
Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

author:Jilin Rural Daily

Township business card: Xiwei Town is located in the south of Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, 16 kilometers away from the county seat, and there is a highway and a four-good rural road within its jurisdiction. The town has 8 administrative villages, 65 natural tuns, 81 villager groups, an area of 129 square kilometers, a cultivated area of 5055.65 hectares, and a permanent population of 2467 households and 6414 people. The Party Committee of Xiwei Town has 13 party branches under its jurisdiction, with a total of 465 party members.

In June, Yitong is in the middle of summer, full of flowers, verdant trees, and every inch of land is full of vitality.

In recent years, under the correct leadership of the county party committee and the county government, Xiwei Town has thoroughly implemented the overall idea of "12131415" of the county party committee, further promoted the study and education of party discipline, and adhered to the development concept of party building as the guide and people-centered, so that the organizational construction, infrastructure, ecological environment, cultural field and other aspects have been greatly improved and upgraded.

Xiwei Town, a land with profound historical and cultural heritage, is radiating new vitality under the guidance of party building. Characteristic industries are booming, the living environment has continued to improve, the construction of rural customs and civilization has been deepened, grassroots governance has been increasingly strengthened, and the people's sense of happiness and gain has been significantly improved. The farmers' cultural festival with the theme of "party building + culture" has become a bright business card for the party building work and rural work in Xiwei Town, vividly showing the beautiful vision and happy life of farmers in the new era.

Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

On June 29, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to deeply cherish the glorious history of the party and encourage the cadres and masses to devote themselves to the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with more enthusiasm, Xiwei Town held a grand theatrical performance with the theme of "Learning Regulations, Abiding by Party Discipline and Strengthening Party Spirit" and the 2024 Xiwei Town Celebration "July 1st" Farmers' Cultural Festival to celebrate the party's birthday together.

In the early morning of the 29th, the sunshine sprinkled the cultural square of Xiwei Village, Xiwei Town, full of laughter and a strong festival atmosphere, crowded with people, drums and music, and the atmosphere was warm and extraordinary.

Villagers from all over the village gathered here, dressed in festive costumes and smiling happily. With the sonorous drum beat and the crisp and melodious suona sound, the whole square was instantly surrounded by a joyful and festive atmosphere. This cultural festival is not only a literary and artistic feast, but also a concentrated display of the achievements of party building and rural revitalization in Xiwei Town in recent years.

Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

Theatrical performances are one of the highlights of this cultural festival. On the stage, the cadres and villagers presented a wonderful performance. They used passionate recitations to express their deep attachment and infinite love for the party, the motherland, and their hometown; They played the hymn of the new era with melodious folk music; They sang with high-pitched singing voices the ambition and pride of the Xiwei people to strive for the first. Each program embodies the praise of a happy life and the vision of a better future, which makes the audience intoxicated and unforgettable.

Despite the scorching sun, the masses' thirst for and yearning for spiritual and cultural life have not diminished in the slightest. People were immersed in a festive, joyful and peaceful atmosphere, and the songs of "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "Singing the Motherland" echoed over the square for a long time, arousing people's infinite love for the party and deep affection for the motherland.

"The peasant cultural festival not only enriches the spiritual and cultural life of the cadres and the masses, but also further promotes the spirit of loving the party and the country, cultivating civilized rural customs, and condensing ideological consensus. This is our common spiritual home, and it is also the source of motivation for our pursuit of a better life. Gu Yulan, secretary of the Party branch of Hongguang Village, said proudly.

Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

In addition to theatrical performances, the festival also set up a number of special exhibition areas. In the intangible cultural heritage exhibition area, handicrafts such as exquisite paper-cutting, unique rope weaving, and delicious and beautiful sugar paintings attracted many visitors to stop and watch. These handicrafts not only show the charm of traditional culture, but also make people feel the ingenuity and exquisite skills of the craftsmen. Intangible cultural heritage inheritors and calligraphy enthusiasts have expressed that they will continue to inherit and promote traditional culture and contribute cultural strength to rural revitalization.

The agricultural and sideline products exhibition area is also lively. Genuine large-fruit hazelnuts, fragrant soybean oil and other special agricultural products filled the booth, attracting many foreign visitors to stop and watch, competing to buy. These agricultural products not only meet the needs of people's taste buds, but also drive the development of local agricultural industry and increase farmers' income. Farmers and friends have said that this cultural festival has made them feel the care and support of the party and the government, and has also strengthened their confidence and determination to develop characteristic industries.

Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

In the free health clinic area, medical staff patiently provide free physical examination and health consulting services for farmers. They inquired about the condition in detail, answered questions, and gave professional advice and treatment plans. Farmers said that this free clinic activity made them feel the warmth and care of the party and the government, and also made them pay more attention to their own health problems.

"Today, we celebrate the party's birthday with the peasant cultural festival as the carrier, which is a useful attempt and vivid practice based on the actual situation of the town and combined with the study and education of party discipline." Yin Fuchun, secretary of the town party committee, said, "We will continue to deepen the party building work, carry forward the spirit of loving the party and the country, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the cadres and masses, cultivate civilized rural customs, gather ideological consensus, and inject strong spiritual power into rural revitalization." ”

Party building and culture go hand in hand, and Xiwei Town celebrates the "July 1st" cultural activities

The journey is strong, and the heavy task is to sail again. The successful holding of the "July 1st" Farmers' Cultural Festival in Xiwei Town not only brought a cultural feast to the villagers of Xiwei Town, but also further enhanced their cohesion and centripetal force, enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses through various forms of activities such as theatrical performances, special exhibition areas and health free clinics, and demonstrated the fruitful achievements of the party building work in Xiwei Town and the bright prospects of rural revitalization, and also highlighted the spiritual outlook and happy life of farmers in the new era. Build a better future together.

Author: Shen Hongsheng, Chen Lighting, Jilin Rural Daily All-Media Reporter Hou Chunqiang

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Liyun

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