
Praise the brilliant achievements and gather the power of silver hair

author:Tianjin Peace
Praise the brilliant achievements and gather the power of silver hair

The scene of the event

On June 27, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Heping District Party Committee organized a special research symposium for retired cadres to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and "praise brilliant achievements and gather silver strength" to carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, and fully reflect the party organization's concern for veteran comrades. Some representatives of veteran comrades at the district level, representatives of the party branch secretaries of retired cadres of organs and communities, representatives of the "five elders" propaganda group of the district customs working committee, the district veteran cadres interest association and the veteran comrades of the district veteran cadres volunteer team attended the meeting.

Praise the brilliant achievements and gather the power of silver hair

The veteran comrades talked about development, talked about viewpoints, and offered good ideas

At the meeting, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the District Party Committee led all the retired cadres and party members attending the meeting to review the oath of joining the party, organized to watch and study the spirit of the "Opinions on Strengthening the Party Building of Retired Cadres in the New Era" of the Central Committee's Office, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to 5 veteran party members with 50 years of party age, and organized retired cadres and party members to talk about their feelings and experiences around the theme, put forward opinions and suggestions, and report on the work of veteran cadres in the district this year and the next work requirements. The veteran comrades combined their own experience and actual work, focused on the development and construction of the whole region, talked about development, talked about views, and offered good ideas, and everyone agreed that this special research activity is a powerful measure to boost confidence and gather strength.

Praise the brilliant achievements and gather the power of silver hair

Group photo of veteran party members with 50 years of party experience

In addition, the participating retired cadres and party members also shared their feelings and experiences in the process of studying, living and playing a role at the meeting, expressing their pride and pride in the great achievements made by the Communist Party of China in the 103rd anniversary, and showing their strong confidence in the development of various undertakings of the party and the country.

It is understood that this symposium is an important measure for the veteran cadres bureau of the district party committee to implement the "opinions" of the central committee and the "several measures" of the veteran cadres bureau of the municipal party committee, and to implement the spirit of the national and municipal veteran cadres and directors meeting.