
Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

author:Gannan emergency
Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

On June 30, the "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill in Gannan Prefecture was held in Maqu County, sponsored by the State Party Committee and the State Government, undertaken by the State Safety Production Committee, the State Disaster Prevention, Mitigation and Relief Committee, the State Earthquake Relief Headquarters, and the Maqu County Party Committee and County Government.

Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

He Moubao, Secretary of the State Party Committee, attended the event and made summary comments.

Shi Yucheng, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Provincial Earthquake Bureau, Zhang Xiaobo, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Emergency Management Department, Liu Xuefeng, Deputy Chief of the Provincial Forest Fire Protection Corps, Gao Xiaoming, Deputy Director of the Provincial Earthquake Bureau, and Zhang Songlin, Professor of the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences of Northwest Normal University, participated.

Yang Wu, deputy secretary of the state party committee and governor, presided over the event.

State leaders Wang Jianjun, Renqing Dongzhu, Lu Zhejun, Yang Zhenlin, Yu Jiang, Wang Li, Xiong Jiben, Zhang Zhengneng, Hao Xiaodong, Yang Guanglong, Wang Guojun, Pu Beichen, Jiao Weizhong, Wang Fang, Guo Ziwen, Ding Wenhua, Tashi Cairang, and Li Shizhong attended.

Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

The drill simulated a 6.8-magnitude earthquake in Maqu County at 10:02:32 on June 30, with the epicenter located in Nima Town, Maqu County, with an epicenter depth of 17 kilometers, a total area of about 29,600 square kilometers, and a total population of about 524,100. After the simulated earthquake, Gannan Prefecture focused on key links such as receiving and reporting dangerous situations, initiating emergency response, news releases, disaster reconnaissance, setting up command headquarters, command and dispatch, etc., focusing on the evacuation and transfer of personnel, the masses carrying out self-rescue and mutual rescue, rushing through damaged roads, search and rescue of ruins, resettlement support for the affected people, water rescue, setting up tent schools, emergency information release, fire disposal in residential areas, liquefied natural gas leakage disposal, dammed lake danger handling, first aid and epidemic prevention and sanitization of the wounded, and investigation and repair of power supply facilities. All drill units rushed to the scene to carry out the disposal in accordance with the requirements of comprehensiveness and actual combat.

Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

During the exercise, more than 1,600 emergency rescue forces such as firefighting, public security, medical, militia, electric power, and communications worked closely together, organized closely, operated in a standardized manner, and responded effectively, achieving the purpose of "testing the plan, running in the mechanism, exercising the team, exchanging technology, and improving capabilities", and achieved the expected drill results.

After the successful completion of the exercise, Zhang Songlin commented on the exercise process, and Zhang Xiaobo put forward specific requirements for further strengthening the prevention and response to major disasters.

Gannan Prefecture (Maqu) "2024 Zhu'an Plateau" earthquake relief emergency drill was successfully held

He Moubao emphasized in his summary and comments that all departments at all levels should take this exercise as an opportunity to conscientiously summarize good experience, good practices and good ideas, comprehensively review, strengthen application, and integrate to promote the state's emergency management, disaster prevention and mitigation work to a higher level and a higher level. It is necessary to earnestly strengthen the prevention of major disaster risks in advance, based on risk prevention, ensuring safety, and stabilizing the overall situation, persist in moving the pass forward, strengthen source management, increase the investigation and rectification of various risks and hidden dangers, speed up the preparation of shortcomings, plug loopholes, strengths and weaknesses, and earnestly improve the ability to discover and solve problems and the level of safety fortification. It is necessary to make preparations for disaster prevention and response at all times, firmly establish the emergency concept of "prevention" is greater than "rescue", focus on preventing major earthquakes, rushing to major dangers, and relieving major disasters, accelerate the construction of emergency command headquarters and emergency command platforms at all levels, build an emergency plan system from horizontal to edge and vertical to the end, strengthen the reserve of rescue and disaster relief materials, and form a scientific and standardized command mechanism and emergency response process. It is necessary to focus on improving the actual combat ability of all kinds of disasters, accelerate the construction of regularized, professional and professional fire emergency rescue teams, build and strengthen professional emergency response teams such as road traffic, power communications, and medical rescue, vigorously support the construction of social rescue teams, and promote the transformation and upgrading of emergency rescue forces from a single disaster to a multi-disaster and comprehensive rescue team, and continue to improve professional rescue skills. It is necessary to build a solid people's defense line for disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, thoroughly implement the national safety publicity and education project, solidly promote disaster prevention and emergency drills "into enterprises, rural areas, communities, schools, and families", promote the whole society to enhance disaster risk awareness, improve emergency response and risk avoidance capabilities, and strive to create a good social atmosphere for disaster prevention, joint disaster reduction, and joint disaster relief.

When presiding over the event, Yang Wu demanded that we should deepen our ideological understanding, establish a firm bottom-line thinking, always adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, plan and deploy with the highest standards, formulate strategies, implement measures, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. It is necessary to improve the working mechanism, strengthen coordination and linkage, adhere to the problem-oriented and effect-oriented, carefully analyze the deficiencies and problems found in the process of the exercise, refine and summarize experience and practices, deeply polish and improve the emergency plan system, break down barriers, and gather work forces. It is necessary to be guided by science, precision, pragmatism and effectiveness, accelerate the revision and improvement of various emergency plans and plans at all levels, promote the formation of an emergency plan system that is connected from top to bottom, left and right, and close to actual combat, and strive to improve the level of emergency response capabilities. It is necessary to strictly implement the main responsibility, industry responsibility, and on-duty responsibility, always maintain a state of "imminent war", and continuously strengthen the capacity building of various emergency rescue teams in accordance with the needs of the task of "all disasters and major emergencies", complete and strengthen professional forces, prepare sufficient materials and equipment, and effectively take precautions and be prepared.

Gannan financial media reporter Wei Dezhan Zhao Wenjun

Li Wenliang, Xue Liusheng, Li Weixin

Source丨Gannan Financial Media

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