
The 2024 "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" three-dog patch treatment at the Seoul Children's Center has begun, so the appointment →

author:Beijing News Network

The dog days are coming, and the dog stickers are coming as promised!

Sanfu Patch is the concrete embodiment of the health preservation theory of "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter" in traditional Chinese medicine, and when used properly, it can help children improve their physical fitness and achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases. Hurry up and make an appointment!

Three-dog stickers: Heaven and man correspond, winter disease and summer treatment

Sanfu stickers have existed in ancient times, and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. It refers to the "dog days" when the yang energy is strong in nature in summer, and the characteristics of the human body's abundant yang energy, loose intestines, and vigorous meridian qi and blood are used to apply hot and hot warming drugs to specific acupuncture points, such as Xu Lingfetal Yun, a master of traditional Chinese medicine: "The medicinal properties enter its intestines from the pores, through the meridians, or lift it out, or attack and disperse", and evaluate the three dog patches "more powerful than taking medicine, this is also a wonderful method". By encouraging the body's righteous qi, adjusting the balance of yin and yang, dispelling evil spirits and going out, so that chronic diseases can be alleviated or eliminated.

As a characteristic external treatment method of "winter disease and summer treatment", Sanfu patch has been widely used in clinical practice. The three-pronged patch used in our hospital is mainly for children over 2 years old, and is suitable for diseases such as recurrent respiratory tract infections, allergic rhinitis, asthma, etc.

The 2024 "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" three-dog patch treatment at the Seoul Children's Center has begun, so the appointment →

Dog times in 2024

The 2024 "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" three-dog patch treatment at the Seoul Children's Center has begun, so the appointment →

Note: The application is suitable for children over 2 years old, and the application starts from the day of ambush, and if the application time is missed, it can be postponed appropriately. For more information, please contact 18518745687

Three-pronged patch appointment process

1. The official account of the Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics makes an appointment for the "three-dog sticker ordinary number" of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

2. Triage to the TCM department.

3. A doctor will issue a medical order.

4. After payment, the three-pronged patch treatment will be carried out in the treatment room of the Chinese medicine department with the diagnosis and treatment order.

The 2024 "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" three-dog patch treatment at the Seoul Children's Center has begun, so the appointment →
The 2024 "Winter Disease and Summer Treatment" three-dog patch treatment at the Seoul Children's Center has begun, so the appointment →

Source: Popular Science of Children's Hospital Affiliated to Capital Institute of Pediatrics

Author: Lu Xiaoqin

Process edit: u070