
Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

author:Talking about health

  Diabetes mellitus is one of the common chronic diseases in mainland China, divided into type 1 and type 2, of which type 2 diabetes is the most common, patients need to rely on drugs for a long time to control their blood sugar, once the blood sugar is not properly controlled, it will cause many complications, and the serious condition will also endanger the life and health of patients.

  However, there are many sugar friends in life who have a proper daily diet and use drugs in a timely manner, but they still feel that they have no strength, what is going on?

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  There are four possibilities for sugar friends to always feel tired:

  1. The patient's electrolytes, acid, alkali and water are disordered

  A major complication of diabetes is diabetic nephropathy, which is caused by long-term hyperglycemia damaging the kidneys.

  Once diabetic nephropathy appears, the kidney function declines, the balance of water, acid-base and electrolytes in the body is broken, and patients are prone to acidosis and hypokalemia, which is one of the main elements to maintain the normal physiological activity of muscles, and patients will have symptoms of lack of energy.

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  2. Diabetes leads to neurological and muscle lesions

  Diabetic patients are prone to uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which can cause damage to the nerves and muscles of the patient in the long term, affecting the normal function of the patient's muscles, resulting in fatigue symptoms in the patient.

  In addition, nerve damage will lead to paresthesia, and in severe cases, some sensations will be lost, muscle abnormalities cannot be perceived in time, and the ability to control muscles will also be reduced, aggravating the symptoms of fatigue.

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  3. Vascular lesions caused by diabetes

  Long-term hyperglycemia has a very serious impact on human blood vessels, which can cause hypertension and hyperlipidemia, which will affect the normal function of capillaries and affect the normal blood supply to muscles in the early stage of the disease, resulting in fatigue symptoms.

  If blood sugar is not controlled in time, the vascular damage will be further aggravated, which will affect the normal function of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and the serious condition will endanger the life and health of patients.

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  4. Diabetic patients have low glucose utilization rate

  Diabetic patients with insufficient insulin secretion or insensitive tissues and organs to insulin will lead to low glucose utilization rate and lack of energy replenishment in the patient's body, which will lead to the symptoms of physical fatigue.

  However, people with this condition must control their daily sugar intake, so diabetics who want to improve this fatigue may want to try eating smaller, more frequent meals.

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  How can I prevent diabetes complications?

  The main cause of diabetic complications is the patient's blood sugar uncontrollable, so if you want to prevent complications, you should first start with blood sugar control, your daily diet should be low-sugar, you can eat whole grains and cereals to replace staple foods, and pay attention to monitoring blood sugar, and take glucose control drugs on time and in quantity.

  In addition, you should pay attention to the abnormalities of the body, pay attention to the protection of the skin and feet, regularly monitor blood pressure, etc., and seek medical examination in time if there is any abnormality.

Sugar friends always feel tired? Don't take it seriously, this may be related to 4 complications, you need to be vigilant!

  Through the above understanding, diabetes is one of the common diseases, patients need to take drugs for a long time to control the condition, the above 4 possibilities, is the main reason why diabetic patients always feel little strength, three of which are caused by complications, the harm should not be underestimated, so how to prevent complications in daily life is very important.

  In addition, diabetic patients should also pay attention to maintaining a good attitude, regular work and rest, and moderate exercise.