
Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

author:Uncrowned Finance

This article was originally published by wumiancaijing

Author: Begonia Leaf

Editor: Chen Jian

Design: Lan Sheng

Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

On June 23, actress Fan Bingbing appeared in the world's high-profile fashion event Vogue World wearing Hanfu, and the comments were as polarized as ever: "Beauty exploded, this is our Chinese culture!" "Bad artists are so bold?"

In the five years since the disappearance of tax evasion, some people have always asked where Fan Bingbing went? Soon, someone will always ask where Wei Ya, the "first sister of live broadcasting" who was also fined for tax evasion, went.

The incident has been staged countless times, and the answer has been mentioned repeatedly: Fan Bingbing is trying to make a comeback, and so is Wei Ya.

Also this June, Wei Ya appeared in the official report of the official event, and the relevant keywords were the business plan and the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau.

After a long time, the "anchor" Wei Ya returned to the stage to teach and shoot a short drama.

Replay? Wei Ya, who was not thinking about the live broadcast room, changed careers.

Enter the new market of 100 billion yuan

made short dramas, and Wei Ya also set up a company.

In May this year, Beijing Qianmeng Culture Film and Television Production Co., Ltd. was established, and the first shareholder is Beijing Qianyue Culture Media Co., Ltd., holding 60% of the shares - this is a company wholly owned by Qianxun;

Another shareholder, Shanghai Mengyang Culture Co., Ltd., is a professional player in the industry: its founder and chairman Zong Shuai once served as the co-general manager of Huayi Brothers Brokerage, and is the earliest professional manager in China to advocate professional operation, and the major shareholder of Mengyang Culture is Sunac 10 million, which belongs to Sunac Culture.

Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

▲Dong Haifeng holds Beijing Qianmeng Culture Film and Television Production Co., Ltd., the picture comes from Tianyancha.

The posters that circulated show that Qianmeng Culture will start filming three short dramas "Stand-in Boyfriend", "My Family Has a Male Nanny", and "Don't Fall in Love with Your Brother" in mid-to-late June, and one of the producers is Dong Haifeng, chairman of Qianxun.

In fact, Qianxun's Bee Surprise Club has fired the first shot into the short drama in advance.

Since May 14th, the Bee Surprise Club has released on Douyin "The '100 million Fengyun' of the True and False Boss", "The 'Daughter' of the Overlord, It Turned Out to Be", "The Fight for Favor is Better Than the True Pet" short video series, the president, the daughter of the rich family, the young master, and the housekeeper are complete.

Then during the 618 period, Bee Surprise also launched "The 37th Exclusive Pet of the Bee", which integrated the short drama into the live broadcast.

Wei Ya and his wife are eyeing the "most profitable track in 2023" this time.

According to the "2023 Short Drama Industry Research Report", in 2023, the market size of short dramas will reach 37.39 billion, and it is expected to exceed 50 billion in 2024. Another agency predicts that the market size of micro-short dramas will reach more than 100 billion yuan in 2027.

The myth of "a short drama to achieve financial freedom" was born.

According to public data, the short drama "Wushuang" was launched on the WeChat mini program from August 25 last year, and the revenue exceeded 100 million yuan after 8 days of broadcasting.

It is also rumored that the short drama "Black Lotus Upper Manual" produced by Mimeng broke 20 million yuan in 24 hours, but many practitioners said that it could only be regarded as "okay", and it was not even top-notch.

Li Jin, a Tencent producer and producer of the well-known short drama "Big Mom's World", told The Paper that in this industry, it is not uncommon for the overall payment income to exceed 10 million or even reach hundreds of millions of yuan.

With low investment, fast return on investment, and high cost performance, the short drama market quickly became popular out of the circle, attracting a number of live broadcast e-commerce players to enter the game.

At the end of last year, Douyin and Kuaishou's head MCN company, Wuwu Media, jointly produced a live-action interactive video product "Goddess Advent in a Different Space to Find Love"; In March this year, Xinxuan Group issued an internal official announcement, saying that it had established a short video live streaming company; In April, Crazy Brother Yang's company "Three Sheep Network" released the first short drama launch ceremony video......

Wei Ya joined, and the reason is not difficult to understand. First, short dramas are linked to live streaming, and brand-customized short dramas and short drama-style live broadcasts have gradually developed into monetization channels that can be stably converted; Second, short dramas with rich content can increase user open rate and activity.

In addition, from the perspective of cost, compared with other popular tracks, short dramas have a relatively low threshold, a shorter cycle, and controllable investment, which means that the company's transformation speed can also be fast.

But even if the resources are as strong as Wei Ya, it cannot be said that the road to self-made short dramas is smooth sailing.

As of press time, the likes + collection data of the three videos of the Bee Surprise Club are not good, and after being posted on Douyin, the best video has only 70 likes.

Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

▲ On the Douyin account of the Bee Surprise Club, the event preview was released in the form of a short drama.

Brother Xiao Yang is in a similar situation: after the first vertical screen paid short drama "Fu Ye, Your Substitute Bride is a Big Guy" was launched, it failed to enter the TOP20 list, and industry insiders commented that its quality was "indescribable".

is similar to live broadcasting, and the short drama track is still inseparable from the "28 Law", and most of them are accompanying the characters.

"Entrepreneurial Mentor" Wei Ya

It's been two and a half years since she left the live broadcast room, and Wei Ya's influence is still there.

Weibo's "Wei Ya's Woman" topic has 660 million views, and in January this year, Wei Ya had 7 million more followers on Taobao Live than Li Jiaqi.

"When is my sister coming back?" On social platforms, there are still many people waiting for Wei Ya to return.

In the market, there are indeed various signs that Wei Ya is going to make a comeback in the live broadcast room: since last year, Wei Ya has frequently appeared in the video content of her husband Dong Haifeng; This year, every Friday, Wei Ya will update her recent life on the official account and keep in close contact with fans.

Wei Ya never left.

In April last year, Wei Ya attended the Zhejiang "Time-honored Brand Guochao Digital Salon" as the "chief tutor" of Zhejiang Century-old Brand Research Institute and Guochao College, and shared her experience on "How to Use Live E-commerce to Empower Time-honored Brands".

Previously, in October 2022, Wei Ya also taught in the same capacity at the fourth training class for the heads of Chinese time-honored brands, teaching relevant content in the field of e-commerce live broadcast to many time-honored brands.

According to 36Kr, in 2023, except for important holidays such as the New Year and National Day, Wei Ya will have something to do almost every month: in March, she won the honorary title of "Fuding White Tea Recommendation Officer for Rural Revitalization"; In April, he attended the Hangzhou Time-honored Brand Carnival to impart the experience and suggestions of live broadcast e-commerce; In May, the investment company Delmar was listed; In July, it donated to the flood-stricken areas in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei......

This year, Weiya's key words are entrepreneur training, time-honored brand revival, rural revitalization, industry innovation, love and public welfare, etc.

On June 17, Wei Ya once again stood in the spotlight and appeared in the "first lesson of entrepreneurship" of Zhejiang's platform economy.

The specifications of the event are not low, guided by the Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, hosted by the Hangzhou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and the People's Government of Qiantang District, Hangzhou.

Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

▲Wei Ya attended the first lesson of "entrepreneurship" of Zhejiang platform economy. The picture comes from the Qianjiang Evening News.

Judging from the official information, the "first lesson of entrepreneurship" expects to accelerate the cultivation of high-level innovative talents through the 100 entrepreneurial mentor program and the platform economy training base. By the end of this year alone, the task of achieving more than 100,000 initial education has been clarified.

Wei Ya did not just appear simply, but as an invited guest, she commented on the first batch of selected typical cases of platform economy entrepreneurship.

exceeded fans' expectations and Wei Ya, who had faded out of the public focus for a long time, appeared several times at official events.

The position is the co-founder of Qianxun Culture Media Co., Ltd., who is a serial entrepreneur, and appears with him with key information such as the Market Supervision Bureau, the Entrepreneurship Mentor Program, and the platform economy.

Doesn't make much sense to seek a replay?

The story of "Live First Sister" seems to be an old calendar.

After the tax evasion incident, the operating company behind Wei Ya Qianxun Cultural Transformation MCN Agency, launched more than 20 live broadcast rooms such as "Bee Surprise Club", "Bee Joy Club", and "Bee Wish Club".

The people are still those people, the anchor and the director are all the original members of Wei Ya's team, the style of the live broadcast room has not changed, and the selection criteria also refer to the past, but Wei Ya in the C position is missing.

More than two years have passed, and as of June this year, Bee Surprise Club has become the TOP live broadcast room of the "King Anchor General List" on Taobao Station, with more than 12.6 million fans, taking on the GMV burden of Qianxun.

In 618 this year, the opening report released by Taobao Live showed that the Bee Surprise Club followed Li Jiaqi and became one of the 19 talent live broadcast rooms with Taobao's sales exceeding 100 million yuan as of 24 o'clock on May 31. Last year in 618, the turnover of Bee Surprise Club exceeded 1.7 billion yuan, and the team ranked first in the total list of Taobao king anchors.

In addition, Wei Ya's former assistant broadcaster Qi'er has also become the head anchor of Douyin, and her current fans on Douyin have exceeded 7 million.

Wei Ya, who "made a comeback", was busy changing careers

▲Screenshot of Qi'er's Douyin account.

According to Feigua data, in this year's 6.18 promotion, Qi'er's first live broadcast won sales of 12.923 million yuan. In the list of Douyin influencers in May, Qi'er ranked eighth.

Everything is in order.

At present, Qianxun Culture alone has seven major layouts, including content production, e-commerce, operation, marketing, brokerage, IP licensing, and community/knowledge payment. The construction of the supply chain is also being continuously deepened, and it has a super supply chain base of more than 10,000 square meters, with tens of thousands of SKUs in storage.

It seems that there is nothing to do with Wei Ya, do you still need her to rebroadcast?

In the past two years, while Wei Ya "disappeared", the entire live broadcast e-commerce industry has also been turned upside down.

The salient feature is that the big anchors have collectively retired.

Douyin's first brother Dong Yuhui and Crazy Brother Yang have reduced the frequency of bringing goods in the live broadcast room, the former focuses on cultural tourism live broadcast and interview live broadcast, and the latter turns to shoot short dramas and hold music festivals; Simba announced that he would stop live streaming for 2 years and devote himself to the study of AI ...... Since last year, whether it is Li Jiaqi, Crazy Brother Yang, Simba or Dong Yuhui, they have all shown fatigue during the live broadcast more than once, and even clearly expressed that they are tired of the work of live broadcasting.

The golden age of live streaming e-commerce is almost over.

The live broadcast anchors who used to earn tens of thousands of yuan a night are not having a good time now - Feigua data shows that in the first live broadcast of Douyin's "618" this year, the turnover of several major anchors such as Guangdong couple, Qi'er, and Pan Yurun will drop by 86.4%, 88.46%, and 77% respectively compared with the same period in 2023.

"Previously, the 'anchor' had a high voice of 70% in the industrial chain, but now it is only 20%." Chen Binhao, head of Hanyi e-commerce, said that in recent years, the dependence of merchants on anchors has gradually decreased.

The "newcomer" has stabilized, the industry is declining again, and the significance of Wei Ya's search for rebroadcast is not as important as it was two years ago.

For Wei Ya and Qian Xun, it is better to charge in front of the stage than to operate behind the scenes.

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