
Do you wear underwear for running? This topic is a little awkward, but it is necessary to communicate

author:Xiang 168

#你平时跑步会穿内裤吗?#今天看到这个话题讨论: Do you usually wear underwear when you run? Runners really dare to ask, but although this topic is a little embarrassing, since I dare to ask, I will talk about my feelings truthfully.

Do you wear underwear for running? This topic is a little awkward, but it is necessary to communicate

In the first few years of running, I wore underwear, but in the last two years, I have been running without underwear. In the past, I went to Decathlon to buy sports underwear for running, and I thought that everyone was running in underwear, but during the running process, I slowly felt that wearing underwear had 2 troubles and 1 reassurance:

1. There is a sense of constraint

Whether it's a triangle or a boxer, running will have a sense of speed, running is a free-spirited activity, I like the feeling of freedom of running in shorts and short sleeves, and running in underwear will also grind to that part of the thigh, which is really uncomfortable.

Do you wear underwear for running? This topic is a little awkward, but it is necessary to communicate

2. Increase the trouble of washing clothes

After running, I will generally take a shower and wash my clothes, and I will undoubtedly wash more clothes when wearing underwear, especially in summer, I will take a shower and wash my clothes after a morning run, and I have to take a shower and wash my clothes at night, and I have to wash 2 pairs of underwear every day.

3. Don't worry, if you don't wear underwear, you won't go out

The point is, even if you run without underwear, it won't lead to running out, and now shorts are lined, so you don't have to worry about it at all.

Do you wear underwear for running? This topic is a little awkward, but it is necessary to communicate

Finally, this is an awkward question that I have never discussed with my fellow runners, and I wonder if anyone agrees with my approach. Today, I borrowed the discussion topic recommended by the platform, and I happened to talk about my own practice, and I also asked weakly: Runners, it's summer, do you wear underwear when you run?

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