
What do you think are the main reasons for the popularity of paid study halls, and is it worth opening a store?

author:Reading study room management system

[What do you think are the main reasons for the popularity of paid study rooms, and is it worth opening a store?] 】

In the face of such a hot paid study room market, should we also consider opening one? I think it depends on your own situation and positioning. If you love learning, are good at communication, and are good at business, then opening a paid study room is definitely a good choice.

What do you think are the main reasons for the popularity of paid study halls, and is it worth opening a store?

First, the paid study room can basically open a 20-seat store with 10W, and the installation of a study room system of about 1000 can easily manage the store, and one person can also manage the store well, and will not be bothered by reservations and reservations, basically as long as the store is on duty and maintains the order of the store. Low investment can allow the store to quickly return to its cost, and then the store stabilizes, and it can open branches, and the multi-point layout can cover more areas. Because of this, many people are willing to open stores with 10W in their hands, which makes this industry more popular.

What do you think are the main reasons for the popularity of paid study halls, and is it worth opening a store?

The second is intelligent management, customers can reserve seats through mobile phones, and mobile phone orders can control the location of light control, electronic control, to avoid undesirable phenomena such as people grabbing seats and occupying seats; Customers can also change seats and transfer orders at any time with one click on their mobile phones, without waiting for the clerk to process it, wasting time. Merchants can manage stores online and with mobile phones, help customers make reservations, and track store data in real time. It is simple to manage, and one person can open a store, many recent graduates or mothers can directly open a store management, the threshold for opening a store is too low, and they can handle it alone.

What do you think are the main reasons for the popularity of paid study halls, and is it worth opening a store?

Third, paid study rooms have potential. Every stage of people needs to learn, need a third space, some time ago may be more competitive in the study room industry, but as long as the serious management can still develop well.