
High School Entrance Examination丨Check the score!! Are you ready to volunteer?

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High School Entrance Examination丨Check the score!! Are you ready to volunteer?


The 2024 Yunnan Provincial Junior High School Academic Proficiency Test result inquiry function has been opened, and candidates can log in to the → "link" to check their test results.

The score is out, how to fill in the volunteer?

Don't worry, the principal is here to help

The results of the high school entrance examination are released, and many parents and candidates must be very concerned about how to fill in the volunteers.

In 2024, Kunming ordinary high school enrollment will organize voluntary filling work after the announcement of the results of the junior high school academic proficiency test. To apply for the general high school in the main urban area, there are two ways to fill in the volunteers: "filling in the volunteers" after the results are announced and "soliciting volunteers" during the admission process. The volunteer time is from 9:00 on July 4 to 18:00 on July 6.

In 2024, the second phase of the 8th "Helping the Principal of the High School Entrance Examination to Recruit" - the second phase of the large-scale live broadcast action of the high school entrance examination voluntary filling was carried out from July 1 to 3, and the principals or relevant persons in charge of 18 provincial first-level high schools walked into the live broadcast room to introduce the characteristics of the school in detail, answer questions and solve doubts interactively, and provide suggestions for the majority of students to fill in the high school entrance examination volunteers.

Come and book a live broadcast and meet your future principal~

High School Entrance Examination丨Check the score!! Are you ready to volunteer?

How to watch

The live broadcast will be broadcast live on multiple platforms such as the "Kundian Education" video account, the "Kunming Education" Douyin account, the "Owl Career" mini program, the "Kunbao Toutiao" video account, and the "Pocket Spring City" App.

The following viewing methods are available for reservations↓↓

Method 1:

Pay attention to the "Kunming Education" WeChat video account and make an appointment for live broadcast↓↓

Method 2:

Scan the QR code below, pay attention to the "Kunming Education" WeChat Douyin account, and make an appointment for live broadcast

High School Entrance Examination丨Check the score!! Are you ready to volunteer?

Method 3:

Scan the QR code below, follow the "Owl Career" mini program, and make an appointment for live broadcast

High School Entrance Examination丨Check the score!! Are you ready to volunteer?

Method 4:

"Kunbao Headlines" video number

Method 5:

Pocket Spring City App

Click Make an appointment

Source: Kundian Education

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