
The original intention does not change the style, and the ingenuity will continue to continue the chapter - a summary of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".

author:Palm Jinan
The original intention does not change the style, and the ingenuity will continue to continue the chapter - a summary of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".

The scene of the recording of the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".

The original intention does not change the style, and the ingenuity will continue to continue the chapter - a summary of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".
The original intention does not change the style, and the ingenuity will continue to continue the chapter - a summary of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".

Some of the pioneer models recorded in the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times".

There is such a party building TV column, which has accompanied the majority of party members in Quancheng for 30 spring and autumn periods, showing the demeanor of party members in different eras, and leading the growth and progress of party members. In Jinan, the spring city of 1994, the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times" came to everyone.

Carry forward the pioneers of the times, show the demeanor of party members, comment on hot topics, transmit knowledge and information, convey the voice of the party in a timely manner, actively respond to the new expectations of grassroots party members and cadres, and promote the journey of reform, opening up and modernization, the party building TV column of "The Style of the Times" plays an irreplaceable and important role. Over the past 30 years, she has been like a righteous song, singing the main theme of development and playing the strongest voice of the times. Over the years, it has concentrated on publicizing the deeds of a large number of advanced grassroots party organizations and outstanding communist party members who have emerged on various fronts, providing public opinion support and spiritual impetus for Jinan's sound and rapid development.

The party building TV column of "The Style of the Times" was sponsored by the Organization Department of the Jinan Municipal Party Committee, formerly known as "The Life of the Party", jointly organized by the Municipal Party Member Education Center and Jinan Radio and Television Station, and renamed "The Style of the Times" in July 2001. The column is fixed every Friday at 18:32 on the Jinan Radio and Television News Comprehensive Channel, each episode is 6 minutes. Over the past 30 years, more than 870 episodes of programs have been produced and broadcast, with a total duration of more than 10,000 minutes, and more than 1,500 deeds of advanced grassroots party organizations and outstanding Communist Party members have been promoted. It has successively won the first prize, the second prize and the Excellence Award in the observation and evaluation activities of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, and has been rated as the gold medal column of the national TV documentary category of "showing brilliance" by the China Broadcasting Association and the China Film Association.

The city is shining because of the people, and the times are wonderful because of me. The Communist Party members who are diligent in serving the people and the advanced collectives who are working hard and promising all express their fierce loyalty to the party with their lives in capital letters, showing the style of this era.

Looking back on the past 30 years, "The Style of the Times" has recorded such a group of people: Tian Xiangxia, the community secretary who has served the front line of the community for 40 years, Wu Jingchun, who has built the "tomato kingdom" on the bank of the Yellow River, Zhang Haiyan, who has grown from a "working girl" to a representative of the National People's Congress, Fang Yongchen, a rural doctor who gave up a stable job in the county and returned to his hometown to inherit his father's business, Liu Shunqing, who strives for perfection and has turned from a migrant worker to a "national champion", Fang Zeqiu, who has taken care of the paralyzed elderly without relatives for 36 years, and Xu Liang, the "Jinan Superman" who climbed the building to save people from the fire with his bare hands...... They are fighting in all walks of life, with their hard work, selfless dedication, and heroic actions, they warmly touched this city full of passion and love.

Looking back on the past 30 years, "The Style of the Times" has recorded some things: in order to implement the deployment requirements of the "Project Deepening Year", the column "Strugglers Say" was planned and opened, focusing on showing the demeanor of party members struggling on the front line, and stimulating the entrepreneurial passion of the majority of party members; In order to improve the grassroots governance ability of party members and cadres, focus on the outstanding community workers who have emerged in the grassroots party building and party building in the grassroots governance work, the "Together" column was set up, which provided grassroots cadres with a working method that can be learned and referenced, and used the people around them to talk about things around them and educate them with things around them, creating a strong atmosphere of "advocating role models, learning from examples, and striving to be role models......

Looking back on the past 30 years, "The Style of the Times" has recorded such a batch of grassroots party building achievements: focusing on learning the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Jinan City, combined with the actual work of grassroots party building and organization, planned and filmed a 6-episode series of "Striving for a New Journey and Writing a New Chapter - A Series of Interviews with District and County Organization Ministers"; Focusing on the general election of the "two committees" of the city's villages (communities), a special training film on "Interpreting the Policy of the "Two Committees" of Jinan Village Community was produced and broadcast; Feature films such as "EOD Expert Zhang Baoguo", which reflects the typical party members of the public security system, have been hotly discussed and praised by all walks of life.

Looking back on the past 30 years, "The Style of the Times" will focus on the grassroots, focus on the advanced, focus on the central tasks and key tasks, and focus on the light and heat of the city, focusing on the spiritual outlook of the majority of party members and cadres in Jinan to seek development and selfless dedication to the people, and truly reflect the fruitful achievements made by Jinan's politics, economy, culture, people's livelihood security, urban development and other fronts, improve the party's prestige and status in the eyes of the people, and make the "Style of the Times" The party building TV column has become a platform for the majority of party members and all walks of life to strengthen their beliefs, broaden their horizons, increase their experience, and gather strength.

Over the past 30 years, the main creators of "The Style of the Times" have worked on the front line of program creation and are also at the forefront of education. In the process of filming and production, they were infected by the typical advanced deeds and touching stories of party members countless times, impressed by the hard work and struggle of grassroots party organizations countless times, moved to tears countless times, and felt high morale and passion countless times.

The original heart is like a rock, and the mission is on the shoulder. Now, "The Style of the Times" has entered the year of its establishment, standing on the new road to the exam, the main creators will uphold the original intention, full of enthusiasm, with infinite vision for the future, to open the next decade of the column. In the future, the "Style of the Times" will be displayed in front of the audience with a new attitude that is more focused, more in-depth, more open, more distinctive, and easier to disseminate, so that the party's voice can be spread more openly and widely, so that the power of role models will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and passed on from generation to generation, so that the education of party members and the propaganda of party building in Jinan City will shine with new brilliance. (Reporter Hao Lei)


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