
Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities

author:Qilu discovered

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, relive the glorious history of the party, commend the advanced models of the whole street, and stimulate the enthusiasm of the directors to start a business, on the morning of June 29, Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, held a commendation meeting of "two excellent and one first" and a party day activity with the theme of "listening to the party, following the party, and feeling the party's kindness".

Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities

The conference kicked off with the majestic national anthem. At the meeting, the relevant responsible comrades of the street read out the "Decision of the Party Working Committee of Jinjialing Street on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and Advanced Grass-roots Party Organizations", and the members of the street leadership team were awarded medals to the representatives of the "two excellent and one first" and the old party members of "50 years of glory in the party".

Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities
Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities
Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities
Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities

Subsequently, on behalf of the Party Working Committee of Jinjialing Street, the main responsible comrades of the street expressed warm congratulations to the commended advanced collectives and advanced individuals, and paid high tribute to the old party members who won the medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and emphasized at the same time: first, we must vigorously carry forward the style of loyalty and honesty, resolutely defend the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"; Second, we must vigorously carry forward the style of passionate work, have the tenacious will and revolutionary optimism, grit our teeth, withstand the pressure, face up to difficulties, the more we can't resist it, the more we want to give up, the more we can't give up, and use the efforts of "persevering a little longer" to strive for the best results; Third, we must vigorously carry forward the style of taking a step forward, establish a strong sense of teamwork, think in one place and make efforts in one place, and would rather take a step forward to form a cross, rather than take a step back to form a gap; Fourth, it is necessary to vigorously carry forward the style of dedication to the people, take the government affairs hotline as the general starting point, give full play to the role of community party organizations as a fighting fortress, do mass work in depth, meticulously, solidly and in place, and stimulate more positive energy; Fifth, it is necessary to vigorously carry forward the style of uprightness, strengthen self-construction, leading cadres must have personality charm, party members must have the appearance of party members, and the cadre contingent must have vigorous and upward spirit, and polish the brand and image of the cadres in Jinjialing Street with practical actions.

Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities

After the commendation meeting, all party members participated in the party day activity with the theme of "listening to the party, following the party, and feeling the party's grace", watched the music party class, reviewed the oath of joining the party under the leadership of Comrade Li Qiang, and further stimulated the confidence and determination of the majority of party members to practice the oath of joining the party.

Jinjialing Street, Laoshan District, held the "Two Excellence and One First" commendation conference and theme party day activities

More than 300 party members participated in the event, including members of the street leadership group and cadres at or above the department level, the first secretary of the district faction, the secretary of the community party organization, the director of the neighborhood committee, the secretary of the party organization of the (joint-stock) economic cooperative, the secretary of the party organization of the "two new" organizations, all party members of the organs and the representatives of the old party members who have been commended for "two excellent and one first" and "glorious in the party for 50 years".

(Source: Weijinjialing)

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