
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast


From dirt to dust, to AI subversive creation, short dramas have come to the next level.

The trailer of the country's first AIGC-generated continuous narrative drama "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" has finally been launched.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

From the establishment of the movie project of the same name in 2022, everyone has been looking forward to this Sanxingdui-themed content, until 2024, Bona Film and Douyin will launch it again in the form of a micro-short drama, bringing a heavier surprise - AI+ science fiction, and the author's curiosity about this work is directly full.

The amount of information in the 2-minute trailer is really big and the pyramid is gone? The tenth divine bird of the bronze god tree in Sanxingdui is the key to open the Zongmu human tomb? What is ACE? Why set up the ancient Shu data module for Sanxingdui? What kind of crisis will humanity encounter in the future?

Netizens also left messages, and they can't wait to see the full episode.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

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Bona Films, Douyin and Jimeng AI jointly created, "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" is a very rare theme of short dramas at present, using generative artificial intelligence (AIGC) technology to create a sci-fi short drama, the first season has a total of 12 episodes, and is scheduled to be launched on Douyin in the near future.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

The short play sets the story in the near future of the rapid development of science and technology, and the changes in the relics of the ancient civilization of the earth have attracted attention, and relevant organizations speculate that the Sanxingdui cultural relics contain key information to solve the civilization crisis. Sanxingdui archaeologist Jiang Cheng and scientist Wu Xingyan launched an adventure across time and space with their opponents.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

The Sanxingdui culture, which is already mysterious, is the most suitable for artificial intelligence technology, and I have to admire the planning ability of Bona Films. According to the data, this is the first short play of the AI studio established by Bona this year, AIGMS Production Center.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

When short dramas continue to be equated with short dramas, everyone forgets that short dramas are actually a complex creative and execution process, which requires close cooperation between team members and the combination of different skills, and the addition of AI can actually improve the quality and efficiency of short drama production.

With the help of the Instant Dream AI platform, the team has successfully integrated ten cutting-edge AI technologies such as AI script creation, concept and storyboard design, and lens generation with the bean bag large model technology as the core, and applied it to script creation, storyboard design, image-to-video conversion, video editing, and media content enhancement. The bronze mask, bronze gold tree and other Sanxingdui "heavy weapons" have been successfully restored, and the glory of national cultural relics has been presented to the world again. Break the limitations of static narration of AI-generated film and television works, and bring a better visual and auditory experience.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

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"AI technology is not the future, the future is here, and AI is profoundly changing the pattern of the film and television industry." Yu Dong once said.

The "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" series jointly created by Bona and Douyin explores the three-step model from "AIGC pure generative short dramas" to "AI+ real-life long dramas" to "AI+ industrialized films", forming an "N+2" closed-loop model for film and television IP development, bringing a unique and innovative audio-visual experience to the audience and providing more creative freedom and innovation possibilities for film and television creators.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

In the production of "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse", Bona will give full play to the technical potential of the existing AIGC, previously, Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Films, mentioned, "The digital person in the project "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" will also appear in Bona's live-action movies in the future, and the short drama is more of a prelude and preview function. In Yu Dong's view, the relationship between film and television content and AI, if it is "movie + AI", AI is a tool, and if it is "AI + movie", there are infinite possibilities in the future.

The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast
The short drama has been next level, and the first AI sci-fi short drama Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse is about to be broadcast

In other words, the appearance of "Sanxingdui: Future Apocalypse" is not only a perfect combination of culture and technology, but also a brilliant symphony of artificial intelligence and film and television art. This practice also allowed Bona to verify the feasibility and commercial value of AI-generated film dramas as a new quality of productivity, and the future film and television industry will usher in a revolution brought by artificial intelligence.

However, for now, in order to rely on AI to fully automatically generate high-quality short dramas, it still requires the expertise and intuition of creators as a leading decision. Artificial intelligence is still only a powerful auxiliary tool, and the final idea should still be decided by humans, so as to ensure that the content of the short drama has both artistic and humanistic value.