
A parting greeting for a colleague's resignation

author:A complete collection of holiday greetings
A parting greeting for a colleague's resignation

  1. The small building has a spring breeze again, the weeping branches are fluttering in the west and east, remembering the farewell, folding the willows and sending each other, and swearing heavily. In the autumn and winter, the geese came and went. When will you come back, drink freely, and realize your dreams again?

  2. Friends are always heart-to-heart, and intimate friends are worth a thousand dollars. Under the light, Si Xianyou, a little news spreads good news. When you see a friend, you should never forget your friend.

  3. Say goodbye tomorrow morning, I hope that the clouds and the sun will always accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass will follow you to spread out the long future.

  4. No matter whether the tea is strong or light, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever; No matter how close or far away the distance is, let the memories connect with each other; No matter how much or little the connection is, let the blessings never change!

  5. The green mountains do not change the green water for a long time, and we will meet again! There will be a period later!

  6. The earth is round, and today's parting is for the reunion of another day.

  7. It is fate that makes us know each other, but fate also represents parting. Farewell today, how much reluctance and nostalgia, only deep wishes, may you have a smooth journey and a peaceful life!

  8. May you be in a good mood for promotion and your position will be high!

  9. Parting is a little difficult to give up, but it is not sad; It's a bit of a pity, but not pessimistic. Because we have the hope of meeting and comforting.

  10. Meet and then part, parting and reuniting; The autumn wind blows in the wilderness, and the first phase is only for a while. I will cherish the friendship between you and me, and look forward to the moment of meeting.

  11, Jin Ge Iron Horse heard the drum and seized the day to start a new journey.

  12. New year, new atmosphere, may you have a successful career in the new year, and the sesame blossoms will be high.

  13. A reunion and a parting, a joy and a sadness. The parting was soaked with tears, overflowing with sadness, and who would have thought: parting is also beautiful.

  14. May all the vastness be small, and may every loneliness have resonance. May the placket be flowered, and may the years be peaceful.

  15. You have given me too many touches, and every time I think of this, my heart will be surging, my blood will boil, and I can't help it.

  16. I wish you success in your career, promotion and salary increase, and go to the next level.

  17. May you go further every day and move up one level every month.

  18. Gently I will leave you, you have to take care of yourself in the years without me, and I will cherish myself more in the days without you.

  19. We had to separate, say goodbye softly, and keep gratitude in our hearts, thank you for giving me that deep friendship.

  20. May your wealth roll in and your career rise step by step!

  21. The career is rising step by step, and everything wins! Sparrows are handy, and the wealth is abundant!

  22. I wish my friend a smooth sailing career and all the best.

  23, I didn't know that the taste of parting was so bleak, I didn't know that saying goodbye was so strong.

  24. May you have a successful career and all the best.

  25. I hope that the leadership will go straight to the top, and the career will be smooth.

  26. I wish you good luck and good luck.

  27. People go to high places, and water flows to low places! Today's departure is for a better reunion for others.

  28. I wish you good luck with your promotion and salary increase, and the sesame seeds are blooming!

  29. I wish you a smooth career and a high rise.

  30. I wish you good luck, make persistent efforts, and take a step forward!

  31. I wish you a full house of gold and jade, auspicious wishes, and rising step by step.

  32. Thank you for your great contribution to the company, and sincerely wish you better and better!

  33. I wish you a smooth and successful work in the new year!

  34. I will give you a cup of sweet orange when you are bored at work, sweet and sweet your heart is lenient and you are affectionate, and I hope you will always have a good mood.

  35. The years go by, and the sound looks old.

  36. Knowing you is happy, leaving you is painful, and in the days of parting, supporting me is a deep expectation for the joy of reunion.

  37. I wish you all the bitterness and sweetness, and you will be the best in the workplace!

  38. I wish you all kinds of love, smooth work and successful career, and make money every day.

  39. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after parting. Bloom the most brilliant smile and give tomorrow a more beautiful dream.

  40. The tears of parting are the sea, and the embrace of reunion is the sail. Parting is for the reunion again. Parting is to meet again. Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of a successful person and behave with your heart. Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of a successful person and behave with your heart.

  41. My friend, we are going to separate for the time being, and I will not say anything more about "cherishing and cherishing". In this night that wants to go away, strive to cast a few small morning stars; It doesn't have much light, but it makes the morning goers happy.

  42. No matter how time changes, let sincerity forever; No matter how things change, let kindness forever; Whether in front of you or in the sky, let the beauty be forever; No matter how close or far away it is, make friends forever!

  43. Reunion and parting seem to be never-ending notes in life, just like tasting a cup of bitter coffee, the bitterness of parting remains in the mouth, and the mellow fragrance will always remain in my memory with the precipitation of the years!

  44. We had to separate and say goodbye softly; I am grateful to you for giving me a deep friendship.

  45. I cherish every acquaintance in my life, every warmth between heaven and earth, and every tacit understanding between friends; It is parting, and it is also seen as a joy to be doubled when they are reunited.

  46. Do you want to take a photo of the day? My instantaneous consciousness lit up only with the flash: your shadow remained on the negative, and at the same time seared into my psyche.

  47. At this crossroads, let us shake hands again: Say: Cherish, friend.

  48. Wave goodbye and sail away, what I can't forget is the cable of friendship you thrown, which is invisibly and firmly tied to my heart.

  49. We hold it tightly with both hands, let the feeling gently pass in our hands, and share an unforgettable warmth.

  50. The most unforgettable thing is the pure friendship between you and me, the most precious thing is the true love of a lifetime, and the happy thing is that I have a fate with you in this life, and I offer my warmest and sincere blessings, I wish you a happy new year!

  51. I don't know what happened to prompt you to make such a decision overnight, but I respect your choice, maybe we really don't fit in, hope it's right.

  52. You are like the lily in the mountains, prosperous and withered alone, and you have no regrets. Don't boast when it's in full bloom, and don't regret it when it's declining. Elegant and fragrant, you have the wisdom of the spring and a pair of hard hands, no matter where you are, luck and happiness always accompany you!

  53. I bow down to you deeply in the twilight, please cherish me, although they say that I am a poor bastard, but in your eyes it is clearly written that I am rich.

  54. May the friendship between us last forever, and I wish you dreams and life in the days to come.

  55. May you have smooth sailing and success in your career in the future.

  56. The first is to recall the good past of working together, the second is to congratulate him on his promotion and his career is booming, and the third is to hope that the friendship will last forever and keep in touch frequently; I wish you all success in your career and happiness in your family

  57. The tears of parting add new waves to the long river of memory; The blessing of parting kicked off the prelude to another reunion.

  58. The time that can't be kept separates us, please leave my affection in your heart. The white clouds are flying towards the twilight, and I will always greet you with it.

  59. Say goodbye tomorrow morning, I hope that the clouds and the sun will always accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass follow you to spread the distant future.

  60. Before you say goodbye, you have disappeared into the distant horizon. I stood, as calm as a small tree. Secondly, my heart has long gone with you. I don't know if you're aware of it?

  61. If the affection has indeed disappeared, or has been crowded out by a new and passionate love, it will make the divorce a blessing for both parties and for society.

  62. The wind and the sun can't hide the low mood. I know that you will leave in the car, and I dare not say goodbye to you in person, so I will send a text message to bless you. I wish you all the best in the end! May all the best for you!

  63. On the road of life, there are too many footprints, some deep and some shallow, maybe this kind of experience can be regarded as rich, but sometimes I would rather be plain and indifferent, but I can't always let myself have such a calm state of mind to face what I don't want to face and don't want to know!

  64. Go to work every day, get off work, live casually, plainly, inadvertently nodding, inadvertently, from the original unfamiliarity to familiarity, it seems that it does not take too much time and process, maybe this is the fate of friends, not much time to get along, and the occasional chat is also very short, but I regard these as a kind of friendship between teachers and friends, maybe there are not many places worth recalling, but I will put these in the drawer of memory, and occasionally take them out to reminisce!

  65. More than 300 days and nights have been dotted with too many laughter and hard work, and colleagues who are shining with youthful brilliance keep appearing in front of my eyes, so familiar, so nostalgic, I will remember you, although I may not be in contact often in the future, although I may not be able to do something for my former colleagues in the future, but if I meet, I will be happy to remember the days of working together......

  66. You came gently, but you have to go gently. With a wave of his hand, his eyes were already hazy. Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, how can I have a slight friendship with you. The world makes people, only I wish you a smooth journey!

  67. Don't look back frequently, and leave more firmly! Go find your dreams and let the love in your heart grow into the wings of struggle! We will gently look at the years and wish you well.

  68. Send you a glass of wine, and wish you a long and prosperous future; Send you a cup of tea, I wish you endless happiness on the road ahead; Send you a text message and wish you the best of luck in your future journey. Wishing you a nice trip!

  69. The road of life is like a circular runway, and the end and the starting point are together: the old end point is the new starting point. The end point is yesterday's record; The starting point heralds a better tomorrow.

  70. Your figure is a sail, my eyes are the river, how many times I want to keep you, but I can't, I know that what is rare in the world is friendship, but what is more precious is freedom.

  71. The sky is high and the sea is deep, which is not comparable to our feelings; The poetry is sweet and sweet, and it can't compare to our true feelings; The light of the sun and the moon is not as good as our innocence. Today's separation, I wish you a smooth journey and good health!

  72, the old man left the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, today to send you sorrowful, Pingming to send guests to Chushan Lonely, difficult to give up the tears and condensations, persuade you to have a glass of wine, when can we get together, Mingyue He was once two towns, I wish you a smooth sail!

  73. If we are destined to pass by in this life, then I deeply wish you eternal happiness. Then put away all the little affection and look forward to meeting you in the next life.

  74. Friends, you are gone, I wish you a safe journey, a smooth journey, and I would like to say to you a particularly cordial "safe journey", I wish you a pleasant journey, everything goes well, and your heart is stretched.

  75. Outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, send you thousands of miles away, look forward to your early return, remember the friendship of friends, don't forget to contact after that, don't worry about the road ahead without a confidant, text message on behalf of the wine to send wishes: the future is smooth and smooth, all the way to the sail!

  76, the way of parting, parting is just around the corner; Say goodbye, goodbye won't be forever. Under the grass, I will bid you farewell, and wish you the road in the future to be wider and smoother, and cherish all the way!

  77. What separates is our figure. What is tied to our friendship is our friendship. What we remember is our playfulness, what we look forward to, and what we reunite. Blessed is our dream!

  78. Parting, a common thing in life, sadness and reluctance must be there, but this can only increase sadness, so, at this moment, I only have blessings for you, I wish you all the best and all the best!

  79. The moon is hazy, the birds are hazy, I will quietly send you away, and from then on there will be a tearful star in the sky, always watching your distant back.

  80. May the hand of friendship be held tighter and tighter, so that the connected hearts will get closer and closer! My best friend, even though we are about to separate today, our hearts will still be together in the future!

  81. Some seemingly accidental chances often change the weight and color of a person's life. Your success seems to be accidental, it is not accidental, it shines with the brilliant brilliance of your life.

  82. We parted in the light mist. Dew, shining, like your innocent eyes; The fog is misty, like my thick sorrow.

  83. Friend, let me say hello gently, although life will inevitably get together and disperse, but you are the most cherished and unforgettable friend in my heart.

  84. When everything has become the wind, I am still waiting here; When the world has changed, I still stick to the beginning; Who taught me to be the stupidest person in the world, just know to be nice to the people of your friends.

  85. Three years is just a short period in the journey of life, but three years at the same table with you is unforgettable. You are a pearl in my memory, a star in the canopy of my heart.

  86. Gently you will leave me, please wipe away the tears from the corners of your eyes; Don't forget that we will be lifelong friends. At the time of farewell, there are not many words, I wish you a smooth journey and a peaceful life!

  87. Flowers bloom and bloom, and spring goes to spring and returns. Time is running aground, the years are passing, and the only constant is our friendship. On the occasion of parting, blessings bring you good wishes: may you have a smooth journey.

  88. The beautiful rainbow is after the rain, I really miss after parting, good luck, good dreams and good mood After you receive the text message, dear friends, I hope that at this moment, happiness is beside you.

  89. The road of life is a little bitter, walking through the wind, walking through the rain, passing by laughter, going through pain, some feelings, staying in my heart, some friends, often missing, friends, take care all the way!

  90. Although the sky will always be dark and people will always have to part, the sky will also be bright, and people will always have a day together! I'm looking forward to that day!

  91. Life is a long road, you and I meet and separate. Reunion is always short, but separation is long, I hope that each other's hearts can follow each other closely and never separate.

  92. On the journey of life, you have enriched my soul, developed my intelligence, and ignited the light of hope for me. Thank you, teacher!

  93. The tears of parting are the sea, and the embrace of reunion is the sail. Parting is for the reunion again. Parting is to meet again. Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of a successful person and behave with your heart.

  94. When you step on the platform and walk alone, you know that I am so worried, even though there are a thousand words in my heart, I can only condense deeply at you; I was so sad that I wouldn't say it.

  95. The road of life is a bit bitter; After the wind and rain, the love is still there; Laughter, concentricity; How happy I am to know you; Friend, you are about to travel far away, please keep my text messages in your heart and let my blessings be everywhere.

  96. When you are successful, someone shares happiness with you, and when you are disappointed, someone gives you encouragement and comfort, which is really a great joy in life! My friend, I am really happy for you, congratulations, congratulations, and promotion!

  97. Your earnest teachings have become the wisdom in my brain, the blood in my chest, and the norms of behavior. I thank you for nurturing me.

  98. Parting is a bit of hard to give up in the heart, and the emotions of concern are sprinkled all over the heart; Parting, is the slightest regret spreading, blessed words filled the eyes, I wish you and I believe that the day of reunion will not be far away.

  99. I wish you knew that there is someone who cares about you all the time, and someone who thinks about you all the time. Like the sparkling stars, it is your smiling and affectionate eyes. It adorns my heart, shining brightly every night.

  100. Thank you very much for your affection for me, it is the first time to spend this Valentine's Day in a different place, but you can always make me feel that you care about me by my side!

  101. The night is boundless, and the crescent moon in the sky is like a hook. Yesterday was like a dream, where to ask for a dream. Thousands of miles away, the road is long, and people are worried. Please don't forget to send passers-by, ten miles of long pavilions, confidants are at the end of the world, and they are also in the neighborhood!

  102, wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, that is the sorrow of parting in my heart; Yet my heart was as clear as the sky, because I thought of the reunion that was not long in coming.

  103, a strand of hair fluttering with the wind, a tear-stained pavilion farewell, the youth of struggle, the harvest of waiting, waiting for the arrival of happiness and quiet. Friend, after parting, may you be well!

  104. Thank you for taking care of me during this time, your teaching is that I have benefited a lot, and I will work harder in my future work to live up to your expectations of me.

  105. You have your way, I have my way, but I can't forget the morning and twilight we were together, no matter how far the road is, no matter the ends of the world, please don't forget my heartfelt blessings to you.

  106. Outside the long pavilion, by the ancient road, the grass is green. The familiar ballad is still the same, and the farewell scene is still the same. How much reluctance, with the arrival of parting, more and more. Friends, may you have a smooth journey!

  107. The company has your contribution today, and the company needs your support tomorrow. The bridge is engraved with your contributions, and the company is proud of you. No matter where you go, you will always be part of the company.

  108. Life is a fate, acquaintance is fate, acquaintance is fate, I hope we cherish this common time, and live more happily in the future, less troubles and sorrows. Finally, I said, "Friends are cherished."

  109. I sincerely wish you a more colorful retirement life. I believe that your retirement life should be more beautiful than when you were working.

  110. Leave the shadow of the meeting, take away the budding acacia grass, and only the green mail road carries the thoughts of parting.

  111. You have served in the company for a whole year, a year, as far as the long human world is concerned, it may be only a short moment, but personally, it is not a short time.

  112. Waiting for the rain is the fate of the umbrella's life; SMS Didi, don't worry about you, itchy; In the wind and rain, blessings are all over the sky; It's clear, graffiti and smile on your face. The heat is coming, the rainstorm is merciless, take care of yourself.

  113. The new year symbolizes new progress, new success, and new hope. At the beginning of the year, may we work better together in the new year.

  114. I am a lucky person, someone gives me care, someone helps me, someone sends me warmth, these people are my leaders and colleagues, I will not be able to forget your help, today I am full of gratitude, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you!

  115. Thinking about us who used to be at the same table, we went our separate ways after the college entrance examination, and I was really reluctant in my heart. Students, how precious the future is!

  116. Dear leader, you are so great, leading us to the world. Don't be afraid of the wind and rain, and overcome it when you encounter difficulties. Hardships and hardships are created together, and career development is progressing together. I wish you a prosperous career, a happy and harmonious family, and a happy day.

  117, get together in a hurry, but leave in a hurry; I don't know when and where we can get together again. Farewell, friend, and have a good trip! I also wish you all the best in love! Career satisfaction! Have fun with life!

  118. After the clouds parted, the water flowed for ten years. The laughter is as old as ever, and Xiao Shu's temples have been spotted. Come in a hurry, go in a hurry, leave a thousand things, looking forward to a reunion.

  119. Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of a successful person and behave with your heart. Dear colleagues, I wish you all to do things with the attitude of a successful person and behave with your heart.

  120. Parting is temporary, spending life together is eternal, parting breeds lovesickness and makes our love more intense.

  121. In a person's life, there are many things that cannot be stopped, just as the pace of time cannot be stopped, what cannot be stopped is the upcoming parting and reluctance.

  122. Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore, is the end of the joy of the past and the beginning of happiness in the future.

  123. Parting is difficult to give up in the heart, and the emotions of concern are sprinkled all over the heart; parting, it is the slightest regret spreading, and the words of blessing fill the eyes; May you and I not be melancholy, not pessimistic, and believe that the day of repetition will not be far away.

  124, you listen, the sound of cicadas outside the window is Li Song singing softly; You see, the birds of the sky are sad tears; You read, this text message is another movement of my silent attachment, hoping that it is another movement of friendship. Friends, let's go.

  125, fly, geese! Reinvigorate your delicate wings. What awaits us will not always be torrential rain and bad waves. There is also sincere friendship in this world, paving a peaceful lake for you.

  126. The former may still have the possibility of meeting again, but the latter will never see each other in this life! Sometimes the more afraid you are of parting, the more you want to keep it, the faster you lose it.

  127, a whistle, falling in the wilderness, infinite melancholy loneliness, in the moment of parting, all from the heart.

  128, a blessing, a lifetime of concern; A reminder, a lifetime of moving. The horn of graduation has sounded, with the blessings of classmates and the advice of teachers, we are on the road, no matter how much wind and rain lie ahead, our hearts will not be lonely, because of your blessings.

  129. We hold it tightly with both hands, let the feeling gently pass in our hands, and share an unforgettable warmth. Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore is not only the end of the joy of the past, but also the beginning of happiness in the future.

  130. In the season of nostalgia, please don't forget me, just as I haven't forgotten you.

  131. The farther away you are, the closer you are to your thoughts, and this is the only reason to look back on eternity.

  132. In the wind and rain, walking on the muddy road, I will think of the path of the explorer, and remember that you have taken firm steps in the cynical ups and downs and the mud of the world. So, I praise: the road of wind and rain, the road of mud - the road of the brave.

  133. Parting is for the next reunion, don't shed tears, concentrate on planning the next reunion! On the day of reunion, let's raise a glass together and talk with tears and tears, and finish the cup of acacia together.

  134. The ocean of life has paved a golden road, and the waves are lining up and shaking the bouquets of welcome on both sides. Go bravely, friend! Advance.

  135, wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, that is the sorrow of parting in my heart; However, my heart is as clear as the sky, because I think of the reunion that will not be long in coming.

  136. From ice and snow to green grass, it is the road from winter to spring. From failure to success, that's the way you brave the snow and walk on the ice to break out.

  137. Sincere friendship is sent into your heart by the sunshine and warm wind candlelight, infiltrating your beating heart, collecting the sunshine of the four seasons for you, and showing you flowers and flowers. The wind of the four seasons blows the wind chimes of the years, plays the song of farewell wishes for you, and wishes you will always be full of vitality in your own flower season.

  138, tomorrow is going to travel far away, sleepless tonight, this trip I don't know when to see you again, I miss it very much, send my most sincere wishes, I wish my best friend a smooth and safe life, with sincere companionship, a person's journey is not lonely!

  139, don't wave your hand in the long pavilion, don't break the willows, I will watch you go away like this; Don't drink Yangguan spirits, don't say that the future is bright, all blessings are in relative eyes. May you have a safe journey, run to the other end of the journey, and have happiness and happiness! Precious, friend!

  140. This time I really left you, it takes more courage than falling in love with you at the beginning, this time I really left you, I dare not tell you that I still love you!

  141, the sun rises in the East Sea and sets in the West Mountain, there is a day of joy and a day of sorrow; If you don't drill the horns of the bull in trouble, people are also comfortable, and your heart is also comfortable; Some things are fleeting, like a rainbow after a rain; Some things are eternal, like the friendship between you and me.

  142. Long distance, long line, long time erasure, today, I have been thinking about you from afar, I wish you a peaceful sleep and wealth in another country!

  143. The groves we have wandered, the blue, yellow, and pink flowers we have seen... Everything is still the same. When will you come back and we'll travel together again?

  144. Friend, you are gone, I wish you a safe journey, a smooth journey, and I would like to say to you a particularly cordial "safe journey", I wish you a pleasant journey, everything goes well, and your heart is stretched.

  145. Gathering and parting seem to be never-ending notes in life, just like tasting a cup of bitter coffee, the bitterness of parting remains in the mouth, and the mellow fragrance will remain in my memory forever with the precipitation of the years!

  146. No matter how long the future is, please cherish every moment of togetherness; No matter how many springs, summers, autumns and winters, we are friends forever.

  147. The time we spend in love grows wings, and when we part, they become our spiritual pillars.

  148. When we were separated, we didn't linger with tears, relatively, speechless. Watch the sunset pass through the spire of Wenfeng, sprinkling its afterglow on the banks of the Xiqing River.

  149. Bloom the most brilliant smile and give tomorrow a more beautiful dream. My dear friends, please shake hands and go our separate ways from now on. Don't be melancholy under the willow shade, classmates have been young for several years, looking forward to the journey of a thousand thoughts, and may friendship turn into the power of forging ahead!

  150. Stepping on the ice and snow of the northern country, riding the warm breeze of Lingnan, accompanied by the spring water of the south of the Yangtze River, and carrying the greenery of the grassland, we gathered at our alma mater; Pretending to be the teacher's entrustment, today you and I are going our separate ways, and thousands of words are combined into a short blessing: cherish, friend!

  151. Tomorrow you are going to travel far away, I have a lot of thoughts, send sincere blessings, I wish you to make a lot of money as soon as possible, become a big money as soon as possible, drive a BMW as soon as possible, live in a bungalow as soon as possible, get married as soon as possible, have children as soon as possible, and get your wish as soon as possible!

  152, a strand of hair fluttering in the wind, a tear-stained pavilion farewell, the youth of struggle, the harvest of waiting, waiting for the arrival of happiness and quietness. Friend, after parting, I wish you all the best!

  153. Distance does not mean separation, no matter how far apart you are, your heart of longing will never change. I will always be your friend on the journey of life.

  154. Flowers bloom and fall, four years is not a long time. At this time, we are standing at the crossroads, and only at this time can we really taste the taste of parting.

  155. It is fate that makes us know each other, but fate also represents parting. Farewell today, how much reluctance and nostalgia, only deep wishes, may you have a smooth journey and a peaceful life.

  156, the sky is high and the sea is deep, which is not comparable to our feelings; The poetry is sweet and sweet, and it can't compare to our true feelings; The light of the sun and the moon is not as good as our innocence. Today, I wish you a smooth journey, good health, and remember to have my support when you are unhappy.

  157, I didn't know that the taste of parting was so bleak, and I didn't know that saying goodbye should be so strong. Only separation, let time forget this tacit understanding.

  158, meet and say goodbye, return sail and go offshore, time flies and passes, and lovesick words are difficult to open in the heart. Parting in a hurry, hugging each other and waving goodbye, reminiscing about the past, how sad the tears of parting, only wish you a smooth journey.

  159. Although it is a hurried meeting and a hurried parting, we have eternity in the short course of life, and I believe that today's friendship is the best memory of tomorrow.

  160. Raise your hand, wave your sleeves, such a farewell can not take away a trace of sorrow, how much sorrow can a small heart carry, because love will always have a heart to stay in the distance, I will embark on a journey for you, I wish you peace and worry-free.

  161. Break up silently, just like when they met silently. May the warm breeze here bring you my affectionate blessings and prayers.

  162. You came gently, but you have to go gently. With a wave of his hand, his eyes were already hazy. Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, how can I have a slight friendship with you. The world makes people, only I wish you a smooth journey and good health.

  163. The sorrow of separation is because of the joy of getting together, if the reunion has double the joy, then I would rather bear greater sorrow.

  164, slim and elegant, swaying, the stage is full of gorgeous gentleman's orchid; Melodious and euphemistic, stretching naturally, the theater reverberates with intoxicating melodies. Dear singer, you have won thunderous applause, and you have won people's hearts!

  165. Parting can weaken shallow feelings, but make deep feelings deeper, just as the wind can blow out candlelight, but it will fan the fire more vigorously.

  166. We had to separate, say goodbye softly, and thank you in my heart for giving me a deep friendship.

  167. Time can't take away space, and joy precipitates in the heart; Everything was so sudden, and everything was expected; There is no time to recover, there is no time to prepare; Every time I wake up, the sun still returns, and I look forward to the day when I will be separated and reunited.

  168. The most unforgettable thing is the pure friendship between you and me, the most precious thing is the true love of a lifetime, and I am happy that I have a fate with you in this life, and I offer my warmest and sincere blessings, and I wish you a happy new year!

  169. I just want to let you experience my deepest love for you in this limited day, and also leave me a beautiful and sad memory for myself!

  170. I am very happy to work with you, I believe that you will be better in the future, we can meet again for a drink when we are free, I wish you can fly higher in the future.