
After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

author:Wang Xinxi

Text/Wang Xinxi

Chang'e-6 successfully brought back lunar soil, which attracted international attention, and the total weight of the soil on the back of the moon that we dug back from 380,000 kilometers away is "1935.3 grams", which is more "thick" than the soil on the front side of the moon, and has the characteristics of agglomeration, which are envied by the Americans and want to obtain and study in advance, but the distribution plan of the lunar soil, without the share of the United States, has given the United States hardcore followers, such as Japan, Britain, Canada, and Australia.

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

As everyone knows, China's refusal to give lunar soil to the United States is not a deliberate attempt to make things difficult, but because of the highly discriminatory "Wolf Clause" of the United States, which prohibits the United States from carrying out any joint scientific research activities related to NASA or coordinated by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and even prohibits all NASA facilities from receiving "official Chinese visitors."

To put it simply, this clause, similar to today's chip control clause, is to prevent China from gaining access to advanced technology from the United States. In the past, the United States wanted to use this "Wolf Clause" to get the neck of China's space technology, but now China's Chang'e-6 went to the back of the moon to take back the lunar soil, and this clause in turn stuck the neck of the United States.

Because of the existence of this clause, lunar soil naturally cannot be given to the United States, and if it is given, it is a joint scientific research activity and violates the "Wolf Clause" of the United States.

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

The U.S. media is naturally dissatisfied with the mainland's lunar soil allocation plan, and the U.S. state media CNN previously pointed out in an article with the theme of "dissatisfied with my lunar soil allocation" that after Chinese scientists receive the sample, they are expected to share the data with international partners and carry out joint research, and then Beijing will open the sample for the international team to obtain. Other countries had to wait about three years before applying for samples for the Chang'e-5 mission. Some of the earliest published research results in these samples came from Chinese and international teams.

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

The United States sourly said that China will not give the United States lunar soil, which may delay the United States' research on lunar soil by three years, and many research results will have to be returned to China.

The current situation of the United States today is undoubtedly the result of its own Wolf Clause restrictions on China. Foreign media science and technology news website "Futurism" pointed out on June 30 that an extremely stupid reason makes it impossible for NASA scientists to study China's amazing new moon rocks - that is, the United States' previous "Wolf Clause" on space cooperation with China prohibits the country from studying samples from the far side of the moon from China, and the media bluntly said that the United States is "extremely stupid" in this operation.

As China's lunar probe landed on the surface of the moon and the lunar rover began surveying, the U.S. is now making new demands, with the Global Times citing Hong Kong's South China Morning Post as saying that the U.S. and China are discussing how to protect Armstrong's footprints on the moon and other historical sites of the first humans to set foot on the planet. It also includes the American flag planted on the moon in 1969 by the astronauts of the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?
After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

A deputy chief engineer of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation said there was no reason to worry that the Yutu lunar rover would destroy the first footprint of human destruction on Earth. The engineer described the talks as very interesting, reflecting China's rise as one of the world's space leaders. "When you are strong, someone will come to you to coordinate, and no one will come to you to talk about this before. When the moon landing was the exclusive technology of the United States, there was no need to consider who owned the minerals on the moon, and there was no need to consider the issue of historical relics. ”

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

What exactly is the United States worried about? Behind this negotiation of the United States, the author speculates that on the one hand, it may be that China wants to be cautious in mining lunar minerals, and that it should have a territorial distinction for lunar resources, and if there are footprints of other astronauts on it, it means that this is the territory of the United States, and China should avoid it.

Of course, there may be another reason behind this, that is, there are many doubts about the US lunar landing, such as the French space agency announced the comparison of Chinese and American lunar soil, the similarity between the two lunar soils is less than 25%, and China's lunar soil is extremely rich. And the composition of the lunar soil shared by the United States is extremely simple.

Secondly, many netizens noticed that the Chang'e-6 return capsule was a device that soared at a maximum speed of Mach 31, almost 10.54 kilometers per second, and the return capsule burned blistering and blackened, and only 2 kilograms of lunar soil were contained inside. This is the limit weight that human science and technology can bring back the lunar soil at present, and the old American lunar exploration return capsule does not even change the color of paint, and it was 382 kilograms that year, and the United States asked to protect the footprints on the moon, which is equivalent to clarifying to the outside world that the American moon landing is real.

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?
After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

So the question is, even if the United States landed on the moon and more than 55 years have passed, how can it be sure that its footprints on the moon over the years are complete? What if you don't find your footprints without being disturbed by other factors?

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

"If you don't find the footprints, you're being destroyed by China." Some netizens said. Therefore, for this question, some netizens believe that this may be a pitfall, once we prove that there are no footprints of them, they may claim that we have sabotage, in order to avoid the United States from framing China for sabotage based on footprints in the future, first let the United States prove where their footprints are?

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

Behind the tangled footprints of the United States, in fact, it is also worried that our progress is too fast, for example, it is worried that we will make any major breakthroughs in the research and construction of the moon, such as finding a way to draw water from the moon, and then complete the construction of the lunar base and planting vegetables ahead of schedule. In this regard, CCTV has already shown an animated schematic diagram and is already planning to build an "international lunar scientific research station".

After being dissatisfied with the allocation of lunar soil, and asking China to protect the footprint of the moon, what is the United States panicking?

Once the construction of the lunar base is completed or a way to obtain water is found, it means that China's construction on the moon will be accelerated, which the United States does not want to see. In fact, the way for the United States to avoid China's anxiety about landing on the moon is to apply to join the joint research with China's aerospace scientific research and personally abolish the "Wolf Clause", so that the United States may be faster, because Wang Ning of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already said that China has always been open to exchanges and cooperation.

How proud the United States was when it issued the "Wolf Clause" back then, how anxious it is today in the face of the "water and moon back soil" that we have dug up. Because China is now planning to build an international lunar scientific research station, and the Americans are still trapped in the "International Space Station," the question of who owns the mineral resources and how to develop them is temporarily dominated by China, and the United States can only speak with its strength if it wants to gain the right to speak.

It can be said that today, the boomerang of sanctions is in the heart of Lao Mei's eyebrows, and this matter actually has a very great enlightening effect on the United States, and it depends on whether Lao Mei can reflect on this matter.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article is not reproduced without permission

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