
The main force of futures fluctuated and rose, and spot trading was loosened

author:Lange Steel

On July 1, the average price of 5.5mm hot-rolled coil in key cities in China was 3,713 yuan, and the price was 1 yuan lower than the previous trading day. At the beginning of the week, the domestic hot coil market price was mainly stable, except for a slight decline in quotations in individual regions, most of the areas were driven by the shock of black futures, and they showed a downward trend.

The main force of futures fluctuated and rose, and spot trading was loosened

In terms of the price difference between the north and the south, the key cities are 3,730 yuan, Tangshan is 3,630 yuan, the price difference between the two places is about 100 yuan, Handan is 3,670 yuan, Wuxi is 3,760 yuan, and the price difference between the two places is about 90 yuan.

The main force of futures fluctuated and rose, and spot trading was loosened
The main force of futures fluctuated and rose, and spot trading was loosened

The market opened in the morning, the macro news continued to game, the black futures generally showed a pattern of stopping falling and probing, and the spot quotations around the country were mainly stable, as of noon closing, although the wait-and-see sentiment in the downstream market was eased, but the operation of batch stocking was still less. However, with the opening of the market in the afternoon, the central bank decided to face part of the open market in the near future, the news of the business primary dealer to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations began to ferment, in which the central bank proposed to enrich the monetary policy toolbox at the financial work conference, and gradually increase the trading of treasury bonds in the open market operation of the central bank. As for the later view, the recent domestic market off-season factors are still fermenting, although the good news driven, but the market activity is still in a tepid situation, so the market price increase is limited, in view of this, it is expected that tomorrow's domestic hot coil market price or show a volatile exploration pattern. (Lange Steel)