
What good university can you go to with a score of around 500? List of Public Universities (2024 Reference)

author:The world of small candies

  Good universities with a college entrance examination admission score of about 500 points include Jiangsu Ocean University, Zhejiang A&F University, Hebei University, etc. This article will bring you a list of good universities with a score of around 500 for the reference of candidates in 2024. Let's take a look at some of the best universities that don't score well or don't get a high score!

What good university can you go to with a score of around 500? List of Public Universities (2024 Reference)

  1. Comprehensive University

  Henan University of Technology: Located in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Henan Province is a comprehensive university focusing on engineering, covering engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law, agriculture, medicine, education, art and other disciplines.

  Henan Polytechnic University: Also located in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, it is a key university in Henan Province, with strong engineering strength, and also has good development in science and management.

  Shandong Jianzhu University: Located in Jinan City, Shandong Province, Shandong Province, it is a multidisciplinary university focusing on engineering and featuring civil engineering and architecture disciplines.

  2. Normal universities

  Qufu Normal University: Located in Qufu City, Shandong Province, Qufu Normal University is one of the six high-level universities in Shandong Province, specializing in education, literature, science and other disciplines.

  Guangxi Normal University: Located in Guilin City, Guangxi, Guangxi University is one of the three key universities in Guangxi, with strong teacher education strength.

What good university can you go to with a score of around 500? List of Public Universities (2024 Reference)

  3. Universities of Finance and Economics

  Anhui University of Finance and Economics: Located in Bengbu City, Anhui Province, Anhui Province is a multidisciplinary university of finance and economics focusing on economics, management and law.

  Harbin University of Commerce: Located in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin University of Commerce is one of the ten key universities in Heilongjiang Province, with strong business majors.

  1. What good university can I go to with a score of about 500?

  Due to the different situations in each province, the editor will introduce you to three good universities in Guangdong Province that can be attended with a score of about 500 in the first ordinary batch of physics.

  1. Guangdong Ocean University (minimum admission score: 498 points)

  Guangdong Ocean University is a provincial key university jointly established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Guangdong Province, and is a key discipline construction university of high-level universities in Guangdong Province. With a total of 19 colleges and 83 undergraduate majors, the university is a comprehensive marine university with coordinated development of multiple disciplines. In terms of discipline construction, five disciplines, including Fisheries, Marine Science, Food Science and Engineering, Ship and Ocean Engineering, and Crop Science, have been selected as key construction disciplines of high-level universities in Guangdong Province. In addition, there are 11 national first-class undergraduate majors and 5 national characteristic majors.

  2. Shandong First Medical University (minimum admission score: 501 points)

  Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences) is a key university in Shandong Province and the largest medical science research institution in Shandong Province, and was selected as a "first-class" university in Shandong Province's high-level university construction project in 2020. Eight disciplines, including clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology, biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics, neuroscience and behavior, chemistry, immunology, and microbiology, rank among the top 1% in the ESI global rankings, among which clinical medicine ranks in the top 1‰ in the ESI global rankings.

  3. Hebei University (minimum admission score: 500 points)

  Hebei University is a university jointly established by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Hebei Province, and a first-level university supported by Hebei Province. The school adheres to the principle of strengthening the school with talents and implements the "Kunyu Scholars" support plan. There are 3,515 faculty members, including 2,182 full-time teachers, and 60% of them have doctoral degrees. There are 37 national-level outstanding talents such as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, national outstanding young scholars, "Ten Thousand Talents Program", national famous teachers, candidates for the national "Millions of Talents Project", national young and middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions, and experts with special allowances from the State Council, and 204 high-level talents at or above the provincial and ministerial level, such as Yanzhao scholars and outstanding experts in provincial management.

  2. A list of good universities with a score of around 500

What good university can you go to with a score of around 500? List of Public Universities (2024 Reference)

  In addition to the above-mentioned universities, what are the other good universities with a score of around 500 and a low score but good? The following editor will introduce you to the list of public universities in Hebei Province and Shandong Province with a score of about 500.

  1. Hebei Province (85 institutes)

  There are a total of 83 public universities in Hebei with an admission score of about 500 points, including 38 public universities such as Chongqing Second Normal University (502 points), Guangxi University of Finance and Economics (502 points), Hubei University of Arts and Sciences (502 points), and 47 universities such as Beijing Union University (502 points), Changzhi Medical College (502 points), and Chongqing Technology and Business University (502 points) are the first choice for physics.

  2. Shandong Province (40 institutes)

  There are a total of 39 public universities in Shandong with an admission score of around 500 points. They are Shanghai Normal University (502 points), Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (502 points), Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (502 points), etc.

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