
When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

In today's society, with the acceleration of the pace of life, people's consumption concepts have also undergone great changes.

Young people's awareness of saving money is increasing, and at the same time, more and more young people are finding that their bank account balances are far from what they expected.

As soon as I opened the account, my balance was only a few thousand, a little more, and it was only tens of thousands of yuan.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

In fact, for the vast majority of young people, it is quite good to be able to save tens of thousands of dollars, after all, in the era of inflation, many people are moonshiners, and it is difficult to have additional funds for savings.

What's more, due to the lack of savings, some people have become unable to make ends meet, and even fall into a vicious circle of borrowing, making it difficult to repay loans, let alone save money.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

Ziwen noticed that in today's society, the consumption of some young people is indeed very high, spending thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan per month, which looks infinite on the surface, which makes people envious and jealous that young people are too good at making money.

In fact, many young people are ahead of their time in spending, overdrawing their future spending power, and relying on credit cards and various small loans to maintain a high-consumption life.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?


The current state of wealth of the people in the mainland

Many people always say that the Chinese people are already very rich, and the urban housing ownership rate is as high as 98%, and the vast majority of families have achieved a wealth of more than 3 million.

However, the 3 million is also paper wealth, and there is no way to realize it at any time. Moreover, most of the 3 million assets are actually owed to the bank.

Therefore, for the vast majority of families in China, who seem to be worth millions, are actually burdened with heavy debts in order to buy real estate, and are in a huge financial crisis.

And this is the current situation of the wealth of the people in the mainland!

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?


Deposits can surpass most people

What kind of savings level can be reached to surpass the majority of households in China?

The answer is: half a million!

According to the data released by the central bank, the mainland has achieved 100,000 per capita deposits, and according to the calculation of a family of three, the average savings of a family have now reached 300,000.

In addition, the major media have claimed that the people of the mainland have achieved a monthly income of more than 10,000 yuan, and if calculated in this way, the vast majority of families will be able to achieve a deposit of 500,000 yuan in less than a year or two.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

However, the reality is far from the same.

First of all, let's talk about the savings of ordinary people's families:

According to relevant statistics, the annual income of most families in the mainland can only reach about 4,000 to 6,000, which means that no matter how much the family saves, minus various expenses, they cannot save 40,000 yuan a year.

This is still the case when there is no special family pressure, if the elderly suddenly seek medical treatment, or children's education expenses, etc., these may greatly reduce the savings of ordinary families.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

Let's take a look at the savings that ordinary families have:

According to the data, only 0.37% of mainland depositors have deposits of more than 500,000, in other words, nearly 99.63% of people in China have less than 500,000 deposits, which is equivalent to 1.4 billion people in China who cannot take out 500,000 bank deposits.

However, there is a big gap between the current situation of deposits and the current savings rate in the mainland! And the reason for this situation is mainly due to the fact that those rich people with more money have raised the average.

Their wealth is enough to cover the annual income of the vast majority of ordinary families, which is why the national savings rate seems to be very high, but in fact, if calculated according to the annual savings of 40,000 yuan, it will not reach the standard of 500,000 yuan in ten years.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

In other words, if your current savings have reached 500,000, then, to some extent, you are already richer than the vast majority of families in China.

Even if your monthly income is only 10,000 yuan, you are still a group of higher income groups in the mainland.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?


In the Internet era, there are high-income groups everywhere, with annual salaries of hundreds of thousands or even millions, and it is not excluded that some people do meet such a standard, but it is not common.

The vast majority of families will not have an annual deposit of more than 50,000 yuan, and the total savings will not exceed 400,000 yuan at most.

Therefore, there is no need to be fooled by those unrealistic wealth fantasies, and there is no need to be overly inferior, because maybe your current financial situation has actually surpassed many people.

When personal savings reach "this number", more than 98% of households, have you reached the standard?

And Ziwen tells you that true wealth is based on your own wise choices and continuous efforts. Don't envy the seemingly glamorous life of others, but focus on improving yourself, building your own financial independence, and maintaining your own stability.

Only in this way can we unswervingly follow our own path and achieve our own goals in life.

Wan Ziwen said: Every word of the article was typed out by me, and I clicked "watching" to let me know that you are also "doing your best" for life.

*Image source network*

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