
The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

author:Changzheng Street, Pingchuan District

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and enhance the sense of honor and mission of party members in the jurisdiction, on the afternoon of July 1, 2024, the Changzheng Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together", and more than 100 community staff and community party members participated in the event.

The first item of the activity was a speech by the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Railway Community. I would like to extend my most sincere holiday greetings to all party members, and call on everyone to always keep in mind the identity of party members, always maintain the true character of party members, further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission, and actively participate in the construction of the community.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

The second activity is to review the oath of joining the party. All party members lined up neatly, solemnly raised their right hands, and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The 80-word oath to join the party expresses unlimited loyalty and high respect for the party, and the hearts of all party members who love the party, respect the party, are loyal and dedicated, and serve the people.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

The third item of the activity is to commend advanced models. The Party Committee of the Railway Community awarded the commemorative medal of "Fifty Years of Glory in the Party" to 2 old party members, and issued honorary certificates to 6 outstanding branch secretaries who actively participated in various community activities, actively participated in community construction, and played the leading role of advanced and exemplary party members. This is not only an affirmation and encouragement for the old party members, but also a spiritual baptism for all party members.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".
The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

The fourth activity is to share the "political birthday cake". Exquisite cake wishing us a happy birthday to our great party. In the warm atmosphere, the party members deeply felt the care and warmth of the party organization, and felt a full sense of pride, honor and belonging.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

The fifth activity is to sing the red melody. All party members in the community sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China". The melody sounded, the party members were passionate, and the passionate singing showed the party members' firm belief in the party and their strong respect for discipline. They turned their affectionate red songs into affectionate blessings to the party, expressing their infinite loyalty and love for the party.

The Long March Street Railway Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating the July 1st Birthday and Building a Harmonious Community Together".

After the event, the community also distributed gifts to the party members who came to participate in the event. Through this activity, the sense of patriotism and love for the party among community workers and party members has been further enhanced, and the appeal, cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization have been further strengthened. In the next step, the railway community will take this "Gift July 1st" series of activities as an opportunity to continuously explore a new model of party building leadership, encourage the majority of party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, continue to promote the high-quality development of the community, and continue to serve the people wholeheartedly. (Editor: Xu Yizhen Review: Liu Jihong)

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