
Plant a green plant by hand, and plant a forest in your heart

author:The ancient city built water

Recently, Jianshui County Bureau of Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Science and Technology seized the favorable opportunity of the high survival rate of tree planting in the rainy season, and organized a total of more than 220 cadres and workers to carry out tree planting activities in Lumei Township and Lumei Village in Longshu Village, Heiqing Village Committee, Dianwei Township.

Plant a green plant by hand, and plant a forest in your heart

The activity actively mobilizes the masses to participate, forming a strong atmosphere of loving, planting, protecting and raising greenery in the whole society, and adding new green to the livable countryside where green mountains are always there, green water is always flowing, and the air is always fresh.

Plant a green plant by hand, and plant a forest in your heart

The tree planting site was in full swing, and all the cadres and workers were full of enthusiasm, tacit understanding, and division of labor. Some dig pits, some water, and some hold small saplings, and everyone methodically puts down the saplings prepared in advance. After several hours of joint efforts, more than 500 ficus trees have settled in Longshu Village, Heiqing Village Committee, and each small sapling carries the villagers' expectations and longing for a green home, and also adds a beautiful scenery to the village.

Plant a green plant by hand, and plant a forest in your heart
Plant a green plant by hand, and plant a forest in your heart

"Plant a green plant by hand, plant a forest in your heart", the majority of cadres, workers and the masses enjoy the fun of tree planting activities at the same time, silently plant a firm belief in their hearts, take root downward, grow upward, have trees to live in, and the future can be expected. Let us join hands and actively participate in tree planting activities to jointly build a green and beautiful home with bluer sky, greener land and clearer water.

Correspondent: Zhou Fang

Editor: Zhao Yijin

Review: Tao Yongmei

Legal Counsel: Yunnan Mao Rongfang Law Firm, Mao Rongfang Lawyer, 13808775229