
Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity

author:Qitaihe release

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Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity
Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity
Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 28, Wuken Town, Boli County, held a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" with "one heart and one mind, follow the party, unite the 'rope' and gather strength to promote unity". The town's cadres and 12 administrative village teams participated in the event.

The event is divided into three parts, namely hiking, party knowledge quiz, and tug-of-war. In the hiking, the participants set off from the town government, the whole journey is about 5 kilometers, everyone breathes fresh air, bathes in the bright sunshine, enjoys the beautiful scenery along the way, laughs and laughs all the way, and the atmosphere is harmonious. The party's knowledge quiz around the "July 1st" theme set up related questions, covering the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China", "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and current affairs and politics, etc., everyone enthusiastically answered, and the way of teaching in the competition made the town and village cadres strengthen their theoretical study and consolidate their theoretical foundation. The atmosphere of the tug-of-war competition was warm, the cheers came and went, the participants were in high spirits, concentrated their efforts, thought in one place, worked hard in one place, twisted into a rope, cohesion, tenacious struggle, friendship and responsibility, and enthusiasm.

This activity strengthened the construction of grassroots party organizations and party members, enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of grassroots party organizations, enhanced the collective sense of honor and responsibility of party members, and boosted the spirit of party members and cadres in the town. Everyone said that they would take this event as an opportunity to devote themselves to future work with more enthusiasm and higher morale, and strive to promote the high-quality development of various work.

Reporter: Zheng Qi Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity
Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity

Highly recommended

Follow the party with one heart and one mind, boost the spirit of party members, and celebrate the "July 1st" to promote unity

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