
Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"
Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

In order to create a clean and tidy urban and rural environment

Build a better home

Help our city to create a national civilized city

and consolidating the effectiveness of national health cities

All parts of Shizhong District have taken positive action

Carry out weekend cleaning

Let's take a look at how Qingping Town and Maoqiao Town do it

Qingping Town

  In order to continue to rectify the sanitary and environmental order of Qingping market town, combined with the civilized practice of the new era and weekend sanitation cleaning, the cadres of Qingping Town were divided into three groups to clean up and rectify the sanitary order of the market town, and at the same time carry out health and environmental protection knowledge publicity.

Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

  The renovation focuses on weak links such as "roadsides, ditch edges, shop edges, house edges, back streets and alleys", thoroughly cleans up the key and difficult areas along the road, on both sides of the ditch, on the main and secondary roads in the town, and around the shops, and focuses on cleaning the garbage, leaving no dead ends, and completely removing the garbage within the visual range. Make efforts to the dead corners and difficulties, and promote the environmental sanitation rectification of the market town as a whole, so as to ensure that "there are people at key points, patrols at key road sections, and people in key areas".

Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

  This activity made full use of the opportunity to face the masses, vigorously publicized the importance of comprehensive sanitation and environmental improvement, clarified the daily cleaning and maintenance requirements, guided and mobilized the masses to enhance environmental awareness, actively participated in the special action of environmental sanitation rectification, and created a good atmosphere of "everyone participates in the renovation and everyone cares for the environment".

Maoqiao Town

  In order to create a clean and comfortable living environment and improve the happiness of the masses, Maoqiao Town organized more than 60 volunteers to carry out weekend cleaning activities with the practice of civilization in the new era as the starting point.

Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

  Holding brooms and garbage bags, volunteers divided labor and cooperated to go deep into key areas such as back streets and alleys, village roads, and both sides of the riverbank to remove all kinds of accumulated garbage, graffiti, and piles of objects that occupy the road. At the same time, it took the initiative to publicize the knowledge of garbage classification to the shops and village (resident) residents in the market town, guided the villagers (residents) to actively participate in environmental sanitation rectification, and helped to add color to the creation of a civilized city with practical actions.

Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"
Weekend Cleaning | Environmental remediation "moves" and the appearance of the market town is "beautiful"

  In the next step, Maoqiao Town will take the weekend sanitation cleaning as an opportunity to continue to do a good job in environmental sanitation rectification, practice a civilized and healthy lifestyle in the new era, guide the people in the jurisdiction to consciously carry out environmental sanitation rectification, and guide village (resident) residents and market town merchants to actively participate in environmental governance, so as to jointly protect the living environment of Maoqiao and jointly create a civilized scenery at the "doorstep".

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City, Qingping Town, Maoqiao Town

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