
Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

author:Ningxian Rong Media

(All-media reporter Li Jianqiang, Zheng Qianhong) sorting, packing, weighing, handling, loading...... A few days ago, walking into the production workshop of the cherry planting base of Jinnong Company located in Xibu Village, Jiaocun Town, Ningxian County, the production lines were in good order, and the scene was busy.

Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

"We introduced two varieties of cherries from the Netherlands, Kodia and Leijiena, and began to pick them on June 23, with 137 acres of cherries and 122 acres of fruit, with an output of about 0.8 tons per mu, and the total output is expected to reach 70 tons, with an income of more than 2 million." Kang Jianbin, deputy manager of Jiaocun base of Jinnong Company, said that the cherries planted by the company are of good quality, full flesh, beautiful color and good taste, and are more popular in the market.

Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

At the picking base not far from the production workshop of the base, the trees are full of purple-red cherries, all full and shiny, exuding an attractive fragrance, and the workers are busy picking ripe cherries.

Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

The cherry planting planted by Ningxian Jinnong Company requires a lot of labor in each link from seedling, planting, management and maintenance to mature picking, which also provides opportunities for local women who stay at home and farmers who cannot go out to work, broaden the income channels of the villagers, and help more than 200 villagers in the vicinity to achieve "doorstep" employment.

Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

Quan Honghong, who lives in Xibu Village, has children who go to school and can't go far away, and the family's income mainly depends on guarding a few acres of land, and the income is limited.

The production workshop was set up at the door of his home, and Quan Honghong also saw the hope of increasing income, so he came to the base to work in his spare time and became a worker at the door of his home.

"I can earn 100 yuan a day, the factory is not far from home, the income is stable, and I can take care of my family." When it comes to the work in front of her, Quan Honghong is full of praise.

Ning County: The fiery red cherries bear the "fruit of getting rich" for rural revitalization

The industry is thriving, and the vitality of rural revitalization is sufficient. In recent years, Ningxian County has been focusing on regional layout and large-scale, mechanized and intensive operation, focusing on the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and actively adjusting the industrial structure, vigorously developing characteristic industries to broaden the income channels of the masses, and injecting new industrial momentum into rural revitalization.


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