
China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

author:Ticket Yao Lieutenant

After Chang'e-6 successfully brought back nearly 2 kilograms of lunar soil, China also expressed its willingness to share it with many countries, but the United States was excluded.

Recently, under the watchful eyes of all people, the mainland's Chang'e-6 has successfully landed with lunar soil. At the beginning of last month, the Chang'e-6 ascender completed the collection of soil from the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the Moon, and took off from the far side of the Moon into a predetermined orbit around the Moon. This is also the first time in the world that sampling the lunar back has been carried out there, so this trip of Chang'e-6 has attracted global attention.

China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

According to the shooting picture, Chang'e-6 from the excavation of samples to packaging is very smooth, the whole process took less than 20 hours, and overcame the temperature difference, light, measurement and control and other problems, and even showed the drilling tool drilling and the robotic arm surface to collect samples.

In addition, after the collection was completed, the Chang'e-6 probe also erected a five-star red flag and took photos to "check in", which is also the first time that China has independently displayed the national flag on the far side of the moon. After 53 days, the Chang'e-6 returner also carried 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil samples and successfully landed in the predetermined area of the Four Princes Banner in Inner Mongolia.

China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

The most amazing thing is that the landing of Chang'e-6 is almost as good as the original plan, and the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration project has not only achieved "three major technological breakthroughs" and created a "world first", but also symbolizes that the research of lunar samples has entered the "Chang'e era".

However, with the successful completion of the Chang'e-6 lunar exploration mission, the international community has also begun to pay close attention to China's allocation of lunar soil. Hou Jun, deputy director of the Science and Technology Engineering Department of the Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center, said that China welcomes scientists from all over the world to study the samples with the Chinese scientific team, and at the same time, the Chinese side will also take some samples to the international community for other countries to study.

China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

You must know that Chang'e-6 also carried the international payload of the European Space Agency, France, Italy, and Pakistan to jointly carry out exploration, and ESA is also very proud and excited about this. Obviously, China is open to the study of lunar soil. However, at this moment of world celebration, the United States seems out of place.

In the past two days, NASA spokesman Faith Marco bluntly said that China has cooperated with many countries such as Europe in the mission to collect lunar samples, but has not invited NASA to participate, and China has not directly invited NASA to participate in the study of lunar soil. In fact, before Chang'e-6 landed, NASA administrator Bill Nelson began to shout that the United States could legislate not to cooperate with China, but it would not mind China sending free lunar soil.

China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

Obviously, the United States is very interested in the lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-6, but China has shown no intention of sharing it with the United States. The United States is also quite dissatisfied with this. However, China has also set conditions for the US side on this matter. It is reported that Bian Zhigang, deputy director of the mainland's National Space Administration, openly stated at a news conference that China has always been open to cooperation and exchanges with the United States in the field of space, and the two countries have also launched a series of cooperation mechanisms.

But the root of the obstacle to space cooperation between the two countries lies in domestic laws such as the "Wolf Clause" established by the United States. Therefore, Bian Zhigang stressed that if the United States really wants to carry out normal space exchanges with China, it should take practical measures to remove obstacles. You must know that as early as 2011, the U.S. Congress passed the so-called "Wolf Clause" to restrict cooperation between China and the United States in space.

This also means that NASA must seek permission from the FBI in advance if it wants to cooperate with China. However, in the past few years, cooperation between the two countries in the field of space has come to a standstill, and at the same time, the United States has been spreading the "theory of China's space threat" everywhere in the international community to prevent other countries from cooperating with China.

China will share lunar soil with many countries, but the United States has been excluded, and China has also set conditions for the United States

Therefore, this time, the United States did not receive an invitation from the Chinese side, and it was completely because they were shooting themselves in the foot because they could not get lunar soil. China's attitude is also very clear: it is the United States itself that has erected barriers to space cooperation between the two countries, and if the United States cannot remove these unilateral obstacles, the two countries will not be able to carry out normal cooperation.

Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg in the Sino-US competition, and if the United States fails to correct its mentality, it will only lose itself in the competition with China and harm others and itself.


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