
The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

author:Talking about health

  With the country's opening of the two-child policy, more and more couples are joining in active and healthy preparation for pregnancy, in order to have a healthy and beautiful baby. And how to complete the pregnancy on time has worried many young couples.

  In fact, the key to pregnancy is to find the right ovulation period, but some women, especially young and inexperienced women, do not know about the ovulation period, and the menstrual cycle is irregular, so how to find the ovulation period?

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  1. What is ovulation?

  First of all, it is necessary to understand the day of ovulation, the day of ovulation is the day when the egg is released, usually the woman releases the secondary oocyte from the ovary on the day of ovulation, enters the fallopian tube and meets the sperm to complete fertilization, and then undergoes meiosis to form an egg cell and a polar body that cannot be fertilized.

  The ovulation period is generally composed of five days before the ovulation date and four days after the ovulation date, and these ten days are the easiest time period to get pregnant. So how do women determine the time of ovulation?

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  2. How to determine the ovulation period?

  1. Menstrual cycle

  The menstrual cycle calculates the ovulation period is the simplest and direct method of starvation, the specific method is: first calculate the time of the next menstruation, the ovulation day is generally about 14 days before the next menstrual period, the first five days and the last four days plus the ovulation day for a total of ten days for the ovulation period, but this method is suitable for women with accurate menstrual cycles, if the menstrual cycle is not accurate, the method is not applicable.

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  2. Cervical mucus method

  Every woman is expected to have an increase in secretions during ovulation, during which the cervical canal secretes a large amount of mucus, which can be examined to help women determine whether they are ovulating.

  The specific test method is: clean the fingers of both hands, separate the legs, insert the fingers into the vagina, touch the cervical canal, take a little mucus from the part, if it is in the ovulation period, the mucus can be stretched by 10-15 cm, and the color of the mucus is transparent and clear.

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  3. Body temperature method

  During ovulation, a woman's body temperature rises by 0.3-0.5 degrees Celsius, because after ovulation, the ovaries form a corpus luteum, which produces progesterone and acts on the hypothalamic thermoregulatory center.

  However, this method has limitations, first of all, it is necessary to detect changes in body temperature for a long time, and at the same time to ensure that work and rest on time, balanced diet, and daily routine, etc., otherwise it will have a certain impact on body temperature, and there is a lag in body temperature measurement.

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  4. Ovulation test strips

  The secretion of progesterone hormone in the woman's ovulation body increases, which can be shown in the urine, and the urine measured with ovulation test strip will be positive.

  Ovulation test strip is suitable for all urine in a day, the best detection effect is from 10 am to 8 pm, it can be measured continuously for several days, try to choose the same time when measuring, the test strip stays in the urine for a consistent time, and avoid drinking water 1-2 hours before the measurement, so as not to affect the measurement results.

The key to pregnancy is to find the right "ovulation period"! So how is ovulation calculated? These 4 tricks are simple and effective

  To sum up, in order to have a healthy and beautiful baby, couples often spend a lot of energy to prepare for pregnancy, so how to determine the ovulation period is a special concern for both men and women when preparing for pregnancy, the above four methods are simple and effective, you may wish to give it a try, but these methods still have some limitations, so if you want to determine whether you are in the ovulation period, it is best to seek medical examination.

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