
Completion! Big change!

author:Tianjin Peace

"After the renovation, there is a lot of activity space, I will take my grandson downstairs when I have nothing to do, there are more facilities for children to play, and the environment is better, and our residents are very satisfied," said Grandma Wang, a resident of Qingyou Xili.

Completion! Big change!

It is reported that not long ago, the renovation of the old community of the urban renewal project in the northern area of the Nanmenwai Street business district - the construction of the complete community in Qingyou Xili was officially completed.

Completion! Big change!

Before the upgrading and renovation of Qingyou Xili community was carried out, an in-depth and detailed urban physical examination was carried out according to the standards and requirements of complete community construction, and at the same time, with the cooperation of the street community, the community was carried out to collect and investigate residents' opinions. In view of various specific problems such as imperfect community public service facilities, old municipal supporting facilities, and poor quality of public environment, solutions are proposed. The renovation involves 52 measures, mainly including the upgrading of community comprehensive service stations, the upgrading and transformation of pipe network facilities, the renovation of non-motorized carports, the stimulation of market fireworks, and the enhancement of the vitality of the market.

Completion! Big change!
Completion! Big change!
Completion! Big change!

The construction of a complete community in Qingyou Xili adheres to the problem-oriented, and in view of the outstanding problems of "one old and one young" in the community, the limited space is used to add facilities for the elderly, and children's activity venues are opened up to make efficient and flexible use of space resources. From the perspective of people's livelihood, it solves the problem of "urgency, difficulty and hope" in residents' lives, and solves the problem of micro-community transformation.