
What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

author:Love 120

Summer vacation is just around the corner

Whether to "circumcision" your child

It has become a hot topic among parents

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

Does the foreskin need to be circumcised?

What kind of situation must be cut?

At what age does a child need to be circumcised?

Don't worry, these questions

Heng Xiaosheng invited everyone

Zhang Zhiyuan, Director of the Department of Urology, Shenzhen Hengsheng Hospital

Take you to find the answer together

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

The foreskin, like the garment worn on the tintin.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

There are generally three morphologies: normal, excessively long, and phimosis.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)


The foreskin is normal

The glans penis can be completely exposed, with the foreskin not covering the glans.


The foreskin is too long

The foreskin completely encloses the glans penis, and the foreskin needs to be turned out with the help of external force to fully expose the glans.



The foreskin tightly encloses the glans penis, and even external force cannot reveal the glans and urethral opening.


Do I have to be circumcised if my foreskin is too long?


Newborn baby boy

Nine times out of ten, it's phimosis

As the child develops

Most of the phimosis will get better

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

If it's just plain too long

Excision is not necessary

Because it provides physical protection for the tintin

Stimulation can also play a role in promoting sexual function

However, if there are any of the following:

It is recommended to go to the urology department

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)


Repeated inflammation and redness of the foreskin opening, frequent hand grasping of the penis, crying during urination, thin urine line, skewed direction, bulging foreskin at the front of JJ, last dripping of urine, and frequent wetness of underwear.


School-age children have frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, obvious smegma in the foreskin, and chronic inflammatory stimulation leading to inattention and hyperactivity.


In children over 5 years of age, the foreskin opening is still severely narrow and cannot be turned up to expose the glans penis and coronal sulcus.


Because phimosis affects the development of the glans of the penis, JJ is significantly smaller than that of children of the same age.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

Isn't circumcision scary?

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

In fact, it is a very mature minor surgery

There are many ways to deal with long foreskin or phimosis

It can be done in a few minutes at the earliest

Here are a few of them


The industry's most acclaimed circumcision of the foreskin stapler - cutting and titanium nail anastomosis, commonly known as "gun", only takes a few minutes to operate, and can be recovered in about a week after surgery, but the cost is slightly higher.


If you want to be more affordable, you can also consider traditional circumcision – a traditional surgical procedure in which the circumcision is circumcised followed by sutures of the incision. Its advantage is that it is suitable for all phimosis, long foreskin, and can simultaneously deal with foreskin adhesions, incarceration, penile frenulum too short, urethral cyst, and fast postoperative recovery. However, compared with "shooting", the operation is much more complicated, the operation takes about 20-30 minutes, and the recovery period is a little longer.


There is also a method that does not require cutting, circumcision, commonly known as "ring", the operation time is only a few minutes, and there is basically no bleeding during and after the operation. However, it takes a long time for the foreskin ring to fall off after surgery, usually 2-3 weeks.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

In addition, for some patients who do not need to be circumcised, but only need to enlarge the foreskin opening and separate the foreskin adhesions, circumcision can be selected.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

However, Heng Xiaosheng still has to remind

Circumcision is only a minor operation

Anesthesia is also required

There will be wounds after the operation, and a recovery period is required

Therefore, it is still necessary to go to a regular hospital

Combine your doctor's advice with your own needs

Rational choice

A special reminder is needed

Circumcision is not a "master key"

"I cut my foreskin, can it be bigger and thicker?"

"If the foreskin is cut, can I reduce the OR and improve the sensitivity?"

"My wife dislikes me and asks me to cut the foreskin!"


If you don't care about impotence and premature ejaculation

It's all a pot of foreskin anyway

I want to "cut to rule forever"

That could be a disappointment

However, severe phimosis in children

It does affect the development of the glans

The foreskin should be cut as early as possible

Releases the oppressive restraint on the glans

It is conducive to the development of the glans

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)
What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

Many friends are curious

Why is it always in the summer

In fact, circumcision can be done all year round, and it is enough to choose a weather with a dry climate and a suitable temperature, which is conducive to keeping the surgical wound dry and breathable after the operation, and it can generally be better in one week after surgery.

Comparatively speaking, the child's time is more free during the summer vacation, and the summer post-operative care is easier and more convenient. Wear less clothes in the summer, breathable, and even run naked without pants at home.

What happens to a man's body after circumcision? (Girls are not allowed)

in a word

Summer vacation is a great time for circumcision

For the sake of the child's physical and mental health

There is indeed a need

Take advantage of the summer vacation to take the children off the shackles

It's a good choice