characteristics and laws of united front work and, in light of the actual situation, formulated a series of practical rules and regulations.

While establishing rules and regulations, Ping Jiesan also actively cultivated talents in the field of united front. He was well aware that talent is the key to the development of the united front cause, so he vigorously selected and trained a number of outstanding united front cadres. He personally taught and imparted theoretical knowledge and practical experience in united front work; He also encouraged the cadres to study more, think more, and practice more, and constantly improve their overall quality and work ability.

During his tenure as deputy director of the United Front Work Department, Ping Jiesan also saved a large number of "rightists." At that time, due to historical reasons and a complicated political environment, some cadres who had originally performed prominently in united front work were mistakenly classified as "rightists."

Ping Jiesan conducted an in-depth investigation to understand the situation of these cadres and found that many of them had been treated unfairly. Thanks to his efforts, many cadres who had been wrongly classified as "rightists" were rehabilitated and reused, thus injecting new vitality into the development and growth of the United Front Work Department.

After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, the country ushered in a new historical turning point, and Ping Jiesan, a veteran of the battle-hardened united front work, still adhered to his original intention and continued to work hard to correct historical mistakes and unite the forces of all parties.

He was the deputy head of the United Front Work Department recommended by Deng Gong, saved many people, and died at the age of 95!

Despite his advanced age and declining health, Ping Jiesan did not stop his firm steps. He knows very well that those comrades who were wrongly classified as "rightists" in the 50s of the last century still have loyalty and love for the party and the state in their hearts. Therefore, in spite of his old age and infirmity, he resolutely embarked on the journey to various provinces and municipalities and personally carried out the work of "reforming the right."

On every trip, Ping Jiesan listened carefully to the opinions of the local cadres and the masses and gained an in-depth understanding of the actual situation of the "rightist" comrades. With his sincerity and patience, he dispelled their doubts and confusion and made them feel the warmth and care of the party and the state again.

Through unremitting efforts, Ping Jiesan finally and thoroughly corrected the mistake of expanding the anti-"rightist" movement in the 50s of the last century and saved a large number of comrades who had been wrongly classified as "rightists." Many of them, with the help of Ping Jiesan, returned to work and continued to contribute to the construction and development of the country.

In 1999, Ping Jiesan was hospitalized due to illness. From his hospital bed, he was still concerned about the future of the country and the development of the united front cause. He always paid attention to the political and economic situation at home and abroad, contributed to the prosperity and stability of the country, and died of illness in Beijing in 2001 at the age of 95.