
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Summer is in full swing

The flowers are scorching

"Yu Duai Lianzhi is out of the mud but not stained, and the water is clear and rippled but not demonic."

The C position of the summer flower world


Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Foam pickles / photo

It was the end of June

It has entered the best viewing period of lotus flowers

It's a weekend again

Jia Meier recommends a few good places to enjoy lotus in Shizhong District

Go and see the lotus pond in it

Light red and light green, floating jade flying qiong

Golden Eagle Villa

"The lotus leaf skirt is cut in one color, and the hibiscus is open to both sides of the face." During this time, tens of thousands of lotus flowers in Golden Eagle Villa are in full bloom one after another, competing for fragrance and beauty.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Li Yong/photo

In the verdant green, there are large lotus flowers that "come out of the mud without staining". As far as the eye can see, the lotus flowers are gently swaying in the breeze, flickering among the green lotus leaves, full of poetry and picturesqueness.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Li Yong/photo

There are many species of birds in the lodge, especially kingfishers, which sometimes perch on lotus flowers, and sometimes swoop down to the surface of the water to hunt small fish.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Li Yong/photo

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Foam pickles / photo

By the lotus pond, many tourists and photography enthusiasts gathered to admire the flowers. There are more beautiful ladies, who also change a variety of different shapes by the pool, leaving a beautiful shadow with lotus flowers.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

There are many types of lotus flowers in Golden Eagle Resort, and from late June to late July, all varieties of lotus flowers bloom one after another. If you have time, you might as well bring your family to the lotus fragrance and have a wonderful date with the lotus flowers.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Foam pickles / photo

Lotus Appreciation Strategy

Address: Golden Eagle Villa, Mianzhu Town, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Directions: Take bus No. 14 from the city to Golden Eagle Villa Station, or navigate directly to it

Thousand Rose Manors in Tuzhu Town

Although it is called Rose Manor, there are many varieties of lotus flowers in the garden, and the colors are gorgeous, which is a beautiful scenery in summer.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

The lotus leaves are spread all over the lotus pond like a jasper plate, or stretched or slightly rolled, with different shapes and layers. The lotus flowers are either budding and waiting to be released, or blooming in full bloom, each with its own beauty. The fragrance of lotus flowers also drifts away with the wind, elegant and distant, making people intoxicated.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

The beautiful lotus flowers also attract many tourists to take pictures. "I saw that this lotus flower is very beautiful on the Internet, so I came to play, and the lotus flowers here are indeed very beautiful, and it is worth everyone to come and enjoy and take pictures." Citizen Gao Jing said.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

According to the person in charge of the manor, the lotus flowers of the Thousand Rose Manor have several characteristics: first, the flower type is very large; the second is a double-petaled flower, with layers of petals, which are very beautiful; Third, the floral fragrance is strong. This year's flowering season is expected to last until mid-July, and citizens and tourists can come to see it during this time.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Lotus Appreciation Strategy

Address: Group 5, Tumenzi Village, Tuzhu Town, Shizhong District

Directions: Navigable

Lijia Village, Maoqiao Town

If you talk about the sea of flowers, the 200 acres of lotus pond in Maoqiao Town can definitely be called "the infinite blue of lotus leaves", and the slim and graceful lotus flowers set off each other, and it is beautiful. Walking along the criss-crossing lotus pond plank road, you can smell the fragrance of lotus flowers everywhere, which is very comfortable in the hot summer.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?
Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

It is understood that this year's rain is too much, the temperature is not high, and the lotus has not fully opened for the time being, but the flowers have the delicate flowers, and the leaves have the fragrance of leaves.

Summer Jiazhou | The best time has come, and the "lotus" is not agreeable?

Lotus Appreciation Strategy

Address: Lijia Village, Maoqiao Town, Shizhong District, Leshan City

Route: Take bus No. 16 in the city to reach Maoqiao Town, or navigate directly to it

Jia Meier warmly reminded

1. In the hot summer, it is recommended that everyone go to enjoy the lotus in the morning or evening to avoid heat stroke, and the lotus posture is the best at this time.

2. There are many mosquitoes in the wild, so it is best to wear long sleeves and long pants, or prepare mosquito repellent water and mosquito repellent patches.

3. Finally, please enjoy the flowers in a civilized manner, do not pick at will, do not litter, and be a civilized and good citizen!

Source: Rong Media Center, Shizhong District, Leshan City